Basketball Scoring Moves: The Hail Mary Huck

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

What is The Hail Mary Huck?

The most famous Hail Mary pass in college football was delivered by Doug Flutie to Gerard Phelan in the Orange Bowl, as the future Heisman winner, Doug Flutie and the Boston College Eagles stunned the U of Miami in one of the most memorable college shootouts ever played. The Hail Mary play is highly unlikely to succeed. It is a last-second, long bomb thrown into a defense that is 100% sure the play is coming. Once the ball is thrown, the sideline and coaches all fall to their knees and pray that it will succeed.

When comparing Doug Flutie‘s Hail Mary pass to the youth basketball Hail Mary Huck there really is no comparison. The Hail Mary Huck of a five or six year old basketball player has a much lower percentage of success than Doug Flutie‘s Hail Mary pass.

When looking at youth basketball it is hard to figure out what is an age-appropriate skill. Even parents and youth coaches with decades of playing and coaching experience, have a hard time coaching youth basketball players. Youth development has never really been looked at too closely until 2013 when USA basketball and the Jr. NBA combined forces to provide youth players and youth coaches with a set curriculum. Yet even with these new resources, each player and team has a different skill level.

Our goal is to share our experience coaching youth basketball and observing basketball development from kindergarten to high school so that other youth coaches may better understand their own child and players development.

Our coaching philosophy is at the younger levels is to keep it simple and make sure players are having fun. We also focus on teaching skills that all players in an age group can complete successfully. There are some skills and fundamentals that are completely inappropriate to teach to a particular age group because, for whatever reason, players will not be able to execute that fundamental at that point in life.

Teach Age-Appropriate Skills

Passing we feel is a skill that requires decision making, and experience that most kindergarten to 3rd grade basketball players do not possess. It is almost comical to watch a youth basketball player try to inbound the ball to teammates when there is no back court pressure. There are 2 to 3 completely wide open players with no defense on them and a youth basketball player is completely overwhelmed. It seems to be a life or death decision for the inbound passer.

The other common scenario is when a youth basketball player grabs a rebound, deciding who to pass the ball to is nearly an impossibility. The player will do like most other youth basketball players who grab a rebound. The player will put the ball on the floor and put the head down and dribble down court. If he is like most other youth basketball players, he will pick up the ball and run three or four steps before restarting the dribble. This is age appropriate and should be embraced. So coaches and parents learn to love the Hail Mary Huck.

As the first scoring move in youth basketball, the Hail Mary Huck will be chucked once players are old enough to learn to play at a higher level of basketball. But at the younger levels this should be a move that all parents and coaches learn to love and appreciate, because it is actually probably the only move that is age-appropriate at the youngest levels of basketball. So for parents and coaches to encourage a child to pass when first learning to play basketball, we feel is like asking a middle school student to complete a calculus problem. No matter how hard they try, they will not be able to do it.

Practice the Hail Mary Huck

Coaches should embrace the full court Hail Mary Huck by making it a a part of their warm-up or practice routine. Trying to teach players to pass the ball is not age-appropriate and it’s actually doing a disservice to the players. Teach the players the moves they will use right now this season. In kindergarten and first grade this is this is the only scoring move that should be practiced. As players grow older focus on more age appropriate scoring moves.

It is also important to remember that making a shot is highly unlikely in youth basketball. Players should be praised for being able to actually have a field goal attempt. Shooting the ball and missing is what most players do at this age. So if a player hits the backboard that is a step in the right direction. Coaches and parents can encourage the players by saying nice try.

Remember at this age it is all about having enough fun to come back to the next practice or game. Basketball buddies should encourage players to shoot at an indoor hoop. Shoot at the local playground. Or if a player and family are fortune enough to have a hoop at the house, go out to the driveway and shoot. Follow USA guidelines and be sure to lower the basket to the age appropriate rim height.

