Basketball Puns

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Basketball Puns”

  1. I’m not trying to Curry favor, but these puns are Golden, State your opinion.
  2. I’m going to take a shot at a basketball pun.
  3. The man walking through the airport with a basketball… must’ve been traveling.
  4. Basketball Pun: This basketball pun is nothing but net.
  5. Basketball Pun: I wanted to play basketball with the best… but they were all out of my league!
  6. I used to be addicted to basketball… but I rebounded.
  7. I got 99 problems… but my game ain’t one.season.
  8. Basketball Pick-up Line: You’re my number one draft pick.
  9. Basketball Pick-up Line: Your first name must be Kevin… because my last name is love.
  10. Basketball Pun: You can build a wall with all of these bricks!
  11. Basketball Pun: Dunkin’ ain’t just for donuts!
  12. Court-esy call: When you call an opposing player to see how he is doing after you just broke his ankles.
  13. Basketball Pun: “Let’s not get too defensive here.” basketball coach up 20 points.
  14. The basketball game is over… Time to bounce!
  15. A Court Jester: A basketball player who’s always happy!
  16. Basketball Pun: A layup… You can bank on that shot.
  17. Basketball Pun: No backboard, no problem!
  18. Basketball Pun: There are so many bricks this must be a construction site.
  19. Basketball Pun: Nothing but best swish-es.
  20. Call me the mailman… because I always deliver.
  21. Basketball Pun: Swish happens!
  22. I’m a basketball ref… I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe.
  23. Basketball Pun: You can bank on that shot.
  24. Basketball Pun: I’m hooping for the best.
  25. Basketball makes me happy; You… not so much.
  26. Basketball Pun: A “Bawler” is a sad basketball player.
  27. Basketball Pickup Line: If you were a basketball, I’d never shoot… Because I’d always miss you.
  28. Basketball Pun: I’m always a basket case during basketball season.
  29. Basketball Pun: I’m really on the ball today.
  30. Basketball Pun: Keep calm and dribble on.
  31. Basketball Pun: Bounce back like a pro!
  32. Basketball Pun: I’d tell you a basketball joke… but it’s a bit of a stretch.
  33. My significant other broke up with me… I’m on the rebound.
  34. Basketball players are the only people who can dribble and still look neat!
  35. Basketball Pun: I tried to catch some fog while playing basketball… but I mist!
  36. Basketball Pun: I’ve got a court date tonight. (Lawyer Jokes)
  37. Basketball Pun: Let’s hoop it up!
  38. Basketball Pick-up Line: You must play defense because you stole my heart.
  39. Basketball Pun: Defending my dreams like I defend the paint.
  40. Tall Stories: When you cross a basketball player and a tree.
  41. I tried to join a basketball team… but they said I was too ballsy.
  42. Basketball Pun: I’m always a basket case during the playoffs.
  43. Basketball Pun: I told my coach I wanted to be a professional player…. He said I was shooting for the stars!
  44. Basketball Pun: We’re in the same league.
  45. Basketball Pun: Let’s bounce back from this loss.
  46. Basketball Pun: You’ve got a lot of hoops to jump through.
  47. Basketball Pun: I’ll always assist you in your time of need.
  48. Basketball Pun: Don’t travel too far, you might get called for it.
  49. Basketball Pun: I’m just here for the layups and laughter.
  50. Basketball Pun: When in doubt, shoot it out!
  51. Basketball Pun: I’m really on the ball tonight.
  52. Basketball Pun: When I play basketball… I always make sure to pass the time!
  53. Basketball Pun: I’m always a basket case during the high school basketball season.
  54. Basketball players are afraid of themselves… They don’t like great heights.
  55. Basketball Pun: Got that basketball fever!
  56. Basketball Pun: Courtside vibes only.
  57. Basketball Pun: Play like there’s no tomorrow.
  58. Basketball Pun: Basketball: my favorite cardio!
  59. Basketball Pun: I’m on fire, and it’s not just the court.
  60. Basketball Pun: Just me and my ball against the world.
  61. Basketball Pun: Play hard, play smart, play together.
  62. Basketball Pun: Dribbling through life one game at a time.
  63. Golf is what you play when you’re too out of shape to play basketball.
  64. Basketball Pun: Basketball: the only drama I need.
  65. Basketball Pun: I just keep shooting my shot… one basket at a time.
  66. Basketball Pun: This court is my happy place.
  67. Basketball Pun: Basketball: where the real magic happens.
  68. Basketball Pun: Good vibes and great hoops.
  69. Basketball Pun: I can’t believe how much I love basketball… it’s really my court of interest!
  70. Basketball Pun: The rim is my best friend.
  71. Basketball Pun: Keep your head up and your shots high.
  72. Basketball Pun: My friend is great at basketball… he really knows how to shoot his shot!
  73. When the basketball got a promotion… it really dribbled its way to the top!
  74. Basketball Pun: Hustle like you mean it.
  75. Basketball Pun: I’m always a basket case during basketball tryouts.
  76. Basketball Pun: Life is better when you’re dunking.
  77. I was going to pass it to you… But the hoop was open first.
  78. Basketball Pun: I’m just here for the layups and laughter.
  79. Basketball Pun: I’m rebounding from last night’s loss.
  80. Basketball Pun: Eat, sleep, play basketball, repeat.
  81. Basketball Pun: Rise and grind, it’s game time!
  82. Basketball Pun: I’m just a layup artist in a three-point world.
  83. Basketball Pun: Life is short; make every shot count.
  84. Basketball Pun: Always take the shot; you miss 100% of the ones you don’t take.
  85. Basketball Pun: Every day is game day if you let it be.
  86. Basketball Pun: My basketball skills are like these jokes… always falling flat!
  87. Basketball Pun: If you can dream it, you can dunk it.
  88. Basketball Pun: Don’t just shoot for the stars; aim for the hoop!
  89. Basketball Pun: You must play good defense because you stole my heart.
  90. Basketball Pun: My significant other broke up with me… I’m on the rebound.
  91. Basketball Pun: I hoop you have a good day.
  92. Basketball Pun: I used to be addicted to college basketball… but I rebounded.
  93. Basketball Pun: I’m just winging it on the court.
  94. Basketball Pick-up Line: You make my heart do a fast break.
  95. Basketball Pick-up Line: You always make the assist in life.
  96. Basketball Pun: You can’t handle my crossovers.
  97. Basketball Pun: Don’t worry, just take it one hoop at a time.
  98. Basketball Pun: I told my high school coach I wanted to be a college player. He said I was shooting for the stars!
  99. I can’t believe I got kicked off the basketball team…. I guess I just wasn’t a good fit for the court!
  100. Basketball Pun: I’m always a basket case during the youth basketball season.
  101. Basketball Pun: I’m always a basket case during the college basketball season.
  102. I used to be addicted to college basketball… but I rebounded.

