High School Basketball: Championship Week

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

The Push for the Playoffs!

The end season is in sight. This is a time filled with excitement, anticipation, jubilation, celebration, disappointment, and elimination.

At this point in the season, most leagues will see a championship boiled down to two possibly three teams. Big rematch games with losing teams, hoping to avenge losses, winning teams, hoping to finish off opponents.

Critical games: We know that if you ask most coaches, they will say no one game is more important than any other. However, at this point in the season that is not true. There are matchups with first place on the line. There are matchups with playoff births on the line. And there is the dreaded toilet bowl matchup between the bottom teams in each league, some who are possibly winless.

Regardless of the records, some of these matchups will take on the intensity of a Duke – North Carolina game. Stars will be made, and there will be defining moments in the game and possibly the season. Players will take and make game winning shots. Like the great opening for ABC’s Wild World of Sports. There is the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.

Champions Will Be Crowned: Not all league championships to come down for the final week of the regular season of the last game, but many do.. At this point in season several teams will already be crown league champion.

Teams will be eliminated. Most states. have a minimum standard to qualify for the post season tournament. Unfortunately for some teams, their season will end with the last regular season game.

Senior Night: Most programs will have a special night to honor seniors in the program. Whether a senior has played one year, or for all four years, it is a chance to acknowledge the sacrifices the players and their families have made. The players and their families have made.

Playing time, as always with basketball, varies on the special nights. Some programs will start all seniors and have the other seniors as the 1st substitutes. Some teams treat it like a regular game, acknowledging the seniors, but still following a regular rotation with no guarantee of playing time for the seniors.

Whatever the program’s philosophy, it doesn’t matter. It is a night for the entire community to celebrate the seniors. The program will thank the seniors for all their hard work in the driveway, in the off-season leagues, camps, during the season, vacation weeks and everything that goes into being a high school basketball player.

To all the seniors and their families. Congratulations! You did it. You played varsity basketball, something that most Americans cannot say the die. Be proud of your teammates. Be proud of yourself. And be sure to thank your parents and family for the support.

Power Rankings and Seedings: At this point in the season there are several individuals in the state who are trying to figure out all the different scenarios and matchups. As each game is played, with technology. on a computer or iPhone, or the old school fans and coaches using a pen and paper, the match-ups will be planned out.

Scouting: At this point in the season, league coaches are very aware of league opponents. phones. However, when the state tournament comes around, teams can be matched against very unfamiliar opponents from different leagues with no connections. Coaches will do all they can to gather as much information about possible opponents.

Embrace Your Team Identity: With only a few games remaining, the team identity is pretty well established. Embrace everything with your teammates, whether it’s great defense, great rebounding sharing the basketball, pushing the ball in transitional offense. Love every aspect of your team. Don’t change who you are!

Control and control. Sorry for being redundant but now it is true today as it was on the first day of tryouts control your attitude control your effort control your emotions control what can be controlled.

tournament for teams that qualified. Each state is different. However, they usually is minimum win requirements or power ranking to qualify for the tournaments in some cases teams have already qualified for the tournaments and others have been eliminated. However, this is a big week for lots of teams that are on the mobile. One or two wins could be the difference between postseason. In preparing for the spring season.

Teams that have been eliminated need to continue to work hard finished with pride Reeves underclassmen also have to how are you have to work hard to improve following season. And seniors want to finish the year with an upset a to going out with the head held high.

Thousand points scored some public players will reach this incredible milestones some may fall a few points short new cars.

High School Basketball: The Final Week of the Regular Season

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

We forgot to tell you at the start of the season, “Don’t blink. You Might Miss It.”

A high school season (and career) goes so fast. Here we are the final week of the regular season. They have been many highs and lows, celebrations and disappointments, and a lot of excitement along the way. For some this is the end of a season. For others. it is the start of the postseason

Final Play Date: The final play date and the final games are played this week. The playoff brackets will be revealed. Coaches will speculate about possible matchups, players will check social media for the latest scores and updates, and practices will focus more on special situations and execution of place please.

Seeding Release Date: Players and coaches will see the official match-ups and will have a chance to start the road to a state championship. The opponent, location, date and time will be released for the preliminary round match-ups where ANYTHING can happen!

State tournament: How the postseason tournament is played varies from state to state. Some have a true state tournament where all the teams are seeded. Others divide a state into regions or sections. There are regional sectional champions and these winners will face off in the semifinals and finals.

