Basketball Jokes for January

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  1. Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Day: Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for New Year’s Eve.
  2. What New Year’s resolution should a basketball player never make?… To travel more.
  3. What does the NBA Dunk Champion say on New Year’s Eve?…. Hoppy New Year! (Easter Jokes)
  4. What did Bugs Bunny say to the Looney Tunes Squad at the New Year’s Day Practice?… Hoppy New Year!
  5. What did the basketball coach say when finishing up practice on Dec. 31?… “See you next year!”
  6. What do the basketball cheerleaders say on New Year’s Day?… Happy New Cheer!
  7. Youth Basketball Coach. “I love when they drop the ball in Times Square …… It’s a nice reminder of what my players did all year.”
  8. May all your losing streaks last as long as your 2023 New Year’s resolutions.
  9. New Year’s Eve Jokes: What song is best for a youth basketball working on his game on New Year’s Eve?… A shot in the Dark bu Ozzy Osbourne. (365 Music Jokes)
  10. Why should a basketball player stand on just his left foot during the New Year’s Eve countdown?… So he start the New Year on the right foot.
  11. They say New York Knicks has the best New Year’s Eve Party… I’d say it’s overrated — every year they drop the ball.
  12. What does the Easter Bunny say on New Year’s Eve?…. Hoppy New Year! (Easter Jokes)
  13. Not to brag, but I already have a date for New Year’s Eve… It’s December 31st.
  14. Every New Year’s Eve, I look forward to a good show at Time’s Square …… and year after year, they drop the ball. (New York Jokes)
  15. Youth Basketball Coach: “I promise not to make any bad jokes for the rest of the year.” A coach at New Year’s Eve practice. (Dad Jokes)
  16. What did the basketball coach say to his players on New Year’s Eve?… Let’s celebrate New Year’s Eve? …… Don’t make any pour decisions!