Division III College Basketball: October

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

October 14th – October 20th Last week before the season: High School Basketball: Columbus Day Check in It is starting to get real. The season is so close you can smell it! Keep working hard and be sure to get in the best shape of your life!

October 21st – October 27th Week #1: 6 practices. The 1st practice is Tuesday October 22nd.

October 28th – November 3rd Week #2:

Division III College Basketball: November

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

October 28th – November 3rd Week #2:

Basketball Jokes for Halloween

November 4th – November 10th Week #3: 

November 11th – November 17th Week #4: This is the 1st week of games. Mostly non-conference games. (2 games this week / 2 games for the season)

November 18th – November 24th Week #5: (2 games this week / 4 games for the season)

November 25th – December 1st Week #6: Thanksgiving Week: This is a different week for players. The majority of the students will return home for a long break. Some students might even skip classes on Monday and Tuesday. These students will go home Friday and have a full week off. Depending on the program, players might be required to play or practice on Thanksgiving. Games Tuesday and Saturday. (2 games this week / 2 games for the season)

Division III College Basketball Season

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.


October 14th – October 20th Last week before the season: High School Basketball: Columbus Day Check in It is starting to get real. The season is so close you can smell it! Keep working hard and be sure to get in the best shape of your life!

October 21st – October 27th Week #1: 6 practices. The 1st practice is Tuesday October 22nd.

October 28th – November 3rd Week #2:


October 28th – November 3rd Week #2:

Basketball Jokes for Halloween

November 4th – November 10th Week #3: 

November 11th – November 17th Week #4: This is the 1st week of games. Mostly non-conference games. (2 games this week / 2 games for the season)

November 18th – November 24th Week #5: (2 games this week / 4 games for the season)

November 25th – December 1st Week #6: Thanksgiving Week: This is a different week for players. The majority of the students will return home for a long break. Some students might even skip classes on Monday and Tuesday. These students will go home Friday and have a full week off. Depending on the program, players might be required to play or practice on Thanksgiving. Games Tuesday and Saturday. (2 games this week / 2 games for the season)

December / Winter Break

January / Winter Break

Youth Basketball: Google Search 1st Grade Basketball

Youth Basketball: 1st Grade Basketball Pre-Season Email

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills, books, teaching tools, guest blogs and so much more for basketball coaches, players, and parents.

Top Youth Basketball Twitter Accounts

“You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.”

Will Rogers

You are a GREAT person to be coaching 1st grade basketball. THANK YOU! We have some resources to help you coach 1st grade basketball. It is a fun age, but an age that a coach can use all the help possible.

Remember for many parents and players this is probably the 1st exposure to youth basketball. So this email should be friendly and should ease any parental fears of a child playing basketball for the 1st time.

The league will often reach out to parents but even though it might not be mandatory, it is probably wise for a team coach to initiate communication with parents as early as possible.

A well written email can answer frequently asked questions, prepare the families for what to expect during the season, and share important early season dates.

Travel teams and recreation teams will have different goals and schedules, however all coaches, regardless of age or level, need to share information with parents. The pre-season email is an amazing opportunity to get the season started on a good note.

The following email covers some of the important information that is important to share at the start of the season. Feel free to borrow as much as you would like.

Dear Parents,
1. Announcement of the team: Congratulations! Your child has been drafted by the YOUR TOWN YOUR TEAM NAME for the 2013 – 2014 YOUR TOWN LEAGUE season. (This was a long time ago. Inert the current season.)

2. Personal Introduction: My name is [YOUR NAME] and I will be coaching along with [ANY ASSISTANTS]. This is my 1st, 3rd, 5th season coaching youth basketball (You may want to include some personal information here if you wish.)
Below is the entire team roster: (List the team members so other parents will know.)

3. Coaching Philosophy: I am really excited for the season. I love USA Basketball and will be following the recommended guidelines for our age group. My number one goal is to make it fun. Along the way hopefully the players will pick up some basketball skills, but first and foremost, the coaches want each boy to have a positive experience.

