Fall AAU Basketball

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much more.

For many years, I have observed AAU basketball from a distance. It seems to be a little like the never ending treadmill… like George Jetson screams “Jane! Stop this crazy thing!” Once a player and his family jump on the AAU treadmill, it is very difficult to get off. It can feel chaotic, overwhelming, and impossible to stop. It seems like the AAU year never ends.

That being said, this post is an attempt to prepare a player and family for each month of the AAU season.

Fall AAU Season


Cost: $25 tryouts

2 tryouts (1.5 hours) 3 hours

Travel (18 miles round trip) 36 miles 

Commuting time 2 hours



August 1st – September 6th (August  9th & 16th 8:00 – 9:30): This is the fall AAU tryout season. Each club will have different dates for tryouts and different fees. The typical fee for a tryout is between $25 and $50. Tryouts typically are two 1 – 2 hour sessions. The sessions are usually one week apart to allow a chance for players to attend one if they have other summer commitments, such as work or family vacations.  

It is important to research the teams to understand the quality of coaching, success with developing high school varsity players, and for the RARE few, helping develop college players, primarily Division III.

We looked at 5 high school programs in Massachusetts. Here were the fall 2022 tryout dates:

Program #1: Tuesdays: August 9th & August 16th 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Program #2: Sunday August 28th & Tuesday September 6th 6:30 – 7:30

Program #3: Wednesday, August 10th 8:45-10PM & Sunday August 14th 3-4PM

Program #4: Thursday, August 4th 7:45-8:45pm Tuesday, August 9th from 8:00-9:00pm

Program #5: Tuesday August 23rd & Thursday 25th 7:30-9pm

How many players attend a fall tryout? This also will depend on the AAU program. Some programs have multiple teams, while others will only have one. Some players who have been in the program may not have to attend a tryout. 

How many spots are open? Each fall is the start of a new AAU season. Depending on the program, the entire team may be open, or teams that value loyalty there may be only a few spots.

Should a player tryout for more than one team? If a player has never played AAU before, the answer is probably yes. If a player has a relationship with a program, at the end of a season, a discussion can be had with the coach to see if the coach feels the player would be a good fit in the future.

August 16th – 22nd (7 Days) AAU Basketball Team Selection: The Waiting Is The Hardest Part: The moment between the last tryout and the final player accepting a team spot can seem like and eternity. Be patient, don’t worry, and no matter what happens, be ready to work on your game.

Tryouts are also a great chance to play against good competition, so even if a player does not plan on accepting an invitation to join a team, it can be a good opportunity to grow as a player.

  • Individual Workouts
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Summer School Work / Read 
  • Enjoy the end of summer. There are fewer camps offered in August. Depending on my schedule, I might try to get the boys together 1-2 times for pick-up. 
  • Skills & Separation

August 1st – August 7th: Tryout #1

August 8th – August 14th: Tryout #1

August 15th – August 21st Tryout #1 AAU Individual Preseason Players should put in the time to improve the skills before the official start of the AAU season.

August 17th – September 13th (28 days) AAU Individual Preseason This is the period between the final tryout and the 1st practice.

Season Costs: Team Fees: Spectator Fee: Gas: Meals

2 tryouts (1.5 hours) 3 hours

Travel (18 miles round trip) 36 miles 

Commuting time 2 hours







Travel (18 miles round trip) 36 miles 

Commuting time 2 hours

August 17th – September 13th (28 days) AAU Individual Preseason This is the period between the final tryout and the 1st practice.

Week #1 September 12th – 18th: Tuesday & Wednesday: two 90 minute practices (either 6:00 – 7:30 or 7:30 – 9:00) No Games.

Week #2 September 19th – 25th: Tuesday & Wednesday: two 90 minute practices (either 6:00 – 7:30 or 7:30 – 9:00) This is the 1st tournament weekend. It is time to see how the coach and team performs for the 1st time together. Players get comfortable playing with referees and good competition.

Week #3 September 26th – October 2nd: This is the 2nd tournament weekend. Players have had a weekend to learn the new system, get the rust off, and hopefully develop a little team chemistry. Player need to continue to put in time alone improving.


Cost $267.80 September 1st, $267.80 September 15th

Travel (18 miles round trip) 36 miles 

Commuting time

Practices 0

Games 0

Week #4 October 1st – October 2nd: Zero Gravity New England Recruiting Report Approaching the midpoint of the AAU season. Players need to “just keep working” as they prepare for the 1st day of the high school season.

