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I just got cut from Basketball . What next?
Getting cut from a basketball team at any level is disappointing and discouraging. There are many reasons a player might get cut, however, the reality is, you will not be wearing a basketball uniform this season.
There’s a great saying when “When God closes one door, another opens.”
Not all high schools have an indoor track program. But if you are fortunate to be in a school with an indoor track team, this is a great option. Most high school basketball players do not play after their last senior game. So the benefits of being on a basketball team – friendships, work ethic, discipline, and relationships. can also be accomplished by being a member of an indoor track team. You can strive to be a little bit better each day. Track is a great sport because you really compete against yourself and your personal records. And like Basketball it is a sport you can play the rest of your life.
If you are an underclassman with hopes of making the basketball team next year, it’s important for you to realize that you must get significantly better in order to make the team. And one thing you have to be aware of is how much time you have to improve your basketball skills.
Create a countdown calendar, so you know exactly what you can do between now and the first day of tryouts. Being in the best shape of your life is the number one thing. Participating in Indoor Track and Spring Track can do to increase your conditioning and chances of making a basketball team next season. So work your tail off an indoor track.
Strength is another area where you can improve to increase your chances of making the basketball team next season. Depending upon your school’s facilities lifting should be a big part of your winter workouts.
If you’re a senior, or have given up on your goal of becoming a high school basketball player, be the best track athlete you can. Put your heart and soul into it. And have fun.
If you still want to be a basketball player, continue reading…
Speak to The Coach: If you were cut, it is highly recommended that you speak to your coach about what you can do to improve as a player. Some coaches may not know your game that well, and they may give generic answers. Others may know you fairly well, from being in the program or watching you at camps of in fall leagues. These coaches may have very specific advice on what you can do to increase the chances next year.
Have an open mind when the coaches give you feedback, do not be defensive, and take what they have given you and try to devise a work out plan that focuses on these skills.
Get a ball in your hands as much as possible.
Think outside the box: Purchase a few racquetballs and have them in your coat pocket. Anytime you’re walking anywhere,dribble it. If you’re waiting for a train or bus dribble it. If you are waiting for a train or a bus or you are in the car, squeeze it. You can always have better hand eye coordination. And your wrist and hands can always be stronger both of these activities will do will make you better. Dribble the ball between your legs or dribble behind your back. It is not easy to dribble a racquetball, and if you master this during the winter, Basketball will be that much easier.
Vacation windows: Remember your goal is to make the basketball team next year. If you really are committed to this goal, Christmas break and February break will involve many basketball workouts. At least one per day. Perhaps some days two a day. If you happen to go on vacation, try to find some workouts you can do during vacation, but enjoy vacation.
Be a better shooter: The easiest way to make a basketball team is to be the best shooter on the team. This is a title only one player can earn. And it is earned. It is not too late to be the best shooter in your program. It will take aastering of the BEEF shooting technique. It will require hours and hours of practice. It will require keeping track of shooting percentages during your workouts. It is something most people reading this cannot do.
Dave Hopla was a JV junior who worked his tail off between his sophomore year and his senior year to to have the opportunity to play in college. He played in the Continental Basketball Association, professionally over Northern Ireland, and made a career out of being a world class shooting clinicians and instructor. Even being an NBA shooting coach.
Here is the shooting workout that we highly recommend.
One hand form shooting: Make five in a row, then step back until you can no longer make five in a row.
Around the world shooting: Start on the baseline two-hand form shooting. Make five in a row until you can no longer make five in a row.
50 shot drill: It’s important that you have to find your range. Once your range is defined, you were going to make 50 shots. 10 from each location. Record your score. Shoot from 5 main spots – right baseline, right wing, top of the key, left wing, left baseline.
It’s important that you have a shooting journal so you know if you are improving and how much you are improving by.
Always look to expand your range. You should be making 60 to 80% of your shots. If you’re not reaching this number, you’re out of your range and your form is bad.
Ray Allen drill. The goal is to make 25 shots in two minutes.
Larry Bird drill
Check how many days until the season. And then start to get weekly goals. How many shooting workouts we get during indoor track season. We recommend at least one and possibly two. If you have time to do more fantastic. If you can consistently make 60 to 80% of your shots. If you can consistently beat Ray Allen. And if you can consistently beat Larry Bird, there are not many programs you cannot make in the country.
The last drill is one of Dave Hopla‘s favorites. He finishes every shooting lecture with this drill. It’s called. beat the pro good luck and focus on your form, shooting and form running.