Looking at the big picture

We would be doing a huge disservice to our readers if we were to simply say the Hail Mary Huck is the end all be all for kindergarten, first, and second grade basketball. This is not true. There are many other skills that can be focused on especially dribbling. Dribbling allows all players to have multiple repetitions if each player has a ball in practice. Any coach would see incredible progress if the majority of practice time were focused on dribbling. We have many dribbling drills that you can read over to see and incorporate into your practice plans.

Improvement is the number one priority in youth basketball.

The #1 goal for all players should be improvement. The youth basketball journey is a long one and there is no way to tell who will make it to a high school basketball program, so do not try to identify the next Lebron James. Simply keep teaching the players

What’s Next?

Looking ahead, the next scoring move for this age group is the block shot. That will be the focus as the season progress and you can click here to learn more about the block shot.

We hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful as you watch your young basketball player. If you are looking for more ways to be involved in a child’s basketball career check out our tips for basketball buddies.

101 Basketball Jokes

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “101 Basketball Jokes”

  1. They always asked me if I play basketball because I was tall… They stopped asking me that when I asked them if they play mini-golf.
  2. March Madness Jokes: A grandson was visiting his grandfather at the nursing home. When the boy walked into the room, the grandfather smiled. The boy enthusiastically said, “Grandpa you have March Madness teeth! You are down to your Final Four!” (Final Four Jokes & Grandparent Jokes)
  3. Youth Basketball Jokes: Why do youth basketball players love Oreo cookies?… Because they can dunk them! (Oreo Cookie Jokes)
  4. NBA Jokes: Who is the geography teacher’s favorite NBA player of all-time?… Jerry West. (Geography Jokes)
  5. Duke students have trouble spelling “Krzyzewski.” UNC students have trouble spelling “Smith.” (North Carolina Jokes & Grammar Jokes)
  6. Hanging in the hallway at the college are the basketball team pictures from the past 40 years. A player in the center of the front row in each picture holds a basketball identifying the year — “62-63,” “63-64,” “64-65,” etc.  One day I spotted a freshman looking curiously at the photos. Turning to me, he said, “Isn’t it strange how the teams always lost by one point?”
  7. Youth Basketball Jokes: Why is basketball the grossest youth sport?… Because they dribble all over the court.
  8. 101 Boston Celtics Jokes: What famous Southern Rock anthem is the same as the Boston Celtics offense during the 1980s… Free Bird. (Massachusetts Jokes)
  9. What’s a pirate’s favorite basketball move?… Jump hook. (Pirate Jokes)
  10. College Basketball Jokes: What is a heart surgeons’s favorite basketball team of all time?… 1983 N.C. State NCAA Champions – the Cardiac Pack.
  11. High School Basketball Jokes: Why was Rudolph the Reindeer ineligible for his high school basketball team?… He went down in history. (Reindeer Jokes & World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
  12. Did you know Steven Spielberg and John Williams like to play basketball together? … He shoots, he scores. (Movie Jokes & Music Jokes)
  13. What is a basketball player’s favorite thing about astronomy?… Shooting stars. (Astronomy Jokes)
  14. Who is the best Star Wars character at basketball?… Kobe Wan Kenobi. (Star Wars Jokes & Obi Wan Kenobi Jokes)
  15. The anti-vax basketball team lost every game they played…. Apparently they never take any shots. (Covid Jokes)
  16. What rapper has a sweet looking basketball jump shot?… LL Cool J! (365 Music Jokes)
  17. Christmas Basketball Jokes: What is Santa’s favorite basketball play?… the give and “GO GO GO!” (Christmas Basketball Jokes)
  18. What do the winning Karl Malone, Santa Claus, and the mailman have in common?… They always deliver. (Mailman Jokes & Super Bowl Jokes)
  19. Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving: What sound does a limping turkey make after a sprained ankle at a basketball game?…“Wobble, wobble!” (Turkey Jokes)
  20. Who is the #1 choice of a musical artist to sing the National Anthem at an NBA game on Christmas Day?… A “wreath” a Franklin. (NBA Basketball Jokes)
  21. Why do basketball players leave cookies for Santa?… So he can dunk them! (Cookie Jokes)
  22. What is a basketball player’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  23. What do the winning Karl Malone, Santa Claus, and the mailman have in common?… They always deliver. (Mailman Jokes & Super Bowl Jokes)
  24. Why can’t basketball players go on Christmas vacation?… They aren’t allowed to travel.
  25. Basketball Jokes for Groundhog Day: Why was Phil kicked off the Punxsutawney basketball team?… For being a ball hog.