4. Logistics of the League and Form(s) of Communication
Below are a few of my thoughts as we prepare for the season.

  1. The YOUR TOWN Basketball website is (include the link here). This is the best resource to learn about the program, cancellations, and our team. If there are cancellations due to weather, this is the first place the information will be posted. It would be awesome if you could become familiar with this site.
  2. The first week of the season will be [LIST THE DATE]. The games will be played at (include the time or times). I will email you a full schedule later. (Perhaps the website will list the schedule and you can include the link.)
  3. Locations of practices and games: All the games will be played at the NAME THE LOCATION(S). Each game will be one hour long. The 1st 30 minutes will be skills and the last 30 minutes will be a 5 on 5 scrimmage.
  4. Equipment: To maximize the skills sessions, the coaches would like to have each player bring a basketball each week. This should result in more improvement for everyone. (This is my philosophy it may not be yours.)
  5. Ball Size: The recommended size ball is size 5 (27.5”). USA basketball has experts set the guidelines. I strongly recommend this size ball because it is perfect for the skill development of this age.
  6. Height of Basket: 8 feet
  7. Communication Program / App: TeamSnap is a program that many leagues use to share information with parents and players

Request for special personal information about players. Lastly, if there is any information you would like to share with about your son that you feel might be helpful to the coaches, you could email me or speak with one of the coaches on DATE OF 1St GAME.

Have a great weekend!



(include your email if you wish)

Basketball Jokes for November

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Basketball Jokes for November”

  1. Basketball Jokes for the Election: Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the BEST basketball jokes for election day in the world.
  2. Vote James Naismith for President!
  3. Ever wonder why there is no Congressional basketball game?… Because Congress cannot pass anything.(Election Jokes)
  4. OluKai and Reef… The official footwear of the Election Day basketball game.
  5. Why are there so many turned ankles in the Congressional basketball game?… All the players are wearing flip flops.
  6. Where do they play the Election Day basketball game?… At the Electoral College.
  7. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the BEST basketball jokes for the election jokes in the world.
  8. How can the White House every four years be like jump balls in basketball?… Alternating possessions.

Top 10 Halloween Basketball Jokes

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Top 10 Halloween Basketball Jokes”

  1. I am a big Star Wars fan and LA Laker fan… I dressed up as Kobe Wan Kenobi for Halloween. (Star Wars Jokes & Obi Wan Kenobi Jokes)
  2. Why are ghost great at playing basketball defense?… They are great at getting through screens.
  3. What would you get if you crossed a basketball and the Invisible Man?… Skills like no one has ever seen. 
  4. Playing basketball with vampires is tough… No Blood! No Foul!
  5. Why did the Harlem Globetrotters have a ghost on their team?… To add a little team spirit. 
  6. Why was Dracula get a technical foul?…He was a pain in the neck! (Top Baseball Jokes: Page #1 Google Search)
  7. Did you hear about the Ghost basketball team?… They can’t shoot or defend, but the have a lot of spirit.
  8. What do you get when you cross a basketball player with a monster?… a double header! 
  9. Why was Dracula on the 15-day disabled list?…He was a pain in the neck! (Top Baseball Jokes: Page #1 Google Search)
  10. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe play basketball on Halloween? (Canoe Jokes)

Basketball Jokes for the Election

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Basketball Jokes for the Election”

  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the BEST basketball jokes for election day in the world.
  2. Vote James Naismith for President!
  3. Ever wonder why there is no Congressional basketball game?… Because Congress cannot pass anything.(Election Jokes)
  4. OluKai and Reef… The unofficial footwear of the Election Day basketball game.
  5. Why are there so many turned ankles in the Congressional basketball game?… All the players are wearing flip flops.
  6. Where do they play the Election Day basketball game?… At the Electoral College.
  7. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the BEST basketball jokes for the election jokes in the world.
  8. How can the White House every four years be like jump balls in basketball?… Alternating possessions.
  9. Basketball coaches have really focused on “Stop the Steal” since it was introduced in 2016… They really value limiting turnovers and ball security. (Election Jokes)