Week #6 October 8th – October 9th Zero Gravity Mass Madness

Week #7 October 15th – October 16th Zero Gravity Fall Brawl

Week #8 October 22nd – October 23rd Zero Gravity Battle for the Belt South

Week #8 October 29th – October 30th Zero Gravity Halloween Hoopfest


Travel (18 miles round trip) 36 miles 

Commuting time

Practices 0

Games 0

Week #8 November 5th – November 6th Zero Gravity Wheel of Champions

Week #9 November 12th – 13th Zero Gravity Fall Finale & Pre-Season Tune-up Clinic

Week #10 November 19th – 20th Pre-Season Tune-up Clinic

Week #11 November 26st – 27th Pre-Season Tune-up Clinic

High School Basketball: Final Week of the Off-Season

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Here we are 7 days away from the 1st day of the season. As an old coach might say: “The hay is in the barn.” All the work is pretty much done.

But there are many little things that you need to make sure are completed. Remember “The Little Things are the Big Things.”

  1. Have an up to date physical: Players cannot tryout with out a physical. It might be too late to schedule one before the 1st practice. Try to stay current.
  2. Pay The User Fee: Some states require user fees. Many schools have a waiver process. Check with your athletic director if you have any questions.
  3. Sign All Required Documents: Many states require athletes and parents to sign documents relating to sportsmanship, tolerance / acceptance, and chemical health policies.
  4. Complete a Concussion Test: Many states require at least one concussion test before a player plays a sport. Check with your athletic director several weeks before the season to see if this is a requirement for you.
  5. Get Your Rest: A high school basketball season is a long, grueling journey. Get your sleep now. Your coach will work you harder than you have worked in a long time (with a few exceptions). Sleep needs to be a major priority for you from now until the final game.
  6. Continue to take care of your grades: We have mentioned it is important to start the year strong. The start of basketball can be a very distracting time. – Thanksgiving, tryout week, cut day, the 1st game, Christmas and Christmas break. Be sure to make academics an important part of the season.
  7. Complete your final workouts: If you are completing your 1st workouts of the season… start looking for a job or another activity. But if you have been putting in the work, get the final workouts in. Work on shooting, dribbling, scoring moves. Know how you will help the team and focus on those skills.
  8. Conditioning! Conditioning! Conditioning! Be in great shape at tryouts. Stand out! There is no reason to be out of shape. It is the easiest way to get cut.
  9. Print up a calendar: List your practice times, scrimmages, team meetings, film sessions, and games. Have a visual of the upcoming days, weeks and months.
  10. Plan Your Week:

Top 25 John Wooden Quotes

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

  1. “What you are as a person is far more important that what you are as a basketball player.” John Wooden
  2. “Love is the greatest word in our language.”
  3. “Earn the right to be proud and confident.”
  4. “Nothing can give you greater joy than doing something for another.”
  5. “Happiness begins where selfishness ends.”
  6. “Big things are accomplished only through the perfection of minor details.”
  7. “Discipline yourself and others won’t need to.”
  8. “If I am through learning, I am through.” (As a teacher I love this one)
  9. “Be more concerned with what you can do for others than what others can do for you. You’ll be surprised at the results.”
  10. “If you do not have time to do it right, when will you find time to do it over?”
  11. “The smallest good deed is better than the best intention.”
  12. “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”
  13. “It is what you learn after you know it all that counts.”
  14. “The time to make friends is before you need them.”
  15. “The more concerned we become over the things we can’t control, the less we will do with the things we can control.”
  16. “Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights.”
  17. “As long as you try your best, you are never a failure. That is, unless you blame others.”
  18. “Material things are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a portion of thyself. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)”
  19. “You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for another without thought of something in return.”
  20. “Forget favors given; remember those received.”
  21. “Make friendship a fine art.”
  22. “Tell the truth. That way you don’t have to remember a story.”
  23. “If we magnified our blessings as much as we magnified our disappointments, we would all be much happier.”
  24. “Do not permit what you cannot do to interfere with what you can do.”
  25. “Never make excuses.  Your friends don’t need them and your foes won’t believe them.”
  26. “Never be disagreeable just because you disagree

