Basketball Jokes for Friday the 13th

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Basketball Jokes for Friday the 13th”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for Friday the 13th. 
  2. Is Jason Voorhees any good at basketball?… What do you think? He wears a HOCKEY mask! (Friday the 13th Jokes)
  3. When Jason Voorhees best basketball move?…. A killer crossover! (Cemetery Jokes)
  4. What kind of snack do you have during a Friday the 13th basketball game?…. I scream (ice cream) sandwich. (Ice Cream Sandwich Jokes)
  5. There’s an away high school basketball game against the #1 team in the league on Friday the 13th of December… A nightmare before Christmas some may say. (December Jokes Christmas Jokes)
  6. There’s an away college basketball game against the #1 team in the country on Friday the 13th of December… A nightmare before Christmas some may say. (December Jokes Christmas Jokes)
  7. What fast food restaurant did the basketball team go to after winning a game on Friday the 13th?… Chi Chi Chi Chick-Fil-A. (Fast Food Jokes)
  8. What do you get if you cross Jason Voorhees with Allen Iverson?…. A killer crossover! (Cemetery Jokes)

Youth Basketball: 2nd Grade Playing Time Rotation

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Second grade playing playing time. USA Basketball has many great resources, including basket height, which should be 8 feet and ball size. We should be size 5, in terms of playing time, it is recommended that everybody plays.

USA Basketball recommendation: Equal playing time.

USA Basketball, in our biased opinion, is one of the best basketball organizations in the world for youth basketball coaches. Their job is basketball and basketball development. They are not parents. Judgment can be blurred by being a parent. They are basketball experts with combined backgrounds and experience that no youth coach could ever acquire. If you are a youth basketball coach or a parent, we highly recommend that become very familiar with USA website. Become an expert on your child’s age and the ages around your child. USA Basketball has developed a curriculum for each age. The guidelines that they feel our best for individual players and the national program.

(Over the years I have found this 11-man basketball rotation to be very helpful.)

What should the guidelines be for second grade?

2nd grade basketball players are still very, very young. This is their 3rd year in school, so most are decent at paying attention and following directions. Some have also participated in youth sports and if you can believe it club sports. (Commentary: WAY too young.), so it should be a year when coaches con introduce more basketball skills and concepts.

It is critical for a coach to be aware of the USA basketball guidelines. They have a fantastic website with so much to offer rookie and veteran youth coaches.

High School Basketball Tryouts: It’s All Over But The Crying 

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Don’t blink! It is basketball cut day. And cuts hurt. 

No high school coach enjoys telling a player that they cannot be a part of the team. How a coach informs his team can vary from program to program, but the message delivered is pretty clear. You are not good enough to continue to play high school basketball.

And you have to be pretty good to play high school basketball.

Coaches often say that cutting players is the hardest thing to do. On one hand, it’s very hard to tell a teenager that they can no longer do something that they have enjoyed and have played for many many years. On the other hand, most decisions really not that hard. In fact, they are very clear. A player lacks the skill, athleticism, quickness, or strength to compete at a certain level. Being cut is a harsh reality that is difficult for many players to accept.  

Coaches are very glad once the final team is selected and cuts are made.

For the player, his season is all over except for the crying. Many players, away from anybody else, often in their room, perhaps on a car ride home with a parent, will be crying. They will be crying real tears of pain and disappointment. They will be crying for a season that they will never get or get back. They will be crying because of the fact that many friends and family will know that they have been cut. They will be crying because perhaps another friend will make the team. They will be crying because their dream of being a varsity high school basketball player has come to an end, at least for now. 

Being cut from a high school team is an extremely dramatic experience. The biggest question is how did this happen?

1. Basketball was not a top priority during the off-season. Most players who really make basketball a top priority will have an opportunity to play basketball longer than players who are not committed to basketball. The youth basketball player who attends camps, listens, and develops an individual workout will continue to be part of a high school program. Other more talented youth players who do not work, will not. As players get older friends, significant others, work, driving, and other sports can be more important than basketball.

2. Basketball is a top priority, but there is no plan or the plan is flawed. Over the years, we have seen players pick up a basketball every single day and are very passionate about sport, however, they get cut from their high school program. These players will spend hours in the gym – playing pick-up, shooting, playing 2v2, and working on fancy drills that don’t translate into being a good fundamental high school basketball player.