Basketball Jokes for January

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Basketball Jokes for January”

  1. Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Day: Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for New Year’s Eve.
  2. What New Year’s resolution should a basketball player never make?… To travel more.
  3. What does the NBA Dunk Champion say on New Year’s Eve?…. Hoppy New Year! (Easter Jokes)
  4. What did Bugs Bunny say to the Looney Tunes Squad at the New Year’s Day Practice?… Hoppy New Year!
  5. What did the basketball coach say when finishing up practice on Dec. 31?… “See you next year!”
  6. What do the basketball cheerleaders say on New Year’s Day?… Happy New Cheer!
  7. Youth Basketball Coach. “I love when they drop the ball in Times Square …… It’s a nice reminder of what my players did all year.”
  8. May all your losing streaks last as long as your 2023 New Year’s resolutions.
  9. New Year’s Eve Jokes: What song is best for a youth basketball working on his game on New Year’s Eve?… A shot in the Dark bu Ozzy Osbourne. (365 Music Jokes)
  10. Why should a basketball player stand on just his left foot during the New Year’s Eve countdown?… So he start the New Year on the right foot.
  11. They say New York Knicks has the best New Year’s Eve Party… I’d say it’s overrated — every year they drop the ball.
  12. What does the Easter Bunny say on New Year’s Eve?…. Hoppy New Year! (Easter Jokes)
  13. Not to brag, but I already have a date for New Year’s Eve… It’s December 31st.
  14. Every New Year’s Eve, I look forward to a good show at Time’s Square …… and year after year, they drop the ball. (New York Jokes)
  15. Youth Basketball Coach: “I promise not to make any bad jokes for the rest of the year.” A coach at New Year’s Eve practice. (Dad Jokes)
  16. What did the basketball coach say to his players on New Year’s Eve?… Let’s celebrate New Year’s Eve? …… Don’t make any pour decisions!