Top 6 Bill Russell Quotes

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

  1. “Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.” Bill Russell
  2. “Success is a result of consistent practice of winning skills and actions. There is nothing miraculous about the process. There is no luck involved.” Bill Russell
  3. “The magic to a great meeting is all of the work that’s done beforehand.” Bill Russell
  4. “My most prized possession was my library card from the Oakland Public Library.” Bill Russell
  5. “Create unselfishness as the most important team attribute.” Bill Russell
  6. “What distinguishes a great player is his presence. When he goes on to the court, his presence dominates the atmosphere.” Bill Russell
  7. “Commitment separates those who live their dreams from those who live their lives regretting the opportunities they have squandered.” Bill Russell
  8. “Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission. I truly believe in the saying “We work to become, not to acquire.”” Bill Russell
  9. “Friendship is a full-time job.” Bill Russell
  10. “You can do anything you want to do if you want it bad enough.” Bill Russell

More Bill Russell Quotes…

Top 33 Larry Bird Quotes

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

  1. “I’ve got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.” Larry Bird.
  2. “There are many times when you are better off practicing than playing, but most people just don’t understand that.” Larry Bird
  3. “I think a lot of blue-collar people related to me because a lot of people work for their money.” Larry Bird
  4. “It makes me sick when I see a guy just stare at a loose ball and watch it go out of bounds.” Larry Bird
  5. “I’m a firm believer in that you play the way you practice.” Larry Bird.
  6. “Tomorrow night’s the last game of the trip, I’m going to play this one left-handed, at least through three quarters.” Larry Bird.
  7. “When I was young, I never wanted to leave the court until I got things exactly correct. My dream was to become a pro.” Larry Bird
  8. “My opinion about basketball, the way I was taught, was when you step on the court, you play to win.” Larry Bird.
  9. “I wasn’t real quick, and I wasn’t real strong. Some guys will just take off and it’s like, whoa. So I beat them with my mind and my fundamentals.” Larry Bird
  10. “A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.” Larry Bird
  11. .”I knew I was as good as anybody. That’s not really bragging; it’s just that I’d put the time in.” Larry Bird.
  12. “I don’t know if I practiced more than anybody, but I sure practiced enough. I still wonder if somebody – somewhere – was practicing more than me.” Larry Bird
  13. “When I was a player, I didn’t expect my teammates to play the way I did. I did expect them to work hard every day and get better. And I never learned anything by losing.” Larry Bird
  14. “When I go to the line I’m thinking ‘All net’. When I don’t think that, I’m likely to miss.” Larry Bird.
  15. “Push yourself again and again. Don’t give an inch until the final buzzer sounds.” Larry Bird
  16. “Leadership is diving for a loose ball, getting the crowd involved, getting other players involved. It’s being able to take it as well as dish it out. That’s the only way you’re going to get respect from the players.” Larry Bird
  17. “Don’t let winning make you soft. Don’t let losing make you quit. Don’t let your teammates down in any situation.” Larry Bird.
  18. “I really don’t like talking about money. All I can say is that the Good Lord must have wanted me to have it.” Larry Bird
  19. “Once you are labeled ‘the best’ you want to stay up there, and you can’t do it by loafing around.” Larry Bird
  20. “You never make any of the shots you never take. 87% of the ones you do take, you’ll miss too. I make 110% of my shots.”
  21. “I always know what’s happening on the court. I see a situation occur, and I respond.” Larry Bird
  22. “Hey, coach, you better get somebody else out here to guard me because I’m killing this guy.” Larry Bird

More Larry Bird Quotes…

Basketball Blog of the Week

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Our goal is to share the blogs on youth, high school, college, and professional basketball.

Blog of the week: Mia Wenjen (@pragmaticmom) Coaching Youth Basketball: Create Individual Award Certificates


  1. March 3rd – March 9th Mia Wenjen (@pragmaticmom) Coaching Youth Basketball: Create Individual Award Certificates
  2. March 10th – March 16th Joe Haefner Breakthrough Basketball (@BreakthruBballTOP 6 QUESTIONS TO ASK WHEN CHOOSING A BASKETBALL CAMP
  3. March 17th – March 23rd
  4. March 24th – March 30th



  1. June 17th – 23rd: 4 Tips for Moms to Support a Youth Basketball Player
  2. Graduation Week & High School Basketball & High School Graduation


  1. June 3rd – 9th: Boston Celtics All In: The Inevitable Rematch
  2. June 10th – 16th: Top 10 Reasons to Attend All-Academic Basketball Camp
  3. June 17th – 23rd: Top 7 Reasons to Join a State Basketball Coaches Association
  4. June 24th – 30th: Tyler J. Whitcomb (@e3hoops) The Role of an Athletic Director: Creating the Best High School Experience for Student-Athletes