True state tournaments can involve incredible travel, with teams being a distance of two hours or more.. This is a significant home court advantage in these matchups. Only parents and diehard fans and often will travel to see these games against towns that may not know that the other existed.

No mater the distance traveled to play these games, they will filled t with excitement that will create a lifetime of memories.

The Waiting is the Hardest Part: for coaches, not knowing me, Zach Cohen it can lead to anxiety. The difference between two and three scenes could be the difference between advancing far into the tournament or being knocked out in the first round

Remember Who You Are: In the postseason, rotations are pretty well established. Roles are much clearer now that they were at the beginning season. Teams need to simply do what they do best.

Make the Days Count: At this point in high school basketball, the days are truly numbered, so do not look past today. Today’s the most important day of the season. Do what you can to best prepare for the next game. Get your rest. Get your shots up. Eat healthy, Be a great teammate. For many players is it going be the final time they put on uniform for organize basketball. Make the most of each moment.

The Ride Will End: For all high school basketball, teams, players, and coaches, this season’s ride will end. For the talented, motivated, and lucky few that will mean the state championship. For all others it will end with a defeat. It will be the most sudden and devastating defeat. These defeats will leave tears and hugs and a wide range of emotions that can only be felt by members of a high school basketball team,

The Day After: the day after the final game is a huge paradigm shift Season is over. Some goals have been accomplished. Some goals were not met. And life goes on for a very rare. Few seniors that will mean continuing on to college as a basketball player of the small number of individuals they will be a select few they play at a scholarship level. For most, it is on the intramural’s in men’s leagues. We hope for all it was a positive and worthwhile experience that they will value forever.

The Next Season: The spring season starts the day after the winter season ends in many states. Playing multiple sports is beneficial to so many student athletes. Track, baseball, softball, lacrosse, tennis, volleyball, and rugby are all great options for basketball players to complete in the spring.

With so much specialization, there are many athletes who choose to focus completely on basketball. AAU tryouts, begin as a high school season finishes up. Practices and tournaments start almost immediately. Many AAU teams play the weekend following the crowning of state champions. Players of all ages will travel great distances to chase the dream of continuing to be a player. Whatever option you choose, be sure to maintain balance, and avoid burn out.

Make a Plan: it is always good for a student athlete to have a plan, and these plans should include things other than basketball. Getting a job, learning how to drive, taking an SAT prep course, completing community service are all great options for teenagers to be involved with.

It is also important to have a basketball plan as an underclassman and a player who wishes to continue to play in college. The most important part of an off-season plan is a skill-based individual workout It should be completed several times a week. Play it wants to reach his potential, many long hours needed to be spent in a gym, honing their craft

Say Thank You / Have an “Attitude of Gratitude:” Be sure when your season comes to an end to thank all those individuals that were part of your season. This would include – the entire coaching, staff, teammates, managers, trainers and the athletic director. It’s also important not to forget those close to you who offered support and encouragement on your journey like parents, siblings, friends, significant others, and extended family. These individuals will appreciate it and it is important for you know that you have reached this point in your basketball career with the help of main many individuals, including teachers, youth, basketball, coaches, basketball, camp, directors, and so many more.

Be Proud: Every single high school basketball player should be proud of this season. It is something that most individuals never do, completing a varsity basketball season. Some players will be named Gatorade Player of the Year, others will be selective as league all-stars, some rarely got off the bench. These players, you should be very proud for sticking with it as a a role player. These players who can see it through to the final game of the season is a testament to your character, dedication, and willingness to be a part of a high school program. For everyone to the next season to see who will be crown state champion, and who will be who will evolve as some of the top players in your state

For those high school player still continuing on check out our week by week analysis of the basketball year. Good luck.

High School Basketball: What’s the Magic Number?

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

During the final few weeks and days of the high school basketball season, there is always an eye on qualifying for postseason play. Leading up to Selection Sunday for college basketball, all the basketball analysts talk about the bubble teams, quality wins, and who’s going to the dance and who’s going to be left out.

For high school basketball state tournaments, a team often is required to have a certain number of wins to qualify for the post-season play. In Massachusetts a team can qualify by being one of the top 32 teams in a division or winning 50% of the games.