  26. Basketball Jokes for Valentine’s Day: Who loves to shoot 3’s?… Cupid!
  27. Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving: If the pilgrims came on the Mayflower, then what does the Division I college basketball player come on?… The scholar ships. (Thanksgiving Jokes Pilgrim Jokes)
  28. Christmas Basketball Jokes: What is Santa’s favorite basketball play?… the give and “GO GO GO!” (Christmas Basketball Jokes)
  29. Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Day: What New Year’s resolution should a basketball player never make?… To travel more.
  30. Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Eve: What does the NBA Dunk Champion say on New Year’s Eve?…. Hoppy New Year! (Easter Jokes)
  31. What is Santa’s favorite NBA basketball team?… The Milwaukee Bucks. (Christmas Jokes Wisconsin Jokes)
  32. Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving: What do a Thanksgiving turkey and a college basketball pep band have in common?… The drumsticks.
  33. Why are college basketball coaches so excited to make it to the 15th hole in golf?… They love the final fore. (Golf Jokes)
  34. What did Delaware to the Christmas basketball game?… Idaho, Alaska. Maybe her New Jersey. (Top 50 State Jokes)
  35. Why was Rudolph the Reindeer ineligible for his college basketball team?… His grade went down in history. (Reindeer Jokes & World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
  36. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes.
  37. If a basketball player gets athlete’s foot, what does an astronaut get…  Missile Toe! (Top Astronomy Jokes)
  38. What did Delaware to the Christmas basketball game?… Idaho, Alaska. Maybe her New Jersey. (Top 50 State Jokes)
  39. What do NBA basketball cheerleaders drink before they perform at an NBA Christmas Day game?… Root beer! (Top 10 Sports Jokes)
  40. What Christmas song does a basketball player like?… Dunk the Halls with Boughs of Holly.
  41. What song describes a youth basketball player practicing on Christmas Eve… A shot in the dark. (Music Jokes)
  42. How do basketball players stay cool during a Christmas Day game?… They stand near the fans.
  43. Why did the North Pole basketball team struggle?… They had low elf esteem!
  44. Why do basketball players leave donuts for Santa?… So he can dunk them! (Cookie Jokes)
  45. Why do basketball players love Christmas cookies?… Because they can dunk them!
  46. What kind of coffee do basketball players leave for Santa?… Dunkin’ Donuts
  47. Why did the basketball player sign up for the crafting club?… He wanted to learn how to make baskets for Christmas presents!
  48. What kind of stories are told by basketball players on Christmas Eve?…. Tall Tales.
  49. Who is the best choice of a musical artist to sing the National Anthem at an NBA game during the Christmas season?… A “wreath” a Franklin. (NBA Basketball Jokes)
  50. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for Christmas.
  51. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good basketball joke for Christmas?
  52. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good basketball joke for Christmas knock-knock joke?
  53. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good Christmas basketball knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  54. What is a college basketball player’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  55. What is a high school basketball player’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  56. What is a youth basketball player’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  57. What is Santa’s elves favorite NBA basketball team?… The Milwaukee Bucks. (Christmas Jokes Wisconsin Jokes)
  58. What is Rudolph’ss favorite NBA basketball team?… The Milwaukee Bucks. (Christmas Jokes Wisconsin Jokes)
  59. Why can’t college basketball players go on Christmas vacation?… They aren’t allowed to travel.
  60. Why can’t NBA basketball players go on Christmas vacation?… They aren’t allowed to travel.
  61. Why can’t youth basketball players go on Christmas vacation?… They aren’t allowed to travel.
  62. If a college basketball player gets athlete’s foot, what does an astronaut get…  Missile Toe!(Top Astronomy Jokes)
  63. If a high school basketball player gets athlete’s foot, what does an astronaut get…  Missile Toe!(Top Astronomy Jokes)
  64. If a youth basketball player gets athlete’s foot, what does an astronaut get…  Missile Toe!(Top Astronomy Jokes)
  65. What is Santa’s favorite NBA basketball team?… The New York Saint Nicks. (Christmas Jokes Wisconsin Jokes)
  66. What is a basketball coach’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  67. What is a basketball fan’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  68. What version of the National Anthem is most popular in high school gyms before a basketball during the Christmas season?… A “wreath” a Franklin. (High School Basketball Jokes)
  69. Tags
  70. Why did the basketball player go to jail?…  Because he shot the ball! (Police Jokes)