  1. July 1st – 7th:SportsLab360 Basketball (@SL360BasketballTop 3 Keys to Building a Successful Basketball Business
  2. July 8th – 14th: What is the Most Important Relationship in Basketball?
  3. July 15th – July 21st: Basketball Shooting Fundamentals: Where’s the BEEF?
  4. July 22nd – July 28th: Basketball Shooting Fundamentals: Eyes Focused on the Target
  5. July 28thAugust 4th: High School Basketball: Should I Play a Fall Sport?


  1. July 28thAugust 4th: High School Basketball: Should I Play a Fall Sport?
  2. August 5th – August 11th: 7 Tips on How to Pick the Right AAU Team
  3. August 12th – August 18th Guest Blog5 Questions for An Aspiring Athletic Director


  1. September 2nd – 8th How To Standout at High School Basketball Tryouts with Limited Skills
  2. September 9th – 15th Individual Basketball Workouts are Critical!
  3. September 16th – 22nd J.J. Redick Basketball Shooting Drills
  4. September 23rd – 29th Basketball Shooting: 3 Types of Shooters

Basketball Jokes for October

  1. October 7th – 13th: Youth Basketball Grades and Ages
  2. October 14th – 20th: Best Advice for Youth Sports Parents: “I Love Watching You Play”
  3. October 21st – October 27th Top 5 Halloween Horrors for High School Basketball Players
  4. October 28th – November 3rd: Coaching Youth Basketball: Create Individual Award Certificates


  1. November 4th – November 10th: 4 Tips for Moms to Support a Youth Basketball Player
  2. November 11th – 17th: High School Basketball: How Big is Your Pond?
  3. November 18th – November 24th: High School Basketball Tryout Tips: Elite Eight Tips
  4. November 25th – December 1st: THANK YOU BASKETBALL: Create a Basketball Gratitude List


  1. November 25th – December 1st: High School Basketball: Tips for a Successful Basketball Season
  2. December 2nd – December 8th: Let the Games Begin
  3. December 9th – December 15th
  4. December 16th – December 22nd High School Basketball: FIVE First Game Facts
  5. December 23rd – December 29th: High School Basketball: Christmas Vacation Week


  1. December 30th – January 5th Week #5: High School Basketball: Back to School Week
  2. January 6th – January 12th Week #6: High School Basketball: The New Normal It is back to being a busy full-time high school student-athlete. It is a tough adjustment. It is important to remember there has not been a full week of school since week #3.
  3. January 13th – January 19th Week #7: High School Basketball: How to Use Hudl to Analyze your Game


  1. February 2nd – February 9th: Mia Wenjen (@pragmaticmomCoaching Youth Basketball: Create Individual Award Certificates
  2. February 10th – February 16th: Kamren Young (@FFBAcademy1Mastering Footwork in Youth Basketball (2025)

THANK YOU BASKETBALL: Create a Basketball Gratitude List

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.


  1. I am grateful for automatic bids for March Madness for league champions!
  2. I am grateful for Sunday high school basketball practices in March.
  3. I am grateful for triple overtime girls high school basketball games where both teams leave everything on the court.
  4. I am grateful for Thanksgiving Day Rivalries meeting in the State Basketball Tournament!
  5. I am grateful for Friday Night Final Four Doubleheaders!
  6. I am grateful for Division III Men’s College Basketball March Madness!
  7. I am grateful for Division III Women’s College Basketball March Madness!
  8. I am grateful for Division II Men’s College Basketball March Madness!
  9. I am grateful for #20 & #6 seeds making it to the High School Basketball State Championship game!
  10. I am grateful for Steph Curry. A great shooter and role model. He is an inspiration to the next generation of basketball stars! 4,000+ 3-pointers made!
  11. I am grateful for Friday Night Massachusetts State Championship Doubleheaders!
  12. Elite Eight: I am grateful for Division III Men’s College Basketball March Madness!
  13. State Champions: I am grateful for all the high school basketball fans who support
  14. State Champions: I am grateful for all the high school basketball players and coaches who have worked to hard to earn a state title.
  15. I am grateful for Selection Sunday! Let the March Madness begin!
  16. Elite Eight: I am grateful for Division III Women’s College Basketball March Madness!
  17. I am grateful for veteran coaches winning a 1st State Championship.
  18. I am grateful for Division II Women’s College Basketball March Madness!
  19. I am grateful for Division I Men’s College Basketball March Madness!
  20. I am grateful for Division I Women’s College Basketball March Madness!