So with a twenty game schedule, the magic number for most teams is 10. And several teams during the final weeks of looking to get to that magic number.

The magic number also can be associated with the league championship, towards the end of the season. There are usually two or sometimes more teams vying for that league championship. Just like major league baseball teams look for the magic number to get into the playoffs, league rivals are watching the standings.

How Does the Magic Number Work?

Let’s look at an example. If Team A has a one game lead with three games remaining, for example heading into the final game. If two teams are tied the magic number is one. One win will guarantee at least the co-championship. Similarly, one loss by the other team guarantees a co-championship. Two is the magic number for an outright championship won win by the team and a loss by the opponent will make for a single champion.

This scenario happens in many leagues and often a league champion is not decided until the last minute of the play. One of the many reasons that make high school basketball fantastic. It also illustrates how high school basketball can be totally heartbreaking and uplifting at the same same time.

Get out to a local high school gym and see all the excitement.

High School Basketball: The Final Four Weeks

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

The final four is a big event in basketball. For a basketball team to make the final four is something players and coaches dream of at all levels. We are now looking at the final four weeks of the high school basketball season.

It is hard to believe how long ago tryouts were and how much basketball has been played so far this season. But there is still so much more basketball games. Here are a couple thoughts in the final, four weeks of the season.

Quitting: At this point in the season, team identities have been created, starting lineups have been established, and playing time is pretty much set in stone. Sometimes players realize that there is no hope for being a contributing member on the basketball court. These players are faced with a dilemma, to complete the season on the bench or to quit and move on. There will be a few players in each league that decide they no longer want to be a member of the basketball team during the final weeks of the season.

Some players may officially quit, letting the coach know that they no longer want to be part of the team. Some may set up a meeting with the coach to discuss playing time, and based on this discussion will decide either to remain a part of the team or to go in another direction.

We encourage all players to finish strong, regardless of their role.

Quietly Quitting: There are others players who will quietly quit. They will skip practice. They will no longer be an active member on the bench. And they will be a cancer in practice. It is a challenging situation for players to be on team, in a sport they love, yet not able to play in games.

Dealing with Adversity: Players, and coaches will be faced with adversity throughout the season, and during the final four weeks adversity can seem to intensify. With the state tournament and league championships being decided with each game, tension can build.

To have a successful basketball season, so many things have to go well. However, adversity will be part of these weeks. How does the team handle sickness, how does a team handle a poor performance, how does the team handle foul trouble so many different scenarios? How many teams handle in eligibility question

Rising to the occasion: Players will be asked to step up who normally do not play. Some JV players may have developed and are ready to contribute at the varsity. Injuries, illness, vacations, and academics can impact teams.

High School Basketball: Focus on ONE WEEK at a time

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

High school basketball can be a full-time commitment for some players. When a player looks at an ENTIRE basketball season, an ENTIRE off-season, or a ENTIRE high school career, it can be overwhelming. That is why it is best to keep it simple and focus on one week at a time

When looking at a basketball year, the most simple breakdown is

  1. In season: November 28th – March 19th (16 weeks / 112 Days)
  2. Off-season: March 20th – November 27th – (36 weeks / 252 Days)

For a high school basketball player to make the most out of a season in a career, it is best to focus on ONE WEEK at a time. Seven days is a very manageable amount of time. This allows a player to establish a weekly routine that can be slightly altered based on other commitments. At the end of seven days, a player has an opportunity to evaluate the week.

Another way to look at a season would be based on the high school sports season and summer.

  1. Fall
  2. Winter: (basketball season)
  3. Spring
  4. Summer

It could be useful to use both approaches when playing the off-season.

The short-term goals will be the goals for the week. The long-term goal would be the entire season. When setting short-term goals and long-term goals, is important for players to set goals are realistic, attainable, and will lead to individual progress that will help the high school team have a more successful season.

We also understand each year is unique, and therefore will be different than the preceding year and the following year. To help a player understand, we have created a plan for each year.

Freshman Off-Season

  1. Freshman Year
  2. High School Basketball: Sophomore Year
  3. Junior Year
  4. Senior Year

Good Luck and Just Keep Working!

High School Basketball: One Week at a Time

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

High School Basketball: The Most Important Week of the Season

October Basketball Jokes (31 days)

October 2nd – October 8th: (8 weeks left) This is a critical time for players to start to really focus on being completely ready for tryouts. It is important to start conditioning so you are in the best shape of your life.