  71. Coach Krzyzewski Baseball Career: Coach K had an amazing career as a college basketball coach. Many people do not know that before coaching basketball, he was a baseball player. He was a solid infielder and outfield, but Coach “K” was the worst hitter on the team. Coach K was always a focused on team success from a very young age. The baseball coach saw this and want to find a role for him. He tried him out on the mound and found out that Coach K was a fantastic pitcher. He finished the season pitching and lead the pitching staff in strikeouts. He truly was Coach K! (North Carolina Jokes & Baseball Jokes)
  72. November 11th: Veterans Day Jokes: Why was David Robinson arrested on Veterans Day?… He shot the basketball.
  73. Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving: If the pilgrims came on the Mayflower, then what does the Division I college basketball player come on?… The scholar ships. (Thanksgiving Jokes & Pilgrim Jokes)
  74. Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving: What do a Thanksgiving turkey and a college basketball pep band have in common?… the drumsticks.
  75. Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving: What is a Pilgrim’s favorite basketball move?… The “stuff!”
  76. Basketball Jokes for Thanksgiving: What is a turkey’s favorite basketball move?… The “stuff!”
  77. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for Thanksgiving.
  78. If the pilgrims came on the Mayflower, then what does the Division I college basketball player come on?… The scholar ships. (Thanksgiving Jokes & Pilgrim Jokes)
  79. What do a Thanksgiving turkey and a college basketball pep band have in common?… the drumsticks.
  80. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Gladys… Gladys who?…. Gladys the page dedicated to basketball jokes for Thanksgiving. Aren’t you? (Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes)
  81. If the Pilgrims were alive today AND played basketball, what would they be most famous for?… Their AGE! (Grandparents Jokes)
  82. What’s the best dance to do at a Thanksgiving basketball game?… The turkey trot! (Turkey Jokes)
  83. What band is great to listen to before a Thanksgiving family basketball game?… The Cranberries! (Music Jokes)
  84. What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to before playing a basketball game?… Plymouth Rock! (Music Jokes & Pilgrim Jokes)
  85. Which English pop singer is would be a good choice to sing the national anthem around Thanksgiving?… Pumpkin Spice. (Pumpkin Jokes)
  86. What is the #1 defensive play for Thanksgiving?… The “stuff!”
  87. What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving basketball game?… The turKEY (Turkey Jokes)
  88. What sound does a limping turkey make after a sprained ankle at a basketball game?…“Wobble, wobble!” (Turkey Jokes)
  89. My family told me to stop telling Thanksgiving basketball jokes … … but I told them I couldn’t quit “cold turkey.”
  90. What is a Pilgrim’s favorite basketball move?… The “stuff!”
  91. What smells the best at a Thanksgiving basketball game?… Your nose. (Biology Jokes)
  92. What do you wear to a Thanksgiving basketball game?… A Har – VEST. (Fall Jokes)
  93. I wasn’t going to play basketball on Thanksgiving, but my family this November, but my mom promised to make me Eggs Benedict. So I’m going home for the hollandaise. (Egg Jokes & Thanksgiving Jokes)
  94. What is a turkey’s favorite basketball move?… The “stuff!”
  95. If the Pilgrims came on the Mayflower then what does the basketball player come on?… The scholar ships. (Teacher Jokes Pilgrim Jokes)
  96. Why can’t you take a turkey to a basketball game?… Because they use such FOWL language. (Turkey Jokes)
  97. What happened when the turkey got into a fight at the basketball game?… He got the stuffing knocked out of him! (Turkey Jokes Boxing Jokes)
  98. If Pilgrims traveled on the Mayflower, what do college students travel on?… Scholar ships. (College Jokes & Pilgrim Jokes)
  99. October 9thLeif Erikson Day Jokes: Why was Leif Erikson so bad at basketball?… He was always traveling. (World Geography Jokes)
  100. October 10th Columbus Day JokesWhy was Christopher Columbus awful at basketball?… He was always traveled. (World Geography Jokes)
  101. What role does a Dalmatian Dog fill on a basketball team?… A “spot” shooter.
  102. What do you call a piece of cheese that likes to shoot hoops?… Swiss! (Cheese Jokes)
  103. My tennis career has taught me I can be the best basketball player ever… Nothing but net. (Tennis Jokes)
  104. Where do point guards take their girlfriends to dance?… Basket Balls! (Dance Jokes)
  105. Basketball stars don’t pass away – they just crossover. (Cemetery Jokes)
  106. What do you call a movie about Lebron James in the NBA Finals?… The Loss of the Rings. (101 Lord of the Rings Jokes)
  107. Why did the basketball team change their name to the Possums?… Because they play dead at home and they die on the road.