  1. I am grateful for the opportunity to watch Dave Hopla give an amazing lecture on how to shoot the basketball. Dave Hopla is the BEST SHOOTING COACH IN THE WORLD! Start by buying and reading the #1 Book for Teaching Players How to Shoot a Basketball!
  2. June 16th I am grateful for Basketball Jokes for Father’s Day.
  3. June 17th I am grateful to be a Boston Celtics fan!


  1. I am grateful for Summer Basketball Camps!
  2. I am grateful for basketball jokes for the 4th of July!
  3. I am grateful to be an American!


  1. I am grateful to our guest blog authors. These individuals have shared their knowledge, experiences, and love of basketball! We hope to continue to bring more quality guest blogs each month. Click to see our entire list of guest blogs.
  2. I am grateful for the many inspirational basketball quotes. We need inspiration every day. We have compiled a list of quotes we feel can motivate players, coaching, and parents to reach the next level!
  3. I am grateful for all the amazing basketball books! Reading is a lifelong skill. It can calm the mind, inspire you to think, and can motivate. We love to read great basketball books!
  4. I am grateful for all the awesome basketball movies.
  5. I am grateful for all the youth basketball organizations that provide children the opportunity to play basketball.
  6. I am grateful for high school athletics directors. These individuals work tirelessly to support student-athletes and coaches. They respond to parent complaints about cuts, playing time, and roles on a team. They probably work more hours than any other administrator in a school system. Be sure at some point during the season, you let them know you REALLY appreciate all their hard work. Blog: 5 Questions for An Aspiring Athletic Director
  7. I am grateful to all the basketball officials who make it possible to play this great game.
  8. I am grateful to all the high school basketball associations in America. These organizations support high school coaches, present clinics, guest speakers and so much more.
  9. I am grateful to all the high school basketball coaches in America. These individuals work hard to teach players how to compete, improve, and be a better person. Parents may not agree with philosophies, playing time, or other issues, but the coaches work hard to create a positive learning environment for the players..
  10. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a basketball buddy.
  11. November 11th is Veterans Day. I am grateful to be an American today! I am so thankful for all the current military and veterans of our country
  12. I am grateful of the opportunity to have been able to attend my 1st basketball camp.
  13. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach kindergarten basketball.
  14. I am grateful for the final week of the high school basketball season. Players and coaches are preparing. A few have been preparing all off-season. Some are cramming. It doesn’t matter which category you fall under, you are getting ready. Have a great final week of the off-season.
  15. I am grateful for walk-on basketball players. These individuals are great role models. Guest Blog College Basketball: Walk-On Warrior (2022)
  16. Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving: I am grateful for all the multi-sport athletes and coaches who compete in Thanksgiving football games. These individuals will be a a big part of the upcoming basketball season.
  17. I am grateful for the opportunity to watch Dave Hopla give an amazing lecture on how to shoot the basketball. Dave Hopla is the BEST SHOOTING COACH IN THE WORLD! Start by buying and reading the #1 Book for Teaching Players How to Shoot a Basketball!
  18. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach 1st Grade basketball.
  19. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach 2nd Grade basketball.
  20. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach 3rd Grade basketball.
  21. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach 4th Grade basketball.
  22. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach 5th Grade basketball.
  23. I am grateful for all the youth basketball volunteers that organize and coordinate Thanksgiving Weekend basketball tournaments.
  24. I am grateful for all the youth basketball volunteers that organize and coordinate Thanksgiving Weekend basketball tournaments.
  25. I am grateful for the 1st youth basketball practice.
  26. I am grateful for the 1st youth basketball game.
  27. November 28th Thanksgiving: I am grateful for Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving. We love Thanksgiving, basketball, and jokes.
  28. November 29th Black Friday: I am grateful for Christmas Basketball Gifts. There is nothing better than receiving a new basketball or a jersey of your favorite player. Click here for Christmas ideas for the basketball player in your life.
  29. I am grateful or an open gym on Thanksgiving Weekend.

