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- 365 Top Basketball Twitter Accounts: Basketball Account of the Day
- Massachusetts Athletic Directors on Twitter
- Top Massachusetts Boys High School X Basketball Accounts
- Top Massachusetts Girls High School X Basketball Accounts
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We love Massachusetts high school basketball and we want to make it easy for coaches parents and players to follow local team for latest game time, updates, and scores. We hope you find it helpful.
We have organized the twitter accounts associated with Massachusetts high school basketball in two ways:
- Top twitter accounts associated with based on following @basketballK123 and the number of followers
- High School Basketball accounts by league. (We have included the Athletic Director twitter accounts in parenthesis)
News & Resources
- Danny Ventura @BostonHeraldHS (53.6K followers) Boston Herald.
- Dave Hopla @davehopla (7.3K followers) Author of the #1 Book for Teaching Players How to Shoot a Basketball
- Nate Weitzer @nweitzer7 (6.7K followers) Boston, MA
- MBCA @mbcaorg (2K followers)
- Coach @baskeetballk123 (.5 followers)
Girls Basketball Accounts
- BRGirlsBasketball @BRgirlshoops (1.6 followers)
- CHS Girls Basketball @Canton_Bulldogs (1.4K followers) Canton, MA
- Coach Diana Mitchell Newcomb @dmitch1500 (.9 followers)
- Dracut Lady Middies @LadyMiddies (.9 followers)
- Coach @basketballK123 (.5K followers) USA
- Julia Sanborn @JuliaJSanborn (.5K followers)
- Danvers Girls Basketball @GBallDanvers (.5K followers)
- Methuen High School Girls Basketball @rangersbball1 (.4K followers)
- CarverLCBHoops @LcbHoops (.3K followers)
- LCHS GirlsBasketball @lchsgirlsball (.2K followers)
MIAA League Directory: We will organize the leagues according the MIAA league directory page.
District 1
Berkshire County League
- Drury High School: Drury Blue Devils Girls Basketball @DruryGirlsHoops (.1K followers) @DrurySports (.5K followers)
- Hoosac Valley Middle/High School: @HVHSHurricanes (.2K followers)
- Lee Middle/High School: @LMHS413
- Lenox Memorial Middle & High School:
- Monument Mountain Regional High School:
- Mount Everett Regional High School: @everett_eagles (.2K followers)
- Mount Greylock Regional School: @AthleticsMG (.7K followers)
- Pittsfield High School: @PHSTaconicSport (1.1K followers)
- Taconic High School: @PHSTaconicSport (1.1K followers)
- Wahconah Regional High School: @Wahconahbball (.5K followers) @WRHSGoBlue (1.2K followers) Dalton, MA
Independent: Phoenix Charter Academy (@phoenixcharter)
Pioneer Valley League
- Agawam High School: @BrownieSports (1.5K followers)
- Amherst-Pelham Regional High School: @AmherstCanes (.1K followers)
- Athol High School: @AtholBears (.8K followers)
- Baystate Academy Charter Public: @baystatehoops11 (.3K followers)
- Belchertown High School: @BHSOrioleHoop @OriolesAthltcs (1.1K followers)
- Chicopee Comprehensive High School: Comp_Colts_Hoop @CompBoysBball (1K followers)
- Chicopee High School:
- East Longmeadow High School: @elhsbb (2K followers) @ELHSspartans (1.5K followers)
- Easthampton High School: @SportsEHS (.5K followers)
- Franklin County Technical School: @FCTSAthletics (.1K followers) @franklinctytech
- Frontier Regional School @FRSAthletics
- Gateway Regional High School:
- Granby Jr./Sr. High School: (@rams_ghs)
- Greenfield High School: @Gfield_AD1 .(6K followers)
- Hampden Charter School of Science: (@HampdenCharter)