College Basketball Teams By State

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Alabama Colleges

  1. Alabama A&M University Normal, AL @aamuedu Athletics @_AAMUAthletics Men’s Basketball @Bulldogs_Hoops Women’s Basketball @aamuwbb
  2. The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL @UofAlabama 
  3. Alabama State University Montgomery, AL @BamaState1867
  4. Amridge University
  5. Athens State University / @AthensState (2K followers) Athens, Alabama
  6. Auburn University / @AuburnU (151.4K followers) Auburn, AL
  7. Auburn University at Montgomery / @aumontgomery (4.5K followers) Montgomery, Alabama
  8. Bevill State Community College / @bevillstate (2.7K followers) Alabama, United States
  9. Birmingham School of Law
  10. Birmingham–Southern College / @FromTheHilltop (7K followers) Birmingham, AL
  11. Bishop State Community College / @BishopState (1.6K followers) Mobile, Alabama
  12. Calhoun Community College / @CalhounCollege (1.8K followers) Decatur/Huntsville AL
  13. Central Alabama Community College / @CentralAlabama1 (1.9K followers)
  14. Chattahoochee Valley Community College / @CVCCPirates (1.4K followers) Phenix City, AL
  15. Coastal Alabama Community College / @CoastalAlaCC (2.8K followers) Bay Minette, AL
  16. Columbia Southern University / @CSUedu (2.9K followers) Orange Beach, AL
  17. Community College of the Air Force
  18. Enterprise State Community College / @EnterpriseState (1.4K followers) Enterprise, Alabama
  19. Faulkner University / @FaulknerEdu (2.9K followers) Alabama
  20. Gadsden State Community College / @gadsdenstate (2.9K followers) Gadsden/Anniston/Centre, AL
  21. H. Councill Trenholm State Community College / @trenholm_state (.7K followers) Montgomery, Alabama
  22. Heritage Christian University / @hcu_dot_edu (4.1K followers) Florence Alabama
  23. Highlands College / @HCollege (4.7K followers) Birmingham, AL
  24. Huntingdon College / @HuntingdonColl (3.5K followers)
  25. Huntsville Bible College
  26. J.F. Drake State Community and Technical College / @DrakeState (.8K followers) Huntsville, AL
  27. Jacksonville State University / @JSUNews (14.9K followers) Jacksonville, Alabama
  28. Jefferson State Community College / @jeffstate (2.3K followers) Alabama
  29. Lawson State Community College / @LawsonStateCC (1.7K followers) Birmingham/Bessemer, Alabama
  30. Lurleen B. Wallace Community College / @LBWCC (1K followers)
  31. Marion Military Institute / @MarionMilitary (1.9K followers) Marion, AL
  32. Miles College / @MilesCollege (7.8K followers) Birmingham, AL
  33. Miles Law School /
  34. Northeast Alabama Community College / @NACCMustangs (.6K followers) Rainsville, AL
  35. Northwest–Shoals Community College / @NWSCC (2.8K followers) Phil Campbell & Shoals
  36. Oakwood University / @OakwoodU (5.1K followers) Huntsville, AL
  37. Reid State Technical College / @ReidStateLions (1K followers) Evergreen, Ala.
  38. Samford University / @SamfordU (13.8K followers)
  39. Shelton State Community College / @sheltonstate (3.6K followers) Tuscaloosa, AL
  40. Snead State Community College / @sneadstatecc (2.6K followers) Boaz, Alabama
  41. Southern Union State Community College / @SUSCCNews (1.3K followers) Wadley, Opelika, Valley
  42. Spring Hill College / @shc_admissions (1.6K followers) Mobile, AL
  43. Stillman College / @StillmanCollege (4.5K followers) Tuscaloosa, AL
  44. Talladega College / @Talladega_1867 (2.4K followers) Talladega, AL
  45. Troy University / @TROYUnews (27.7K followers) Troy, Alabama
  46. Tuskegee University / @TuskegeeUniv (24.6K followers) Tuskegee, AL
  47. United States Sports Academy / @USSportsAcademy (3.4K followers) Daphne, AL
  48. University of Alabama / @UofAlabama (196.2K followers) Tuscaloosa, AL
  49. University of Alabama at Birmingham / @UABNews (35K followers) Birmingham, AL
  50. University of Alabama in Huntsville / @UAHuntsville (11.2K followers) Huntsville, AL
  51. University of Mobile / @univofmobile (3.6K followers) Mobile, Alabama
  52. University of Montevallo / @Montevallo (6.2K followers) Montevallo, AL
  53. University of North Alabama / @north_alabama (22K followers) Florence, AL, US, 35632
  54. University of South Alabama / @UofSouthAlabama (13.7K followers) Mobile, AL
  55. University of West Alabama / @univwestalabama (4.3K followers) Livingston, Alabama
  56. Wallace Community College / @wccdothan (1.8K followers) Dothan, AL, US, 36303
  57. Wallace Community College Selma / @wccselma (1K followers) Selma, AL
  58. Wallace State Community College / @wallacestate (5K followers) Hanceville, AL