Basketball Jokes for Valentine’s Day

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Basketball Twitter Account of the Day

Google Search “Basketball Jokes for Valentine’s Day”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for Valentine’s Day.
  2. Scouting Report on Cupid: Very accurate shooter. DO NOT LEAVE HIM! Takes time to set up for his shot.
  3. What type of shot is a big hit on Valentine’s Day?… A kiss off the glass.
  4. Do you have a date for the basketball game on Valentine’s Day?… I sure do! February 14th.
  5. Who loves to shoot 3’s?… Cupid!
  6. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for Valentine’s Day jokes.
  7. Where did the basketball players take a date on Valentine’s day?… The basket ball.
  8. Where did the basketball cheerleader take a date on Valentine’s day?… The basket ball.

Top 10 Basketball Jokes

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Top 10 Basketball Jokes”

  1. Basketball Jokes for March Madness: A grandson was visiting his grandfather at the nursing home. When the boy walked into the room, the grandfather smiled. The boy enthusiastically said, “Grandpa you have March Madness teeth! You are down to your Final Four!” (Final Four Jokes & Grandparent Jokes)
  2. Hanging in the hallway at the college are the basketball team pictures from the past 40 years. A player in the center of the front row in each picture holds a basketball identifying the year — “62-63,” “63-64,” “64-65,” etc.  One day I spotted a freshman looking curiously at the photos. Turning to me, he said, “Isn’t it strange how the teams always lost by one point?”
  3. Who is the geography teacher’s favorite NBA player of all-time?… Jerry West. (Geography Jokes)
  4. They always asked me if I play basketball because I was tall… They stopped asking me that when I asked them if they play mini-golf.
  5. Duke students have trouble spelling “Krzyzewski.” UNC students have trouble spelling “Smith.” (North Carolina Jokes & Grammar Jokes)
  6. What rapper has a sweet looking basketball jump shot?… LL Cool J! (365 Music Jokes)
  7. Christmas Basketball Jokes: What is Santa’s favorite basketball play?… the give and “GO GO GO!” (Christmas Basketball Jokes)
  8. What do Karl Malone, Santa Claus, and the mailman have in common?… They always deliver. (Mailman Jokes & Super Bowl Jokes)
  9. What famous Southern Rock anthem is the same as the Boston Celtics offense during the 1980s… Free Bird. (Massachusetts Jokes)
  10. They’re a basketball team in transition… They’re going from bad to worse.