- Hampshire Regional Middle/High School: @HR_BoysHoops @GoHRRaiders (.3K followers)
- High School of Commerce:
- Holyoke High School: (@Holyoke_High)
- Hopkins Academy: @HopScores (.7K followers)
- John J. Duggan Academy:
- Longmeadow High School: @MeadowAthletics (.7K followers)
- Ludlow High School: @Ludlowboysbball (.4K followers) @Lionathletics (1.4K followers)
- Mahar Regional School: @rcmathletics (.2K followers)
- McCann Technical High School: (@MTHornets)
- Minnechaug Regional High School: (@ChaugAthletics)
- Mohawk Trail Regional School: (@MTRSDistrict)
- Monson High School: (@MonsonBoosters)
- Northampton High School: (@NHSbluedevils)
- Palmer High School: (@PHSathleticsPHS)
- Pathfinder Tech High School:
- Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter: (@PFSJAthletics)
- Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School: (@PVCICS_FA)
- Pioneer Valley Christian Academy:
- Pioneer Valley Regional School: (@pvrsathletics)
- Pope Francis Preparatory School: @PFcardinals (1K followers)
- Roger L. Putnam Vocational Technical Academy:
- Springfield Renaissance School:
- Sabis International Charter School:
- Saint Mary Parish High School:
- Smith Academy:
- Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School:
- South Hadley High School: (@SHTIGERS413)
- Southwick Regional School: (@RamsSouthwick)
- Springfield Central High School: (@SpringfieldCHS)
- Springfield HS of Sci. and Tech.:
- Turners Falls High School: (@TFHSathletics)
- Ware Jr/Sr High School: (@WareathleticsAD)
- West Springfield High School:
- Westfield High School: @Westfield_Hoops @WHSBombers (1.4K followers)
- Westfield Technical Academy:
District 2
Central Mass
- Notre Dame Academy – Worcester @ndaworcathletic (.7K followers)
- Saint Bernard’s High School @BernardianAthl1 (.7K followers)
- Saint John’s High School @SJHS_Hoops (.6K followers) @SJHS_PioneersAD (2.4K followers)
- Saint Paul Diocesan Jr/Sr HS
Colonial Athletic
- Abby Kelley Foster Charter Public High School
- Advanced Math & Science Academy Charter School (@AMSACS)
- Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School (@AssabetValley)
- Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School
- Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School @BVTBeavers (2.9K followers)
- Joseph P Keefe Technical High School
- Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School
- Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School
- Worcester Technical High School @wteagles (.6K followers)
Dual Valley
- Blackstone-Millville Regional High School: (@BMRathletics) Blackstone, MA
- Douglas High School @DouglasTigersAD (.7K followers) Douglas, MA
- Hopedale High School: @hopedalehoops (.9K folllowers) @hopedalesports (2.1K followers) Hopedale, MA
- Nipmuc Regional High School: @NipmucAD (2.1K followers) Upton, MA
- Sutton High School: Sutton Athletic SABC @SuttonSABC (.3K followers) Sutton, MA
- Whitinsville Christian High School High School:
- Burncoat High School
- Claremont Academy
- Doherty High School (@DHSAthletics)
- South High Community School
- University Park Campus
Worcester North High School
District 3
Worcester South County A
- Auburn High School (@AuburnRockets) Auburn, Massachusetts
- Grafton High School @GraftonAD (2.1K followers) THE SWAMP – Home Of The Gators
- Northbridge High School @NBRamsAthletics (1.3K followers) Northbridge, MA
- Tantasqua High Regional School @AD_TRHS (.9K followers)
Worcester South County B