These are the sad cases to see. If this passionate player had the opportunity to work with a skills trainer that could have devised a quality individual workout, these players most likely would make a team. They also most likely would continue to progress. They would have the opportunity to be a contributing member of a varsity team. These players worked on basketball, they simply worked on the wrong stuff.

3. Players do not understand their game. If you watch any level of competitive basketball, you’ll see players that do not understand their role within the team. They do not know what their strengths and weaknesses are as a player. Good coaches will clearly define the role of each player. The responsibility of each player is to know their role and work to expand that role with hard work and skill development.

4. Shooting Outside of A Player’s Range. The biggest mistake players make is not defining their shooting range correctly. In this world where three-point shots of valued more than gold by some players and coaches, most high school players do not understand that range is defined by shooting percentage. Simply because a player can make one shot from the three-point line even though they miss the next eight does not make a player an above-average three-point shooter. 

That’s why we encourage players to find their range as the spot where a player can consistently make five in a row. I have heard other trainers throw out making 70% of the shots in practice. That number sounds like a pretty solid number when you are talking about an above average high school shooter. 

We try to keep it simple and we place players in three categories – below average, average, and above average. We use percentages to define each category. Once games are played hudl is very effective at keeping track of shooting percentages and is used by many high schools. Obviously, game percentages will be much lower than practice percentages. Once in the season, these numbers should be considered as well.

5. A player has reached their ceiling. This is probably a proudest cut. A player has worked hard throughout their career to continue to play basketball. But at some point, for the vast majority of players, they will reach a point where somebody will tell them you’re just not good enough. 

For some players that might be the freshman level in very talented high school programs. For others, it might be JV, ultimately this happens to very good high players when trying to play in college at any level. Division III players aspire to play Division II and Division I which is so competitive. 

Division III is unbelievably competitive, just look at a local roster. Identify the players you know, there may not be any from your league or area of the state. 

6. A player has a bad attitude, and it’s not coachable. This is the easiest cut of all. I’m sure if a player falls into this category, they don’t see it. It will always be the coaches fault.

The crying will last for minutes, hours or days, but the tears will go away. And then it is time to decide what a player will do next. The decision we recommend most is pick up chess. (Every once in a while, we try to be funny.)

What we highly recommend is talking to the coach who made the decision. Perhaps ask the coach if you can be part of the program in anyway. That might mean videotaping games as a manager. That might need keeping the book and away games. That might mean being a practice player, which in some cases might lead to roster spot.

If you are truly passionate about basketball, you will find a way to be a part of the program. Perhaps you realize that being part of a competitive team just doesn’t seem to be realistic anymore. You may look into being a play-by-play announcer for a community television channel or color analyst. There is a growing demand for hype men. We know very little about this but see many many clips and edits online and the kids get very excited for that.

Basketball is a great game and if you have been cut, yeah sorry. But it is time to look in the mirror and realize that if you still want to play basketball, it could be some options. Read our recommendations on what we should do if you have been cut.

Boston Celtics Retired Numbers

Google Search “Boston Celtics Retired Numbers”

  1. 00– Robert Parish Parish
  2. 1 – Walter Brown
  3. 2 – Red Auerbach Auerbach
  4. 3 – Dennis Johnson
  5. 5 – Kevin Garnett
  6. 6 – Bill Russell Russell
  7. 10 – Jo Jo White
  8. 14 – Bob Cousy Cousy
  9. 15 – Tommy Heinsohn
  10. 16 – Tom Sanders
  11. 17 – John Havlicek
  12. 8 – Dave Cowens
  13. 19 – Don Nelson
  14. 21 – Bill Sharman
  15. 22 – Ed Macauley
  16. 23 – Frank Ramsey
  17. 24 – Sam Jones
  18. 25 – KC Jones
  19. 31 – Cedric Maxwell
  20. 32 – Kevin McHale
  21. 33 – Larry Bird
  22. 34 – Paul Pierce Pierce
  23. 35 – Reggie Lewis
  24. LOSCY He reportedly did not want his number 18 to be retired, so the Celtics retired his nickname “Loscy” instead.

Basketball Season Eve

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

December 1st, 2024 is the night before the start of the Massachusetts High School basketball season. It is filled with excitement, anticipation, and hope.