Basketball Scoring Moves: Scoring Moves for Basketball

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

  1. The Hail Mary Huck Shot: This is the 1st scoring move any basketball player attempts. The shot attempt is often preceded by the youth basketball full-court, violation-filled sprint to the basket. When the player gets close enough, he takes the ball from the hip and hucks the ball in the direction of the backboard. During most youth games one or two huck attempts will fire off the backboard and rattle in the basket. Any youth basketball parent will have vivid memories of the shot we have names the “Hail Mary Huck Shot!”
  2. Basketball Scoring Move: Full Court Block Shot: This is the 1st scoring move that should be introduced to players as young as kindergarten.
  3. Block Shot: Mini-Mikan Drill

Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Day

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Basketball Twitter Account of the Day

Google Search “Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Day”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for New Year’s Eve.
  2. What New Year’s resolution should a basketball player never make?… To travel more.
  3. What does the NBA Dunk Champion say on New Year’s Eve?…. Hoppy New Year! (Easter Jokes)
  4. What did Bugs Bunny say to the Looney Tunes Squad at the New Year’s Day Practice?… Hoppy New Year!
  5. What did the basketball coach say when finishing up practice on Dec. 31?… “See you next year!”
  6. What do the basketball cheerleaders say on New Year’s Day?… Happy New Cheer!
  7. Youth Basketball Coach. “I love when they drop the ball in Times Square …… It’s a nice reminder of what my players did all year.”
  8. May all your losing streaks last as long as your 2023 New Year’s resolutions.
  9. New Year’s Eve Jokes: What song is best for a youth basketball working on his game on New Year’s Eve?… A shot in the Dark bu Ozzy Osbourne. (365 Music Jokes)
  10. Why should a basketball player stand on just his left foot during the New Year’s Eve countdown?… So he start the New Year on the right foot.
  11. They say New York Knicks has the best New Year’s Eve Party… I’d say it’s overrated — every year they drop the ball.
  12. What does the Easter Bunny say on New Year’s Eve?…. Hoppy New Year! (Easter Jokes)
  13. Not to brag, but I already have a date for New Year’s Eve… It’s December 31st.
  14. Every New Year’s Eve, I look forward to a good show at Time’s Square …… and year after year, they drop the ball. (New York Jokes)
  15. Youth Basketball Coach: “I promise not to make any bad jokes for the rest of the year.” A coach at New Year’s Eve practice. (Dad Jokes)
  16. What did the basketball coach say to his players on New Year’s Eve?… Let’s celebrate New Year’s Eve? …… Don’t make any pour decisions! 

Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Eve

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Basketball Jokes for New Year’s Eve”

Basketball Twitter Account of the Day

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for New Year’s Eve.
  2. What New Year’s resolution should a basketball player never make?… To travel more.
  3. What does the NBA Dunk Champion say on New Year’s Eve?…. Hoppy New Year! (Easter Jokes)
  4. What did the basketball coach say when finishing up practice on Dec. 31?… “See you next year!”
  5. What do the basketball cheerleaders say on New Year’s Day?… Happy New Cheer!
  6. Youth Basketball Coach. “I love when they drop the ball in Times Square …… It’s a nice reminder of what my players did all year.”
  7. May all your losing streaks last as long as your 2023 New Year’s resolutions.
  8. New Year’s Eve Jokes: What song is best for a youth basketball working on his game on New Year’s Eve?… A shot in the Dark bu Ozzy Osbourne. (365 Music Jokes)
  9. Why should a basketball player stand on just his left foot during the New Year’s Eve countdown?… So he start the New Year on the right foot.
  10. They say New York Knicks has the best New Year’s Eve Party… I’d say it’s overrated — every year they drop the ball.
  11. What does the Easter Bunny say on New Year’s Eve?…. Hoppy New Year! (Easter Jokes)
  12. Not to brag, but I already have a date for New Year’s Eve… It’s December 31st.
  13. Every New Year’s Eve, I look forward to a good show at Time’s Square …… and year after year, they drop the ball. (New York Jokes)
  14. Youth Basketball Coach: “I promise not to make any bad jokes for the rest of the year.” A coach at New Year’s Eve practice. (Dad Jokes)
  15. What did the basketball coach say to his players on New Year’s Eve?… Let’s celebrate New Year’s Eve? …… Don’t make any pour decisions! 