October 9th – October 15th: (7 weeks left) Columbus Day Check in: 49 days at 1 hour a day is 49 hours. There is still of time to improve your skills, but you cannot wait.

  1. High School Student-Athletes: Start the School Year Strong
  2. The season is just weeks away, just keep working. Focus on individual workouts! Work hard in fall sports and be sure to find time to shoot!
  3. Play Fall League.
  4. Play AAU
  5. Play a Fall Sport (Eight Great Benefits of Playing a Fall Sport)
  6. Columbus Day Check in
  7. High School Basketball: Top Reasons To Take the PSAT
  8. October 31st Halloween: Top 5 Halloween Horrors for High School Basketball Players

November Basketball Jokes (30 days)

  1. High School Basketball Tryout Tips: Elite Eight Tips
  2. November 11th: Veterans Day Check-In
  3. High School Basketball: Final Week of the Off-Season
  4. Thanksgiving: THANK YOU BASKETBALL: Create a Basketball Gratitude List
  5. Be Ready for the 1st Day of Tryouts
  6. High School Basketball Tryouts

December (31 days)

  1. Be Ready for the 1st Day of Tryouts
  2. High School Basketball Tryouts
  1. Be Ready for the 1st Day of Tryouts
  2. High School Basketball Tryouts
  3. Week #1 High School Basketball: Tryout Week
  4. Week #2 High School Basketball: Preseason and Scrimmages
  5. Week #3 Let the Games Begin (Week #3)
  6. High School Basketball: What Time is Practice?
  7. Week #5: High School Basketball: Christmas Vacation Week

January (31 days)

  1. Week #6: High School Basketball: Back to School Week
  2. High School Basketball: Tips for Coming Off the Bench
  3. Week #7: High School Basketball: The New Normal
  4. Week #8 High School Basketball: Martin Luther King Week

February (28 days / 29 days in leap years)

  1. February 6th – 12th: High School Basketball: The Midway Point of The Season
  2. February 13th – 19th:
  3. February 20th – 26th:
  4. February 20th – 26th: The Final Week of the Regular Season
  5. February 27th – March 5th:

Additional Blogs

February (28 / 29 days)

March (31 days)

April (30 days)

May (31 days)

June (30 days)

July (31 days)

  1. Attend a Basketball Camp: Top 10 Reasons to Attend All-Academic Basketball Camp
  2. Play Summer League
  3. Individual Workouts
  4. Work on Strength and Conditioning
  5. Read (Basketball Books)

August Action Plan (31 Days)

  1. July 31st – August 6th: Follow the August Action Plan and complete as many workouts as you can. It is the last days you can use the summer vacation to improve.
  2. Play Summer League
  3. Tryout for a Fall AAU Team
  4. Attend a Basketball Camp: Top 10 Reasons to Attend All-Academic Basketball Camp
  5. Attend a College “Prospect” Camp
  6. Individual Workouts
  7. Work on Strength and Conditioning (Individual Pushup Chart)
  8. Read (Basketball Books)
  9. Play a Fall High School Sport

September (30 days)

  1. High School Student-Athletes: Start the School Year Strong
  2. High School Basketball: Fall Preseason
  3. Individual Workouts
  4. Play AAU
  5. Play a Fall High School Sport
  6. Work on Strength and Conditioning (Individual Pushup Chart)
  7. Read (Basketball Books)

High School Basketball: Cutting Down the Nets

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Cutting Down the Nets

Jim Valvano and the 1983 NC State Cardiac Pack ACC Champions and NCAA Champions practiced cutting down the nets at one practice each season. Jim Valvano taught his players to dream. And to not only dream, but dream BIG! Coach V would set the scene for the players and get out his gold scissors. The team would practice cutting down the nets and celebrating winning a title.

Jim Valvano created the vision for the team and the team created its own reality, As part of an historic season, the Wolfpack cut down the nets after winning the ACC tournament, defeating college legends, Ralph Sampson (University of Virginia), and Michael Jordan & Sam Perkins (UNC). The team would not have made the NCAA tournament if they were not ACC Champs.

They continued their Cinderella season during March Madness. Winning many close games in the final seconds. The moment that will has been immortalized is the improbable last second victory over the University of Houston and Phi Slama Jama. Every March CBS will show the Lorenzo Charles last second dunk over a bewildered Hakeem “The Dream” Olajuwon. to beat Houston 52 to 50.