- Bartlett High School (@bartlett_sports)
- Millbury High School @Woolie_Pride (1.3K followers) Millbury, MA
- Southbridge High School @SMHS__Athletics (.3K followers)
- Uxbridge High School @UHS_Spartans (1.5K followers) Uxbridge, MA
Worcester South County C
- David Prouty High School
- Leicester High School (@wolverinesLeic) Leicester, MA
- Oxford High School
- Quaboag Regional Middle High School @BoagAthletics (.6K followers) Warren, MA
Midland Wachusett Division A
- Algonquin Regional High School: @ARHSAthletics (2.3K followers) Northborough, Mass
- Leominster High School @LeomBoysBBall (.55K followers) @LeomAthletics (2.1K followers)
- Shepherd Hill Regional High School @SH_Boys_Bball (.4K followers) @SHRamsAthletics (1.5K followers)
- Shrewsbury High School: @ColonialsAD (3.5K followers)
- Wachusett Regional High School: @Wachubball (.5K followers) @WachusettAD (3.9K followers) Holden, MA
Midland Wachusett Division B
- Fitchburg High School: Fitchburg Athletics @FitchburgAD (1.6K followers) Fitchburg, MA
- Groton-Dunstable Regional High School: @GDboyshoop (.3K followers) Athletics @GDCrusaders (1.4K followers)
- Marlborough High School @MarlboroHoops (.3K followers) MHSathletics @Jrudzinsky (1.1K followers)
- Nashoba Regional High School @nashobaAD (3.6K followers) Bolton, MA
- Westborough High School @WestboroRangers (2.3K followers) Westborough, MA
Midland Wachusett Division C
- Gardner High School: @GHSAthletics4 (.4K followers) Gardner, MA
- Hudson High School @HHSHawksAD (2K followers) Hudson, Ma
- North Middlesex Regional High School: @NMAthleticsAD (1.8K followers)
- Oakmont Regional High School: @ORHSAthletics (1.3K followers) South Ashburnham, MA
- Quabbin Regional High School @QuabbinAD (.9K followers) Barre, MA
Midland Wachusett Division D
- Bromfield High School Harvard, MA
- Clinton High School @GaelsAthletics (.8K follower) Clinton, MA
- Littleton High School: @lps_athletics (1.3K followers) Littleton, MA
- Lunenburg High School @BlueKnightsAD1 (.8K followers)
- Tyngsborough High School @tyngtigersports (1.7K followers)
Midland Wachusett Division E
- Ayer Shirley Regional High School @ASRHSAthletics (1.3K followers)
- Maynard High School: @Maynard_AD (.8K followers) Maynard, MA
- Murdock High School
- Narragansett High School: @GansettAthletic (.2K followers) Baldwinville, MA
- Tahanto Regional Middle-High School
- West Boylston Middle-High School: @athletics_wb (.3K followers) West Boylston MA
Worcester County Athletic Conference
- Bethany Christian Academy
- Immaculate Heart of Mary School
- North Brookfield Jr./Sr. HS
- Notre Dame Prep School
- Sizer School
- South Lancaster Academy
- Trivium School
- Worcester County High School
- Abby Kelley Foster High School
District 4
Dual County League Large
- Acton-Boxborough High School: Acton-Boxborough Athletics @ABRevsAthletics (.7K followers) Acton, MA
- Bedford High School: @BedfordBucs (2.5K followers)
- Boston Latin High School: @BLS_Athletics (2.6K followers) Boston, MA
- Cambridge Rindge & Latin School @CRLSFalcons (2.1K followers) Cambridge, MA
- Concord-Carlisle High School: @CCPatsAD (2.5K followers) Concord, MA
- Lincoln-Sudbury High School: @Warriors978 (1.8K followers)
- Newton South High School (@NSHS_Athletics) Newton MA
- Waltham High School @WHawkSAthletics (1.4K followers)
- Wayland High School: @WaylanAthletics (1.6K followers) Wayland, MA
- Westford High School: @TheWAGhosts (2.7K followers) 30 Patten Rd Westford MA
