Basketball Jokes for Veterans Day

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  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for Veterans Day.
  2. November 11th: Veterans Day Jokes: Why was David Robinson arrested on Veterans Day?… He shot the basketball.
  3. What do you call a really high ranking snack at the Army – Navy Basketball game?… A popcorn colonel. (Memorial Day Jokes & Popcorn Jokes)
  4. How is a bag of popcorn at a basketball game like an army?… It has lots of kernels. (Memorial Day Jokes & Veterans Day Jokes & Popcorn Jokes)
  5. Why was the Army basketball team get arrested?… They shot the basketball.
  6. Why was the Navy basketball team get arrested?… They shot the basketball.
  7. Why was the Marine basketball team get arrested?… They shot the basketball.
  8. Why was the Air Force basketball team get arrested?… They shot the basketball.
  9. Why was the Coast Guard basketball team get arrested?… They shot the basketball.
  10. Why did the Army basketball have a ghost on their team?… To add a little team spirit. 
  11. Why did the Navy basketball have a ghost on their team?… To add a little team spirit. 
  12. Why did the Marine basketball have a ghost on their team?… To add a little team spirit. 
  13. Why did the Air Force basketball have a ghost on their team?… To add a little team spirit. 
  14. Why did the Coast Guard basketball have a ghost on their team?… To add a little team spirit.