In high school gyms in every state, all around the country, there are coaches and players who celebrate a league championship by cutting down the nets. What a memory for a season and career filled with hard work, commitment, and sacrifice. No matter what grade a player is or the role they have on the team, cutting down the nets should be a moment that will always be treasured because so few people in the world EARN this experience.

Cutting down the nets It is reserved for varsity players on the league championship team. So many great players at all levels, never win a championship. So whether a player is the league MVP leading a team to the championship or the 15th man who never gets to see time on the court. Be proud of your accomplishment! You are a league champion for LIFE!

4th Grade Girls Basketball Shot Chart

In November of 2023, we watched a 4th grade girls basketball game. For fun, we kept a shot chart of one of the teams. A shot chart can be a very useful tool for basketball players, teams and coaches. 

The shot chart was for the 1st half of the game. The halftime score was 12 – 6. The team I kept the chart for scored.

Shot charts provide great feedback, however they are not necessary for every game. 2 – 3 times a season would be useful to most coaches. 

Team Shot Chart: The team shot 3 for 13. 23.1%

  • 3 for 11 2-point attempts 27.2%
  • 0 – 2 3-point attempts 0%

Indvidual Shot Chart:

  • #31 2 for 4 (0-1) 50%
  • #2 0 for 3 0%
  • #1 1 for 6 16.7%

Turnovers No Shots (TONS): I kept one other stat Turnovers No Shots (TONS). There were 14 possessions where the team turned the ball over before attempting a shot. 

Coaches should use statistics to improve the play of the team and to adjust the instruction to correct mistakes. Here is some basketball analysis.

Take Care of the Basketball: The team turned the ball over more often than it was able to get a shot off. The opposing team was playing halfcourt man-to-man defense. It is important for the players on this team to dribble and pass the ball a little better. 

2-Point Attempts Are the Better Option: 27.2% is a respectable shooting percentage at most basketball levels. Focus practice time on 2-point attempts. 

More Players Need to Shoot the Ball: Only having 3 players attempt shots is not a great stat. It is true some of the girls may not have enough skills to attempt to the shoot the ball, but the goal should be to have more players attempt shots. 

The above information was taken as result of the short chart and the turnovers. I did not keep track of individual turnovers, but that information might be useful too. 

The bigger problem was the tournament was not following ALL of USA basketball guidelines for this age group.

AGES 9-11

Guideline Being Following

Basketball: Boys and Girls size 6 (28.5”)

Guideline NOT Being Following

Basket Height: 9′

Distance of 3-point arc: Not applicable

Distance of free throw line: 14′

Basket Height: The biggest guideline is the basket height. Not all gyms allow for adjusting basket height, but if possible it is recommended by USA Basketball. They are the experts on youth basketball, so whenever possible, follow the recommendations. 

Distance of 3-point arc: If the league decides NOT to count 3-point attempts, this would discourage any 3-point attempts. A coach can impose a rule that players cannot shoot 3-point shots too. Bad habits are formed when players shoot outside his / her range and for most 4th graders, a 3-point shot attempt falls into this category. 

Distance of free throw line: This would be helpful, but with the lower basket heights, it would be less of a problem.

Players should practice at 9 foot baskets, even if games are going to be played at 10 feet. 9 Foot hoops allows for players to develop proper shooting form and mechanics.

High School Basketball: The Midway Point of The Season

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

The first day of tryouts seems so long ago. It is now the the midway point of the high school basketball season. A lot of basketball has been played and much more basketball is ahead. It is so hard to believe the season is half over. but this is the midway halfway point of the season.

What to expect:

Illness and Injuries: Illnesses and injuries are a part of every single basketball team and season. Sometimes a sickness runs through an entire team. Starters will be home sick and reserve players will get their chance to rise to the occasion.

Key players will be injured and have to miss some or all of the remaining games. These setbacks are simply part of basketball and each team will have its own set of challenges, Some may not be impacted significantly while others may be completely devastated.

Just Work Hard: Every practice, every game, every individual workout, and every lifting session. Just work hard. Good things will happen to players and teams that work hard.

Stay positive: Throughout the highs and lows of a season, one thing can remain constant – your effort and attitude. This goes for coaches, players, and teams.