December / December High School Basketball

  1. December 1st: I am grateful for High School Basketball Season Eve. One of the most exciting nights for high school basketball coaches, players, and fans.
  2. December 2nd: I am grateful for the 1st day of tryouts for high school basketball. It is a chance for players and coaches to show how hard they have worked in the off-season.
  3. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach 9th Grade basketball.
  4. I am grateful for all the coaching staffs that spends hours deciding on selecting teams. It is not easy. AND it is a thankless job.
  5. I am grateful for all the coaching staffs that decide to keep one or two extra kids on the roster. It is easier to make the cuts, but you are giving players an experience they will never forget…. being part of a high school basketball program.
  6. I am grateful for the 1st high school basketball scrimmage. It gives a chance to compete for the 1st time against an opponent. It give the coaches the best chance to evaluate the players as the 1st game quickly approaches.
  7. December 7th Larry Bird’s Birthday (1956) I am grateful for Larry Bird. Top 33 Larry Bird Quotes
  8. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach 6th Grade basketball.
  9. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach 7th Grade basketball.
  10. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach 8th Grade basketball.
  11. I am grateful for an exciting JV basketball before a varsity tip-off. JV players have the opportunity to play in front of a good crowd.
  12. I am grateful for a freshman basketball player to play in his 1st high school game.
  13. I am grateful for all the coaches who are coaching their 1st sub-varsity game.
  14. I am grateful for all the coaches who are coaching their 1st varsity game
  15. I am grateful for all the coaches who are coaching their 1st sub-varsity game.
  16. I am grateful for all the players who are playing in their 1st their 1st varsity game.
  17. I am grateful for all the coaches who are coaching their 1st sub-varsity game.
  18. I am grateful for all the educators who come to watch the student-athletes compete in high school basketball. It means the world to the players.
  19. I am grateful to be able to attend the final high school game before Christmas. The hometown fans are wearing fantastic Christmas outfits.
  20. I am grateful for all the people who collect tickets. You are a big part of the high school basketball experiences.
  21. December 21st: I am grateful for James Naismith, the creator of basketball. What a fantastic game. There is no greater game in the world. He is the ONLY reasons you are reading this post. James Naismith is the best ever!
  22. I am grateful for all the high school coaches who organize an alumni game to develop a sense of community in the program.
  23. I am grateful for all the high school alumni who come back to player with current high school players. It is a great chance for players to develop relationships with older and younger players. Older players learn.
  24. December 31st: Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Eve: I am grateful for all the great basketball memories of the last year!


  1. I am grateful for EARLY morning New Year’s Day practice.
  2. I am grateful for another year of basketball opportunities.
  3. I am grateful for all the sports reporters who cover high school basketball. You enhance the experiences of coaches, players, and fans!
  4. I am grateful for Hudl and opportunity to watch a great high basketball game from the comfort of my home.
  5. I am grateful for Sunday practices where players can show up early and stay late to work on their game.
  6. I am grateful for 3 game weeks!
  7. I am grateful for back to back high school basketball games!
  8. I am grateful for sold out high school basketball games in January!
  9. I am grateful for overtime games.
  10. I am grateful for popcorn at halftime.
  11. I am grateful for players making free throws down the stretch to win a game.
  12. I am grateful for supportive fans.
  13. I am grateful for supportive parents.
  14. Sports Officials Week: I am grateful for veteran officials.


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A
  6. I am grateful to all the talented writers who have shared a guest blog about their basketball and coaching experiences. Check out Kamren Young (@FFBAcademy1guest blog: Mastering Footwork in Youth Basketball (2025)
  7. February 7, 1989 Isaiah Thomas’ (Celtics) Birthday: I am grateful for the King of the Fourth and so grateful to have watched him play for the Boston Celtics at the TD Garden.
  8. February 12, 1934 Bill Russell’s Birthday: I am grateful the greatest winner in all of sports played for the Boston Celtics!
  9. February 13th, 1947 Mike Krzyzewski’s Birthday I am grateful to have read books by Coach K, watch him coach college and olympic basketball teams, and watch him on ESPN’s 30 for 30.
  10. I am grateful for the final week of the high school basketball season.
  11. I am grateful for NBA All-Star Weekend!
  12. I am grateful for Air Jordan and Nike Basketball sneakers.
  13. February 17th: I am grateful for Presidents’ Day and all the presidents who have served our country. I am also grateful it is a federal holiday and that so many vacation games and tournaments are being played.
  14. I am grateful for February Vacation basketball tournaments and games!
  15. I am grateful for high school basketball teams that fight until the very last whistle of the season and qualify for the tournament with a win on the last very last game of the year.
  16. February 20th: MIAA Cut-Off Date: I am grateful for the final day of the regular season. It is a great time for players and coaches to look back and reflect on the progress, accomplishments, and yes disappointments.
  17. I am grateful for all the high school basketball players and coaches who did not make the tournament, but still gave everything they had all season.
  18. February 22nd: MIAA Seeding Release Date: I am thankful for all the tournament directors who work so hard to bring the coaches, players, and fans the state tournament.
  19. I am grateful for all the families that make basketball a priority and do not schedule vacations during the season.
  20. I am grateful for preliminary round high school basketball tournament games.
  21. I am grateful for preliminary round boys high school basketball tournament upsets!
  22. I am grateful for preliminary round girls high school basketball tournament upsets!

Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for Thanksgiving.
  2. If the pilgrims came on the Mayflower, then what does the Division I college basketball player come on?… The scholar ships. (Thanksgiving Jokes & Pilgrim Jokes)
  3. What do a Thanksgiving turkey and a college basketball pep band have in common?… the drumsticks.
  4. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Gladys… Gladys who?…. Gladys the page dedicated to basketball jokes for Thanksgiving. Aren’t you? (Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes)
  5. If the Pilgrims were alive today AND played basketball, what would they be most famous for?… Their AGE! (Grandparents Jokes)
  6. What’s the best dance to do at a Thanksgiving basketball game?… The turkey trot! (Turkey Jokes)
  7. What band is great to listen to before a Thanksgiving family basketball game?… The Cranberries! (Music Jokes)
  8. What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to before playing a basketball game?… Plymouth Rock! (Music Jokes & Pilgrim Jokes)
  9. Which English pop singer is would be a good choice to sing the national anthem around Thanksgiving?… Pumpkin Spice. (Pumpkin Jokes)
  10. What is the #1 defensive play for Thanksgiving?… The “stuff!”
  11. What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving basketball game?… The turKEY (Turkey Jokes)
  12. What sound does a limping turkey make after a sprained ankle at a basketball game?…“Wobble, wobble!” (Turkey Jokes)
  13. My family told me to stop telling Thanksgiving basketball jokes … … but I told them I couldn’t quit “cold turkey.”
  14. What is a Pilgrim’s favorite basketball move?… The “stuff!”
  15. What smells the best at a Thanksgiving basketball game?… Your nose. (Biology Jokes)
  16. What do you wear to a Thanksgiving basketball game?… A Har – VEST. (Fall Jokes)
  17. I wasn’t going to play basketball on Thanksgiving, but my family this November, but my mom promised to make me Eggs Benedict. So I’m going home for the hollandaise. (Egg Jokes & Thanksgiving Jokes)
  18. What is a turkey’s favorite basketball move?… The “stuff!”
  19. If the Pilgrims came on the Mayflower then what does the basketball player come on?… The scholar ships. (Teacher Jokes Pilgrim Jokes)
  20. Why can’t you take a turkey to a basketball game?… Because they use such FOWL language. (Turkey Jokes)
  21. What happened when the turkey got into a fight at the basketball game?… He got the stuffing knocked out of him! (Turkey Jokes Boxing Jokes)
  22. If Pilgrims traveled on the Mayflower, what do college students travel on?… Scholar ships. (College Jokes & Pilgrim Jokes)
  23. If Pilgrims traveled on the Mayflower, what do middle school students travel on?… Scholar ships.

Top 5 Ball Handling Drills for Kindergarten Basketball

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Where do If you start when you are coaching 1st grade basketball. Most people would do a google search “Coaching 1st Grade Basketball.” That would be a good start, but sometimes google does not have the best match. We are hoping to be identified as a top resources for kindergarten basketball coaches.

The goals of teaching kindergarten basketball are simple.

  1. HAVE FUN: Plain and simple make the kindergarten basketball as fun as possibly. As a coach, you probably have a child this age. Make sure everyone is having fun.
  2. KEEP IT SIMPLE and age-appropriate: This is a chaotic, organized play date. You are not Coach K. Keep it simple and use drills that are easy to understand.
  3. INVOLVE PARENTS: This is an age where children need to feel comfortable. Include the parents in the session, even if only as a cheerleader. This also will be useful if a child has to go to the bathroom or starts crying. (These things WILL HAPPEN at kindergarten basketball.
  4. Top 10 Reasons to Teach Dribbling 1st: At this age you cannot go wrong with having players do ball-handling drills ALL THE TIME. It is the most important skill.