Alaska Colleges 

  1. University of Alaska Anchorage Anchorage, Alaska (@uaanchorage) Athletics @UAASeawolves Mens Basketball @UAAMBB Women’s Basketball @UAAWBB
  2. University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska, USA @uafairbanks Athletics @AlaskaNanooks Men’s Basketball @NanooksMBB Women’s Basketball @NanooksWBB

Youth Basketball: USA Basketball Guidelines for 7th Grade

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

8th Grade / Ages 13 & 14

The USA Basketball guidelines for this age are a little tricky because the guidelines for 11-year-olds are slightly different than 11-year-olds. We feel is better to have a coach should follow the options that provides the best chance for ALL Players to succeed.

Players and coaches who continue to follow USA guidelines will see more positive results. Players and coaches who do not, will risk the possibilities of developing bad habits that will be difficult to correct.

It is a great age to coach because there is a passion that many players develop. Some players will absorb as much coaching as possible and can improve drastically over a short period of time.

Continue to gocus on age-appropriate skill development. Shoot on the approriate basket height whenever possible and…… MAKE SURE IT IS FUN! 

Encourage coaches, assistant coaches, parents and players to review and follow the USA basketball guidelines for this age.

These are the guidelines for 12 year olds.

Equipment And Court Specifications

Ball sizes: Boys and Girls size 6 (28.5”)

Height of Basket: 10 feet

Size of Court: 84’x50′ or 94’x50′

Distance of 3-Point: 19’9″

Distance of Free-Throw Line: 15 feet

Recommended Participation Guidelines

Game Length: 28-32 minutes

Games Per Week: 2

Practice Length: 60-90 minutes 

Practices Per Week: 2-4

Maximum Participation Guidelines

Maximum Games Per Day: 2 
Maximum Hours Per Week of Organized Basketball: 10

Rest Guidelines

Minimum Rest Days per Week: 1

Maximum Months Per Year in Organized Basketball: 7 months

Recommended Hours of Sleep Per Night: 8 – 10 Hours

Game Structure

Game Length: Four 8-minute periods

Time Between Periods: 1 minute

Extra Period(s): 4 minutes

Scoring: Free throw: 1 point All field goals: 2 points Field goal outside of 3-point arc: 3 points

Timeouts: Two 60-second timeouts permitted in the first half of play.  Two 60-second timeouts permitted in the second half of play. One 60-second timeout granted for each extra period Unused timeouts may not carry over to the next half or into extra periods

Start of Game Possession: Jump ball

Game Tactics

Playing Time: Coaches discretion in the fourth period and each extra period

Set Defense: All allowed throughout the competition at coaches discretion

Pressing Defense: Pressing allowed throughout the competition Leading team may not press when leading by 25 points or more

Double-Team/Crowding: Allowed throughout the competition at coaches discretion

Stealing from the Dribbler: Coaches discretion throughout the competition