It’s All About the League: Round two of league math-ups is happening. Down the stretch of the season, the majority of games are league games. Each game is important to crowning a league champion. Teams know each other. Players have personal rivalries. Games start to take on more meaning in many ways.

Throw out the results of the first half of the league play. Many teams are hungry for revenge. Teams will be fighting to make the postseason. Teams will be fighting for a a league title. And seniors will be looking to go out with pride.

Intense Games: Some of the most intense basketball games are played during the final weeks of the season. It can be stressful for parents, exciting for fans, and moments will be created that the players will never forget. So enjoy whatever your role you have in high school basketball.

Rising to the Next Level: Teams and players have grown over the first half of the season. There is even more room for growth for so many players and so many teams. Team defense is critical at this stage of the season. Teams that advance and make the playoffs usually can get stops late in the game, create turnovers, and stop a star player.

Players also will elevate their game to the next level. Those players passed up open shots early in the season are now demanding the ball. Players who would settle for a jump shot are now attacking the rim and finishing with contact. Players that didn’t say a word during the first week of the season are now calling team huddles directing teammates and have become clear leaders on the court.

Academics: As always should be a number one priority for high school basketball players.. Unfortunately, there are players who become academically ineligible for the rest of the season. This is incredibly frustrating for parents, coaches, and teachers. Failing students has been and will always be a problem for those students who do not take academic seriously and do not complete the required amount of work in school.

It should be noted that it takes incredible amount of work to be in eligible. Students do not do homework. Students skip class or do not participate. Students do not pay attention. Take care of the books.

Take it One Day at a Time: This is something that can be applied to any part of the school year any part of the basketball season. However, at this point, it is important just to focus on today and make the most of each day if you look at a short term window focus on the week right there often are two games per week and they should know team should look any further than Friday

High School Basketball: Martin Luther King Week

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Week #8

Martin Luther King Day is the start of Week #8 for high school basketball in Massachusetts. It is a great time to assess the season up to this poing, both as a player and a team. Teams and players know what works best for them and what needs to be done in order to be successful. Continue focusing on the little things that will make a difference.

Martin Luther King week is a typical week in so many ways. The only exception is having Monday off from school. Looking back to Christmas Vacation Week, players can use Monday to accomplish many of the same things that could be accomplished during vacation week.

Individual Improvement: A player can rest a little bit more. It is a great chance to catch up on homework, as many schools end the second term during the Martin Luther King week. It is also a chance to fine-tune individual skills. A player can find a gym and get some shots up. Players can work on some game shooting and scoring moves. It might also be a time to possibly work on strength and conditioning.

Rest and Recover: As we have been stressing for the past several weeks, at this point during the season rest is critical. Illnesses and sickness are happening in every program, on every team. Do not think you are immune. Get proper rest, eat healthy. Be ready to compete at your highest level.

Defining Moments: At some point during the season, there will be a moment in practice or a game that will help define a team and a player’s season. It might be a statement win. It might be a league rivalry match-up. It could be a matchup between the top two teams in the league. It might be a battle between defeated teams. Whatever the case, these defining moments will happen. Embrace these opportunities. Give a fantastic effort, and then move on. For some teams, these defining moments will be disappointing. It might be a one point loss. It might be a 30 point blowout. Whatever the result, remember to “Win the Day” because there is a lot of basketball ahead. Don’t look back!

Just Keep Working: No matter what point of the season, no matter what your role on the team, no matter what year you are, it is essential that you just keep working. The goal is to finish the season strong. The goal is to be a better fundamental player and team each day. Never lose sight of the big picture.

Don’t Point Fingers: Coach K had a famous saying when you point one finger at someone else, three more pointing back at you. The only person you should be concerned with is yourself. Don’t criticize coaching decisions. Don’t criticize the play of teammates. Don’t blame the A.D. for scheduling back to back games. Just look at yourself, focus on your game, watch huddle, and try to be better today than you were yesterday.

Rankings: Don’t worry about rankings and power rankings. Top 10 and top 20 polls are the business of radio and journalists. Don’t be concerned with the rankings, just worry about playing good basketball. The power rankings or something to keep an eye on, however it really should have no impact on your approach to the season this week. Often these are preliminary rankings based on 40 to 50% of games being played. There is a lot of basketball ahead. That is your main concern the basketball that is in front of you right now.