Stationary ball drills are great for developing hand eye coordination, especially at the younger grade levels. With each player having a ball it allows for maximum repetitions. 

There are countless stationary ball drills that could be used and it’s best to start with basic drills that all players can complete successfully, At the vert 1st kindergarten session, start with these drills.

  1. Toss and catch: This is a very simple drill, but it will be a challenge for most players at this age. The player tosses the ball in the air and catches it. Coaches should instruct the player to catch the ball with the eyes and hands. It is ideal for developing and eye coordination. To add a little excitement to the drill have the players clap and then catch the ball. This adds a level of difficulty for many of the players. A player who can clap and catch the ball will feel a sense of accomplishment. 
  2. Two claps. Once the players have mastered the toss and catch, add the team “TWO CLAPS” drill. A coach will yell “TWO CLAPS.” ALL the players will toss the ball in the air, clap their hands twice, and then catch the ball. Whenever a player does something very good, a coach can simply yell “TWO CLAPS.” The entire team will throw the ball in the air, clap their hands two times together, and catch the ball. The goal is for every player to be able to complete the drill without dropping the ball. If you can accomplish this by the end of the season, you will be up for coach of the year.
  3. Toss, bounce, and catch: This is just a different variation of the previous drills. The player will toss the ball in the air, let the ball bounce and try to catch the ball before it bounces above the waist. This also can be challenging for many players. However with practice and focus a player will be able to succeed. For more advanced players encourage them to catch the ball as low as possible.
  4. Circle rolls.: This drill players will stand with their feet together and roll the ball in a circle around both legs using the fingertips and fingertip pads. This is a very simple drill. Encourage players once they get the hang of it to increase the speed. After completing it in one direction, players should stop and roll the ball in the other direction.
  5. Figure 8 rolls: This is a little bit more challenging of a basketball drill, but one that many players can complete. Players should spread their legs wide and they are simply going to roll the ball in and out of the legs in a figure 8 pattern. Once players are comfortable executing this drill encourage them to go a little bit faster. After completing the drill on one direction, attempt it going in the other direction.

Hopefully this is a good way for kindergarten coaches to develop hand-eye coordination.

Top 5 Halloween Horrors for High School Basketball Players

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Halloween Horrors for High School Basketball Players

Halloween can be a very scary time. Spooky ghosts, creepy critters, and the upcoming high school basketball season. For some players the 1st day of the season is quickly approaching. It can be a very scary time.

  1. State Health Violations: Most state basketball associations are concerned with the whole student-athlete. As part of this concern they institute alcohol tobacco and health policies that discourage athletes from using harmful substances. If a basketball player is caught using one of these substances, the player can be suspended for part of the season or in some cases, the entire year. So beware. Make great choices.
  2. I Am Ineligible: Are you stupid fool? Take care of your classes. No matter where you go to school in America, you have a fantastic opportunity to learn. Make sure you do everything you need to do to be eligible for the basketball season. Attend extra help sessions. Shut off your phone when doing homework. Hire a tutor. Do everything you can to make sure that you are eligible to play basketball. It takes a lot of work (doing nothing) to fail classes. Do all you can to be the best student possible
  3. I Have Not Put in Enough Hours: This is a scary reality for many, many basketball players. They have not worked hard enough and there are just days left until the first day of tryouts. In some states the season is already underway. Players will be lacing up the sneakers and getting ready for the upcoming season. For a player who has not worked as hard as he / she should have, there is TODAY! Grab you lunch pail and hard hat and get to work today. Complete an individual workout. Get to practice early. Do all you can TODAY, so you are a better player TOMORROW!
  4. Realize Your Role is Not What You Hoped: This happens to most players at some point in your career. DNP – CD (Did Not Play – Coach’s Decision). Your coach does not feel you can contribute on the court to your team’s success. (See #3)
  5. I Am Out of Shape: The only excuse for not being in shape on the 1st day of the season is laziness. Conditioning has to be a major major priority if you want to be a good basketball player. . The easiest way to earn a spot on a team is to be in great shape. And the easiest way to get cut from a team is to be out of shape. That is scary thought that you might be a fan in the stands watching your former teammates play basketball.

BOO! Are you scared enough to work TODAY!

Good Luck!