Basketball Jokes for February

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Basketball Jokes for February”

  1. Basketball Jokes for Groundhog DayWhat do you call a groundhog that plays basketball?… A ball hog. (Ground Hog Day Jokes)
  2. Basketball Jokes for Groundhog DayWhy was Phil kicked off the Punxsutawney basketball team?… For being a ball hog.
  3. Basketball Jokes for Groundhog DayPunxsutawney Phil played in a 3v3 basketball tournament with his mom and dad and WON… No one could stop the Pick and Pop!
  4. What month do high school basketball coaches drink the most coffee?… Fe-BREW-ary!
  5. What do you call a groundhog that plays basketball?… A ball hog. (World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
  6. February 14th Basketball Jokes for Valentine’s Day: Who loves to shoot 3’s?… Cupid!

Christmas Vacation Tips for High School Basketball Players

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Merry Christmas.

We hope Santa brought you a nice new leather basketball. You never can have enough basketballs. We also hope he also brought you some other basketball Christmas gifts such as new sneakers, enrollment at a basketball camp, or tickets to a college basketball or NBA game.

If you are a high school basketball player, basketball is on your mind on Christmas and every other day of the season. Christmas Break is Week #4 of the Massachusetts high school basketball season. The 1st three weeks are a complete blur for the majority of players – tryouts, scrimmages, and first game.

Christmas Vacation week is unlike any other. There are practices, Christmas tournaments and non-league games.

On Christmas Day, enjoy time with your family. If you’re going to a big family gathering, and the weather is nice, shoot some hoops outside. Maybe go for a dribble walk with a grandparent or cousing in the neighborhood. But try to do something to get the ball in your hands in a fun, casual, and productive way.

Enjoy this week because basketball should be the only big thing on your plate. It’s school break so there are no classes. There should be little or no homework and all your focus can be on basketball. Christmas Vacation is the one window where a player can actually spend some significant time improving skills. The easiest way to do this is to show up early to practice and/or stay late.

it also is an opportunity for you to complete some individual workouts at a gym. Most communities have some opportunities where you can get to a basketball court. This may cost a little bit of money, but there are a lot of opportunities where players can simply drop in pay $10-$20 and get a workout in.

Focus on your shot and scoring moves. Do not simply just go play pick up. As a high school player, there are many areas of the game you can work on. Free throw shooting is probably the most important part of any high school basketball game as the season progresses. If you can be a top free throw shooter on your team, you will significantly improve your chances of being on the court at the end of the game.

Use HUDL to really analyze your game so far. Take some time and sit down with a coach, an older player, a teammate, or a parent that knows basketball. Really look at the finer points of your game. Look at your defensive rotations. Look at your positioning on offense. Look at where you catch the ball. Look at scoring opportunities. Analyze your shooting percentages.

Perhaps create a scoring move workout of all the moves you have attempted in a game. Simply practice those moves that you’re taking and hopefully making in games. These will be the same opportunities that be available in future games.

Evaluate your role within the team and possibly do a little more to expand your role. Coaches are pretty set with rotations at this point in season, but there are a few players who will earn more chances, while others might be sliding down the bench if they are making turnovers, missing shots, and not making hustle plays. If you are getting opportunities, make the most of them. If you get limited opportunities in games, work your tail off in practice to try to do a little extra to continue to get better, because at some pointm you will get a chance especially underclassmen.

High School Basketball: February

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

January 27th – February 2nd Week #9: The Most Important Week of the Season

February 3rd – February 9th Week #10:

February 10th – February 16th Week #11:

February 17th – February 23rd Week #12: Massachusetts High School Basketball: February Vacation Week

February 24th – March 2nd State Tournament Week #1 / High School Season Week #13:

College Basketball: Spring Semester

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.


January 13th – January 19th (2 games):

January 20th – January 26th: 

January 27th – February 2nd:



High School Basketball: New Year, New Role

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Happy New Year!

It is week #5 of the high school basketball season. Technically, we should’ve shared this at the start of the season, however, with the New Year and a quarter of the season more than done, we felt now was the appropriate time to share the concept of how each year, a player will have a different role. Also, it takes few weeks to define a role clearly

It is important to understand that throughout the course of a season, a player can assume a few different roles, depending upon injuries, opponents, sickness, and an incredible amount of other factors. To have a successful season, it is critical that a player (and his family) understand his role. Once a role is clear, a player MUST fully embrace that role. 

Different Roles

Your role on your team is based on talent, experience, and chemistry. If you have all three, stop reading and go do your thing. If you don’t, here are a few pointers.