- Weston High School: @WestonAthletic (2K followers)
Collegiate Charter School of Lowell (@CCSL_SABIS) Lowell, MA
League TBD
Merrimack Valley Division I
- Andover High School: @AndoverWarriors (3.3K followers) Andover MA
- Billerica Memorial High School @BMHS_Athletics (5K followers) Billerica, MA
- Central Catholic High School @CCRaider_GHoops (1.1K followers) @CCRaider_sports (5.1K followers) Lawrence, Ma
- Chelmsford High School: @Lionshoop (.8K followers) @CHSAthletics (2.3K followers) Chelmsford MA
- Haverhill High School: @BoysHaverhill (.5K followers) @GoHillies (2.5K followers) Haverhill, Massachusetts
Lowell High School @lowellhighbball (1.1K followers) @_LHSAthletics (3.2K followers) Lowell, MA - North Andover High School: @NA_GirlsBball (.9K followers) @NA_Athletics (4.4K followers)
Merrimack Valley Division II
- Dracut High School: Dracut Boys Basketball @DHS_Middies (.4K followers) @dracutmiddies (1.9K follwers)
- Lawrence High School @LawrenceBoysBB (@lancerathletics)
- Methuen High School @methuensports (3.9K followers) Methuen Ma
- Tewksbury Memorial High School @TMHS_Hoops (.8K followers) @TMHS_Athletics (4.5K followers) Tewksbury, MA
Middlesex (Freedom & Liberty)
- Arlington High School: Spy Ponders Boys Hoop @PondersHoop (.6K followers) @AHS_SpyPonders (.9K followers) Arlington, MA
- Belmont High School: Darren Martinez @CoachDMart5 (.9K followers) @bhsmarauders (.4K followers) Belmont, Ma
- Burlington High School: @Burlingtonhoop (1.1K followers) Shaun Hart @BHSRedDevils (1.9K followers)
- Lexington High School: @lexhoops (.9K followers) @LexMinutemenAth (2.7K followers) Lexington, Ma
- Melrose High School: Melrose, MA 0217 Melrose Athletics @MHSathletix (3.5K followers)
- Reading Memorial High School: @rmhsboysbball (.7K followers) @RocketsRMHS (3.3K followers) Reading, Ma
- Stoneham High School @StonehamAD (1.6K followers)
- Wakefield Memorial High School @WMHS_Warriors (.2K followers) Wakefield, MA
- Watertown High School Watertown Boys Basketball @harryhoop1415 (.3K followers) @WatertownSports (1.8K followers) Watertown, MA
- Wilmington High School @WHS_BBALL (.8K followers) @Wilmington_AD (2.5K followers)
- Winchester High School: @Winch_Athletics (2.8K followers)
Woburn Memorial High School: @WMHSTanners (3.5K followers) Woburn, Massachusetts
District 5
Cape Ann (Kinney & Baker)
- Amesbury High School: @amesburybball
- Georgetown High School: (@GMHS_Royals)
- Hamilton-Wenham High School: (@hwathleticdept) S. Hamilton, MA.
- Ipswich High School: (@ihstigers) Ipswich, MA
- Lynnfield High School: (@PIONEERSLHS)
- Manchester Essex High School: (@MEHornets) Manchester, Ma.
- Masconomet High School: (@mascochieftains)
- Newburyport High School: @NBPT_BBall (@Port_Athletics) Newburyport, MA
- North Reading High School: @NRHSBBall (@NRAthleticDir) North Reading, MA
- Pentucket High School: (@Pentucket_AD)
- Saugus High School: (@SaugusSachemsAD) Saugus, Ma
- Triton High School: (@Triton_Vikings) Byfield, MA
Commonwealth League
- Academy of Notre Dame
- Essex Tech High School: @ET_HawksBball (@ETAthletics) Hathorne, MA
- Fellowship Christian Academy
- Greater Lawrence Tech HS
- Greater Lowell Technical High School: @gltbball (@GLTechAthletics)
- Innovation Academy Charter School
- KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate
- Lowell Catholic High School
- Lynn Tech High School (@LynnTechSports)
- Minuteman Regional High School
- Mystic Valley Regional Charter High School: (@MVAthleticNews) Malden, MA.
