Basketball Jokes for Presidents’ Day

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  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the BEST basketball jokes for Presidents’ Day in the world.
  2. Vote James Naismith for President!
  3. OluKai and Reef… The unofficial footwear of the Presidents’ Day.
  4. Ever wonder why there is no Congressional basketball game?… Because Congress cannot pass anything.(Election Jokes)
  5. OluKai and Reef… The unofficial footwear of the Presidents’ Day Congressional basketball game.
  6. Why are there so many turned ankles in the Presidents’ Day Congressional basketball game?… All the players are wearing flip flops.
  7. Where do they play the the Presidents’ Day Congressional basketball game?… At the Electoral College.
  8. How can the White House every four years be like jump balls in basketball?… Alternating possessions.
  9. Basketball coaches have really focused on “Stop the Steal” since it was introduced in 2016… They really value limiting turnovers and ball security. (Election Jokes)