Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much.
- High School Basketball Jokes
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- Youth Basketball Jokes
- Knock Knock Jokes for Kids
- 365 Funny Basketball Jokes
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Google Search “Basketball Jokes for Holidays”
- January 1st Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Day: What New Year’s resolution should a basketball player never make?… To travel more.
- February 2nd Basketball Jokes for Groundhog Day: Groundhog Day: What do you call a groundhog that plays basketball?… A ball hog. (Ground Hog Day Jokes)
- February 14th Basketball Jokes for Valentine’s Day: Who loves to shoot 3’s?… Cupid!
- Basketball Jokes for March Madness: A grandson was visiting his grandfather at the nursing home. When the boy walked into the room, the grandfather smiled. The boy enthusiastically said, “Grandpa you have March Madness teeth! You are down to your Final Four!” (Final Four Jokes & Grandparent Jokes)
Basketball Jokes for September
- November 11th: Veterans Day Jokes: Why was David Robinson arrested on Veterans Day?… He shot the basketball.
- November Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving: If the pilgrims came on the Mayflower, then what does the Division I college basketball player come on?… The scholar ships. (Thanksgiving Jokes & Pilgrim Jokes)
- December 25th Basketball Jokes for Christmas Eve: What song describes a youth basketball player practicing on Christmas Eve… A shot in the dark. (Music Jokes)
- December 25th Christmas Basketball Jokes: What is Santa’s favorite basketball play?… the give and “GO GO GO!” (Christmas Basketball Jokes)
- December 31st Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Eve: What does the NBA Dunk Champion say on New Year’s Eve?…. Hoppy New Year! (Easter Jokes)