- Nashoba Valley Technical High School @NVTHSBASKETBAL
- Northeast High School (@NortheastAD)
- Shawsheen Regional Technical High School @shawsheenhoops (@shawtech_sports) 100 Cook Street Billerica, MA
- Whittier Regional Technical High School (@WhittierTechHS)
Greater Boston
- Everett High School @EHSTideHoops (@EHSAthletics15) Everett, MA
- Malden High School (@MaldenHS_Sports) Malden, MA
- Medford High School (@mhsathletics2)
- Revere High School @coachjet25
- Somerville High School @SHSHoopsVille (@SHSHighlanders1) Somerville, MA
Independent League
- Chelsea High School
- Clark School
- Pioneer Charter School of Science II
- Salem Academy Charter School
- Sparhawk Upper School
Northeastern Conference
- Beverly High School: @BeverlyHoops (@BeverlyPanthers) Beverly Massachusetts
- Danvers High School: @DanversB (@WeAreDanvers)
- Gloucester High School (@FishermenGhs) Gloucester, MA
- Lynn Classical High School @LCHSRams
- Lynn English High School: @LynnEnglishBB (@BulldogAthlete) 50 goodridge St Lynn Ma. 01902
- Marblehead High School @MHS_Boys_Hoops (@MHSMagicians_AD (1.2K followers) Marblehead, MA
- Peabody High School: (@TannerAthletics) Peabody VM High School, MA
- Revere High School (@revereminutemen)
- Salem High School (@WitchesSports) Salem
- Saugus Middle/High School
- Swampscott High School @BoysHoop
- Winthrop High School
District 6
Boston City League
- Boston English High School: (@AthleticsBPS)
- Fenway High School:
- Henderson K-12 Inclusion School
- Muniz Academy
- Quincy Upper School
Boston City League North
- Another Course to College
- Boston Community Leadership Academy
- Boston Latin Academy High School: @BLABoysHoop (@AthleticsBPS)
Brighton High School: (@AthleticsBPS) - Charlestown High School:
- East Boston High School: (@AthleticsBPS)
- The English High School
- Excel High School
- Boston Green Academy
- Mary Lyon Pilot Middle/High School
- Madison Park Tech/Voc H.S.: (@AthleticsBPS)
- McKinley South End Academy
- Snowden Int’l School @ Copley
Boston City League South
- Burke High School @BurkeBoysBball
- Community Academy of Sci & Health
- New Mission High School:
- O’Bryant High School: (@AthleticsBPS)
- Tech Boston Academy @TechBostonHoops
Catholic Central
- Archbishop Williams High School: @goAWathletics (3.2K followers) Braintree, MA
- Arlington Catholic High School @AC_Athletics (1.6K followers) 16 Medford St, Arlington, MA
- Austin Prep High School: @AustinPrepBHoop (1.2K followers) @AustinPrepAD 2.7K followers) Reading, MA
- Bishop Feehan High School @Feehan_BBball (.7K followers) Bishop Feehan Athletics @FeehanAthletics (3.1K followers)
- Bishop Fenwick High School @BishopFenwickBB (.9K followers) Fenwick Crusaders @We_Are_Fenwick (1.6K followers) Peabody MA.
- Bishop Stang High School @BishopStangBB (.4K followers) Stang Athletics @BishopStangAD (1.8K followers)
- Cardinal Spellman High School: @SpellmanSports (1.2K followers) Brockton, MA
- Cathedral High School Cathedral Panthers @CHS_PanthersBos (.4K followers)
- Cristo Rey High School (@CristoReyAD)
- Matignon High School: @MatignonSports (1.7K followers) 1 Matignon Rd., Cambridge, MA
- St. Joseph’s Prep High School
- St. Mary’s High School @SMHBoysBball (1.6K followers) Lynn, MA St. Mary’s Spartans @stmarysspartans (3.5K followers)
Catholic Conference High School (B)
- Boston College High School @BCH_Basketball (1.2K followers) @BChighathletics (4.1K followers)
- Catholic Memorial High School @cm_hoops (1.2K followers) West Roxbury, MA Catholic Memorial Knights @CathMemKnights (3.5K followers)
- Malden Catholic High School: @LancerHoop (1.4K followers) @MCathletics1 (3.7K followers) Malden, MA
- St. John’s Prep High School: @SJPHoop (1K followers) @sjpathletics (4.4K followers) Danvers, Massachusetts.