Each new year brings a new journey. The four journeys for a high school basketball player are freshman year, sophomore year, junior year, and senior year. To be a good basketball player we feel it is critical to have short-term focus. By short-term focus we mean place all your energy on TODAY! Long-term should be this week. 

Improve Each Day

Try to get a little bit better each day. In some cases that might mean resting, but in most cases a player should do some type skill development. To be a good basketball player, simply practicing with your team is not going to be enough. You will be an average player, because every player in the state and every player in your program is practicing just as much as you. 

Start with an extra 10 to 15 minutes of individual skill development. Just a little extra work will give you confidence that you are doing more than the average player. Overtime, these brief workouts will result in slow, steady improvement. It is important for you to focus on skills that are most important in helping your team win and more importantly earning you playing time and a chance to be on the court. 

Do Pushups

Create a pushup chart and do pushups each day. Many players do pushups each day, but many don’t. Simply doing pushups will separate your from the other players.

Jump Rope

Basketball is not an equal opportunity sport, just like it is or should be at the high school level. You have to earn your minutes. The best way to do this is to get to practice early or stay late. Sometimes another team might be coming in right after you so there’s no opportunity for workout in the gym. 

In this case, jump rope. Jumping rope is one of the best season activities for a player to increase stamina, upper body, strength, and quickness. Adding quickness can impact so many aspects of basketball – offense, defense, rebounding, jumping and getting to the rim. 

A simple jump rope routine could be as simple as

  1. A two minute warm-up, 
  2. 2-3 sets of one minute. Try to get as many repetitions as possible. A good high school basketball player should be able to score in the range of 160 to 190 repetitions if they work at it.

Shot Fakes

Watch a high school game and pay attention to how many shot fakes or ball fakes are made during the game. You will be amazed. At the freshman level or the varsity level, in most programs, you’ll be lucky to see double digit fakes. At the sub-varsity level, you can probably count the shot fakes on one hand. 

We try to keep the game simple and encourage a basketball player to focus on three things when they catch the ball. 

  1. Catch and shoot
  2. Show and go (to a strong hand dribble)
  3. Rip the hip (to a weak hand dribble) 

Practicing shot fakes can be done at home in front of a mirror. Or if the weather is not too cold you can practice outside in a driveway or at a court.

The Million Dollar Move

If you have time and a basket, focus on your Million Dollar Move. Be the best on the team at this one move. Once you master the Million Dollar Move. Every chance a player gets at the high school level, a player should go to his Million Dollar Move until it is stopped. To make the Million Dollar Move valuable, it is important for a player to have a counter move. As a player adds more scoring movers, he can have MANY Million Dollar Moves. 

Stationary Dribbling Drills

All players can have a better handle. Complete a 5-10 minute stationary ball drills or the tennis ball series every day. Over the course of the season, those minutes will add up to hours. Hours of skill development over the season will make a huge difference in a player’s talent level. 

Try to expand your role on the team by working a little more each day.

Completing an extra workout should be your number one goal. Each week to be the most improved player in your program. If you have the mindset that every single day you’re going to be the most improved player, that means you will be the most improved player for the week. And you can do that an entire basketball season, we think you will be very happy with the results. 

Good luck check back for more ideas on the high school basketball year.

Division III College Basketball: January

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

December 30th – January 5th (3 games): Winter Break. Many teams travel to play in a tournament or play opponents from another part of the country.

January 6th – January 12th (2 games): The final week before students return to campus. It has been nice to be a college athlete for a few weeks without having to worry about the student part of it. Get ready for back to school and get off to a great start academically.

January 13th – January 19th (2 games):

January 20th – January 26th: 

January 27th – February 2nd:

Division III College Basketball: December

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

December is a stop and go month for some Division III Basketball teams and leagues. With the end of the semester, reading week, and finals, so programs do not practice at all. There are no commitments for members of the program, although some may choose to complete individual workouts.

November 25th – December 1st: Thanksgiving Week Some schools will give the players Wednesday and Thursday off. Friday practice will be later in the day and there will be games on Saturday or Sunday, and in some cases maybe both days.

December 2nd – December 8th: A typical week for most colleges. However the last game before Christmas may be played on Sunday.

December 9th – December 15th: Reading Week and Finals.

December 16th – December 22nd: Reading Week and Finals.

December 23rd – December 29th: Winter Break: Practice starts up December 26th the day after Christmas and many teams have a two-day tournament.

December 30th – January 5th: Winter Break. Many teams travel to play in a tournament or play opponents from another part of the country.