High School Basketball: Christmas Vacation Week

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Hopefully everybody was on Santa’s nice list and had a good Christmas filled with lots of basketball gifts including some great books, and a brand new basketball. For high school players, coaches, and fans, Christmas vacation week is an exciting time. Most teams have had several games under their belt. They have completed preseason, the first games, and many practices.

What to expect during Christmas week?

Holiday tournaments: Holiday tournaments are a great opportunity for high school basketball programs. Some programs enter tournaments with the top teams in the state. Others compete in long established local tournaments between long-time rivals. Tournaments add a level of excitement because a champion is crowned. Most tournaments consist of four teams two games. Some however involve up to sixteen teams.

Regardless of the tournaments size, level, or competition, it is exciting. There is no school, so players can be completely focused on high school basketball. Players are selected for all-tournaments teams and there typically is an MVP. There are close games, overtime games, and career games. There also are defining moments in a season. Whether you’re a high school player parent or basketball fan holiday tournaments are a great way to spend your vacation.

Non-league Matchups: Most leagues take a break from scheduled games during vacation weeks. This allows teams to schedule non-league games against appropriate teams. Top teams who anticipate having a winning record are likely to schedule more challenging games to test themselves. Lower level teams can seek out opponents with similar talent levels. This will allow teams that might struggle in a league to have competitive games. These non-league games allow for a lot of flexibility for programs and hopefully provide the most competitive environment with close games and great competition.

Greater Travel: During the holiday vacation, teams have the ability to schedule games greater distances away. Some teams may play out of state tournaments. Others may play a team from a different part of the state or perhaps on an island like Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard. There’s a good chance that during vacation week some teams will travel the greatest distances for the games.

Lineup changes with a rare few exceptions, high school teams change lineups road season. Illness travel injuries discipline for play great play some of the reasons lineups can be changed. Also giving an upperclassman a chance to start, what providing an opportunity for underclassmen to start can be reasons why lineups change. If you are high school coach I’m sure you would agree that several times in your career you have gone into the Christmas season with several different starting lineups.

Time for Improvement: Depending upon where Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on the calendar, vacations can be as short as in 10 days or perhaps long as 14 days. (Use your fact checkers to confirm these numbers.)

For a select few players, vacation week can be used as an opportunity to elevate a player’s game. With no school, there is an opportunity to work out nearly every day if the weather conditions are favorable or a player has access to a gym.

Players can work on strengths of their game to make them stronger or players can work on areas that need improvement.

I guarantee you that in every state there are players that are going above and beyond to make themselves and their teams better. Having an individual workout separates great players from average players. Imagine how much a player could improve with ten 60 to 90 minute intense individual workouts.

If you’re a player and are reading this don’t imagine, JUST DO IT! You have only four years in your high school career. Don’t waste any of them. If you’re a senior it’s never too late. It is a long season there are many weeks ahead. You want to make some great memories by playing great fundamental basketball.

Shoot arounds With additional time, many coaches will schedule a one hour shoot around on game day. High school players can feel like they’re in the pros. Getting up in the morning and having a shoot around. Going home to eat and relax, then returning for a game at night. It is a very very special experience that usually is reserved for varsity players and. Make the most of these opportunities.