- Xaverian Brothers High School: @XBHSBBall (.8K followers) @Xaverian_Hawks (5K followers) Westwood, MA.
District 6
- Academy of the Pacific Rim
- Boston Collegiate Charter School
- Excel Academy Charter High School
- Maimonides School
- Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School
- Pioneer Charter School of Science
- Roxbury Preparatory Charter High School
Catholic Central Small
- Lowell Catholic High School: @LowellCatholic (1.1K followers) Lowell, MA
- Marian High School
- Pope John High School
- St. Clement High School
District 7
Bay State League: Carey Division
- Braintree High School Braintree Boys-Basketball @BHSBoysHoop (.2K followers) @BraintreeWamps (2.8K followers) Braintree, Massachusetts
- Brookline High School @bhs_warriors (2.8K followers) Brookline, MA
- Framingham High School: @FHSFlyersSports (1.9K followers) Framingham, MA
- Needham High School @NeedhamHoops1 (1.7K followers) @NHSRockets (5.4K followers) Needham, MA.
- Newton North High School paulconnolly @paulconnolly43s (1.5K followers) @NNHSTigers (3.5K followers) Newtonville, MA.
- Weymouth High School Weymouth HS Boys Basketball @HoopWhs (1.2K followers) @wildcatnationAD (1.8K followers) Weymouth, MA
Bay State Herget League
- Dedham High School: @DedhamAthletics (1.6K followers)
- Milton High School: @CoachDonovanMHS (1.2K followers) @MHS_Wildcats (2.3K followers) Milton, MA
- Natick High School: @NatickHoop (.5K followers) @NatickAthletics (2.8K followers)
- Walpole High School: @WhsBball21 (.6K followers) @WalpoleAD (.7K followers)
- Wellesley High School: @wellesleysports (2.8K followers)
Hockomock (Kelley-Rex & Davenport)
- Attleboro High School @AHS_Bluepride (2.2K followers) Attleboro, MA
- Canton High School: @bcostelloOA (.5K followers) @CHSDogsBball (1.2K followers) @CantonAthletics (3K followers) Canton, Mass.
- Foxborough High School: @FoxboroWarrior (3K followers) Foxborough, MA
- Franklin High School: @fhsboysbballl (1.5K followers) @CoachCJNeely (.2K followers) @FHSSports (6.7K followers) FRANKLIN, MA
- King Philip High School: @KPBoysHoops (.6K followers) @kphsathletics (2K followers)
- Mansfield High School @MansfieldboysBB (1.7K followers) @MikeRedding1 (1.8K followers) @MHShornets (2.3K followers)
- Milford High School: @MilfordAthletic (.6K followers) Milford, MA
- North Attleborough High School: @NA_Bball (.7K followers) @NorthHigh1 (2.3K followers)
- Oliver Ames High School: @OAHSTigersports (3.2K followers) Easton, Massachusetts.
