Basketball Scoring Moves: Scoring Moves for Basketball

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

  1. The Hail Mary Huck Shot: This is the 1st scoring move any basketball player attempts. The shot attempt is often preceded by the youth basketball full-court, violation-filled sprint to the basket. When the player gets close enough, he takes the ball from the hip and hucks the ball in the direction of the backboard. During most youth games one or two huck attempts will fire off the backboard and rattle in the basket. Any youth basketball parent will have vivid memories of the shot we have names the “Hail Mary Huck Shot!”
  2. Basketball Scoring Move: Full Court Block Shot: This is the 1st scoring move that should be introduced to players as young as kindergarten.
  3. Block Shot: Mini-Mikan Drill