Rest and recharge the battery: For some players, this current season is the most minutes they have ever played in their life. It is the highest level of competition they have ever played. They have had two and three game weeks with classes, homework, and other activities such as college applications. The high school basketball season can be overwhelming. Sometimes the best thing a player can do is rest as much as possible. Some players do not need complete individual workouts. They would be better serve staying home, reading a book, watching TV, playing chess, or just relaxing and letting the body recover. This will be the more important of the season progresses.

Roles Are Clearly Defined: all teams are different but in many cases after the Christmas vacation teams will be 25 to 35% done with your schedule games. Players will have been given many opportunities and scrimmages practices and games to show their value to the team. And players have C’s or squandered those opportunities and rotations are being clearly set as teams approach the meat of the league schedule.

Roles are being re-defined. Some players are working harder than others in practice and on their own. These players are getting proper rest. They’re staying away from drugs and alcohol. They are making great decisions and this is being shown on the court. Players who have been defined as defensive specialist and and are consistently making free-throws are Increasing their value to the team. These player will be on the court late in the game.

Others are taking the role that has been defined for them I’m filling it more than ever imagined. Shooters in making shots. Rebounders are boxing out and coming up with 50-50 balls. Players are taking charges. There often are a few complete surprises during the season and this becomes more clear during the holiday break.

Team identities are defined: With high school basketball, there is so much uncertainty at the start of the season. Returning seniors expected to be leaders on the team or not. Juniors that were expected to have a limited role have emerged as some of the best players on the team. One player has become the best player in the league. Regardless of how the season has progressed to this point, the team has an identity. This identity will change throughout the season, however there are defensive teams. There are a fast breaking teams. There are teams that execute well or execute poorly. There are teams the closeout games or cannot finish. A team needs to establish their identity by Christmas break. Hopefully it is an identity they could be proud of.

The importance of league play: After the vacation games have been completed all eyes will turn to the league. Who will be the team to bear? Who will be the players to stop? The top players are established. Players average 15 to 20 points per game. Players who don’t shoot all will start to come out in scouting reports.

Also they have been some common opponents, so teams can figure out how well they will compete once the league starts up. It was a great time to play high school basketball once the league play heats up intensity is higher crowds are bigger and stars I made.

New Year’s Day Practice: To practice or not practice, that is the question facing many high school coaches. A lot of it may depend on the team. How they are playing? What may be doing on New Year’s Eve?

Many coaches scheduled the most challenging practices with the earliest start time to make sure the players are making great decisions on New Year’s Eve. Other coaches with less concerns, will give the players a day off. No matter the decision, this is certainly is a question that all coaches must answer.

High School Basketball: Let the Games Begin

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In some states, Week #3 is the start of official games. Tryouts are over. Cuts have been made. Scrimmages have been played. Ready or not, it is time for the 1st game of the season.

Preseason is officially over. Let the games begin.

With the exception of a few teams that may have played at the end of Week #2, every team will be playing a game this week. Seniors players will be entering their final season. Some players will be getting their very first varsity start. Plenty of other players will be getting their first varsity minutes. Some coaches will be entering the first season, while others will have spent decades riding buses and sitting on the bench. Dreams of an undefeated season will be dashed quickly on opening night for half the teams this week.

A basketball season can be a challenging for players and their families. There are so many different schedules for practices, games, vacation week, and state tournaments.

Players need to prepare for home game and away games. Each will have differences, it will require a player to figure out what works best for him. Home games often require varsity players to watch part of the JV game. Many varsity teams have an official warm-up during halftime of the JV game. So it is very important for a player to have a home game routine starting with the last bell of the school day and leading up to the time he must be at the gym to prepare for his game.

Players will need to figure out what they will eat, how they will get to and from school, and a pre-game basketball warm-up routine. To avoid any stress on game day, the routine should be well thought out, based on what works for the player, and based on previous seasons successes and failures.

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