- Sharon High School: @SharonBBall (1K followers) @mdell74 (1.7K followers @SHSEagleAD (1.2K followers) Sharon, MA 02067
- Stoughton High School:
- Taunton High School: @ThsWebmaster (.7K followers) Taunton, MA
- Ashland High School: @ClockerAD (2.9K followers) Ashland, MA
- Bellingham High School @BhamAthletics (1.5K followers) Bellingham, MA
- Dedham High School DedhamAthletics @DedhamAthletics (1.6K followers)
- Dover-Sherborn High School @DSRaiderHoops (1K followers) DSHS Athletics @DSRaidersSports (2.7K followers)
- Holliston High School @coach_champagne (1.4K followers) @HollistonAD (2K followers) Holliston, MA
- Hopkinton High School: @HillerAthletics (2.8K followers)
- Medfield High School: @MedfieldAD (4.7K followers) Medfield, MA
- Medway High School: @MHSbballbooster (.2K followers) @MedwayBoysBball @MedwayAthletics (3.7K followers)
- Millis High School High School: @millishoops (.6K followers) @millisathletics (2.3K followers) Millis, MA
- Norton High School: @nortonboyshoops (.6K followers) @NHSLancersports (2.5K followers)
- Norwood High School: @NorwoodBoysHoop (.4K followers) @CoachKristenMcD @NHS_Mustangs (2.7K followers) Norwood, MA
- Westwood High School: @Wolverinehoops1 (.7K followers) @WHSAthletics1 (2.7K followers)
District 8
Mayflower Athletic Conference Comprehensive
- Avon High School @AHS_Falcons (.3K followers)
- Bishop Connolly High School
- Southeastern High School
- Blue Hills Regional Technical High School @bhrtech (.7K followers) Canton, MA
- Bristol County Agricultural High School @BristolAggie (.7K followers)
- Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School
- Cape Cod Tech: @mpinc14
- Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School @dimanbengals (1.8K followers)
- Holbrook High School @BulldogHolbrook (.5K followers) Holbrook, MA
- Norfolk Aggie Vocational High School: @Aggie_Rams (.4K followers) Norfolk Aggie, Walpole, MA
- Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School:
- Shore Vocational Technical High Schoo: @SSVT_Vikings (.8K followers) Hanover, MA
- Southeastern Reg. Voc/Tech School
Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School @TriRvths (.9K followers) - Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School
- West Bridgewater High School: @WBMSHSAthletics (1.3K followers) West Bridgewater, MA
- Westport High School @Westport_Sports (.5K followers)
South Coast Large
- Apponequet High School: @Go_ARHS_Lakers (.3K followers)
- Dighton-Rehoboth High School
- Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational High School @GNBVTathletics (1.4K followers)
- Old Rochester High School: @Basketball_Orr (.3K followers)
- Somerset Berkley High School: @sb_raiders (2K followers) Somerset, MA
South Coast Small
- Bourne High School @ScottAshworth21 (1.3K followers) @BourneGirlsBask (.4K followers) @BourneHoops (.3K followers) @bournehs (.4K followers) Cape Cod, MA
- Fairhaven High School @FairhavenAD (.9K followers)
- Joseph Case High School
- Seekonk High School @SeekonkBoysBB (.7K followers) @seekonkgbb (.3K followers) @SeekonkWarrior (1K followers) Seekonk, MA
- Wareham High School @BoysWareham (.3K followers)
Southeast Conference
- Bridgewater-Raynham High School: @BRgirlshoops (1.5K followers) @BRBoysBasketba2 (.7K followers) @BR_Athletics_MA (4.2K followers) Bridgewater, MA.
- Brockton High School: @BoxersHoops (.5K followers) @Boxer_Sports (1.2K followers) Brockton, MA
- Dartmouth High School: @DHSIndiansHoops (.5K followers) @DartAthletics (.3K followers)
- Durfee High School: @frps_durfee (3K followers) @DurfeeAthletics (2.5K followers)
- New Bedford High School: @nbhighsports (1.7K followers)
District 9
Cape & Islands
- Barnstable High School: @Stable_Sports (1.9K followers) Barnstable, MA
- Cape Cod Academy: @capecodacademy (.8K followers)
- Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School: @Dolphinathletic (1.5K followers)
- Falmouth Academy: )
- Falmouth High School: @FHSClippers (1.8K followers)
- Martha’s Vineyard High School: @mv_sports (.6K followers) Martha’s Vineyard
- Monomoy High School: (@MonomoySharks) Harwich, MA
- Nantucket High School: @nhswhalers (2.2K followers)
- Nauset Regional High School: @NausetHoops (.4K followers) @Nausetsports(2.4K followers)
- Rising Tide Charter Public School:
- Pope John Paul II High School: @JPII_Athletics (1.1K followers)
- Sandwich High School: @Swich_BoysBBall (.4K followers) @Swich_Athletics (3.5K followers)
- Sturgis East High School:
- Sturgis West High School:
- Calvary Chapel Academy
- Martha’s Vineyard Charter School
- Riverview School
- Samuel Fuller School
- Trinity Christian Academy
District 9
Patriot League: (Fisher Division & Keenan Division) Patriot League
@patriotleagueMA (2.1K followers)
- Duxbury High School: @DuxburyBoys @DuxHSAthletics (2.4K followers) Duxbury, MA
- Hanover High School: @HHSIndiansBBall @han_athletics (2.9K followers) Hanover, MA
- Hingham High School: @CoachKniffen (.8K followers) @HarborwomenHoop (.6K followers) Jim Quatromoni @jimquatromoni (1K followers) @HarbormenNews (.6K) Hingham, MA
- Marshfield High School: BOB FISHER @BBALL128 (.5K followers) Marshfield Hardwood @marshfieldhwcb (.4K followers) @GORAMSathletics (5K followers) Marshfield, MA
- North Quincy High School: @NQboyshoop (.5K followers) @NQRaiders (2.5K followers) North Quincy,MA
- Pembroke High School: @Coach_Vincenzi (.8K followers) @phstitansbball (.6K followers) @pemathletics (.9K followers)
- Plymouth North High School: @PnhsGirlsBball @PN_BoysBball Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 Plymouth North HS Athletics @pnhsathletics (3.2K followers)
- Plymouth South High School: @psgirlshoop @ScottFryPanther (1.1K followers)
- Quincy High School: @BballQhs (.4K followers) @QHSAthletics (2.2K followers) Quincy, MA
- Scituate High School: @scituatehoops (1K followers) @scituategbball (.4K followers) @JenkinsMrP (.7K followers) @ScitAthletics (2.5K followers)
- Silver Lake High School: @SLakeathletics (3.5K followers) Kingston, MA
- Whitman-Hanson Regional High School: @WHBoysHoop (.9K followers) @WHCoach_Costa (.7K followers) @WHathletics (5.6K followers)
South Shore League: @SSLHoops (.8K followers)
- Abington High School: @AbingtonGbb (.7K followers) @GWPHoops (.7K followers) @AbingtonAD (3.7K followers)
- Carver High School: @LcbHoops (.3K followers) @CarverCrusaders (1.7K followers) Carver MA 02330
- Cohasset High School: GvbbCoho @cohassetgbball (.3K followers) @CohassetSports (3.4K followers) Cohasset, MA
- East Bridgewater High School: @EBLadyVikings (.3K followers) @EBHSAthletics (1.2K followers)
- Hull High School: Hull Boy’s Basketball @HullHighBBall (.2K followers) Hull High Girls Basketball @HullBballGirls (.3K followers) @HullPirates (1.8K followers) Hull, MA
- Mashpee High School: @MashpeeBball @MashpeeBoysHoop (.4K followers @MashpeeAthletic (3K followers) Mashpee
- Middleborough High School: @CoachJeffPowers (.9K followers) @MiddleboroAD (2.1K followers)
- Norwell High School: @girlsnhshoops (.4K followers) @NorwellBasketb1 Norwell HS Athletics @ClipperAD (2.9K followers) Norwell, MA
- Randolph High School: Randolph Blue Devils Athletics @BlueDevilsRHS
Rockland High School: @dmitch1500 (.9K followers) @Ladydogshoop (.7K followers) @DogsAsst_AD (.3K followers) @Rocklanddogs (2.7K followers)
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