Team Dreams

  1. Win a League Championship
  2. Win a State Championship
  3. Qualify for the State Tournament
  4. Make it to the Final Four
  5. Be Better than Last Season
  6. Have great team chemistry

Basketball Jokes for December

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Google Search “Basketball Jokes for December”

  1. What month should you call on when you need a stop on defense?… “D” ecember.
  2. What month is the defense stopper on the calendar basketball team?… “D” ecember.
  3. Basketball Jokes for Christmas: What is Santa’s favorite NBA basketball team?… The Milwaukee Bucks. (Christmas Jokes Wisconsin Jokes)
  4. Why was Rudolph the Reindeer ineligible for his college basketball team?… His grade went down in history. (Reindeer Jokes & World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
  5. What is Santa’s favorite NBA basketball team?… The New York Saint Nicks. (Christmas Jokes Wisconsin Jokes)
  6. What do the winning Super Bowl quarterback, Karl Malone, Santa Clause, and the mailman have in common?… They always deliver. (Mailman Jokes & Super Bowl Jokes)
  7. Who delivers Christmas toys to all the good little boys in Minnesota?… Anta Claus.
  8. What is a basketball player’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  9. What is Santa’s favorite basketball play?… the give and “GO GO GO!”
  10. Why do basketball players leave cookies for Santa?… So he can dunk them! (Cookie Jokes)
  11. Who is the best choice of a musical artist to sing the National Anthem at an NBA game on Christmas Day?… A “wreath” a Franklin. (NBA Basketball Jokes)
  12. If a basketball player gets athlete’s foot, what does an astronaut get…  Missile Toe!(Top Astronomy Jokes)
  13. Why can’t basketball players go on Christmas vacation?… They aren’t allowed to travel.
  14. What did Delaware to the Christmas basketball game?… Idaho, Alaska. Maybe her New Jersey. (Top 50 State Jokes)
  15. What do NBA basketball cheerleaders drink before they perform at an NBA Christmas Day game?… Root beer! (Top 10 Sports Jokes)
  16. What Christmas song does a basketball player like?… Dunk the Halls with Boughs of Holly. (365 Music Jokes)
  17. What song describes a youth basketball player practicing on Christmas Eve… A shot in the dark. (Music Jokes)
  18. Who lead the reindeer team in celebration after they won the basketball against the elves?… Dancer.
  19. How do basketball players stay cool during a Christmas Day game?… They stand near the fans.
  20. Why did the North Pole basketball team struggle?… They had low elf esteem!
  21. Why do basketball players leave donuts for Santa?… So he can dunk them! (Cookie Jokes)
  22. Why do basketball players love Christmas cookies?… Because they can dunk them!
  23. What kind of coffee do basketball players leave for Santa?… Dunkin’ Donuts.
  24. Why did the basketball player sign up for the crafting club?… He wanted to learn how to make baskets for Christmas presents!
  25. What kind of stories are told by basketball players on Christmas Eve?…. Tall Tales.
  26. Who is the best choice of a musical artist to sing the National Anthem at an NBA game during the Christmas season?… A “wreath” a Franklin. (NBA Basketball Jokes)
  27. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for Christmas.
  28. What is a college basketball player’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  29. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good basketball joke for Christmas?
  30. What is a high school basketball player’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  31. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good basketball joke for Christmas knock-knock joke?
  32. What is a youth basketball player’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  33. What is Santa’s elves favorite NBA basketball team?… The Milwaukee Bucks. (Christmas Jokes Wisconsin Jokes)
  34. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good Christmas basketball knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  35. If a college basketball player gets athlete’s foot, what does an astronaut get…  Missile Toe!(Top Astronomy Jokes)
  36. What is Rudolph’s favorite NBA basketball team?… The Milwaukee Bucks. (Christmas Jokes Wisconsin Jokes)
  37. Why can’t college basketball players go on Christmas vacation?… They aren’t allowed to travel.
  38. Why can’t NBA basketball players go on Christmas vacation?… They aren’t allowed to travel.
  39. Why can’t youth basketball players go on Christmas vacation?… They aren’t allowed to travel.
  40. If a high school basketball player gets athlete’s foot, what does an astronaut get…  Missile Toe!(Top Astronomy Jokes)
  41. If a youth basketball player gets athlete’s foot, what does an astronaut get…  Missile Toe!(Top Astronomy Jokes)
  42. What is a basketball coach’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  43. What is a basketball fan’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  44. What version of the National Anthem is most popular in high school gyms before a basketball during the Christmas season?… A “wreath” a Franklin. (High School Basketball Jokes)

Youth Basketball: 1st Grade Playing Time Rotation

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

As an experienced coach at many different levels, the root of all complaints with coaches, regardless of age or skill level, is playing time. High school, college, travel, and AAU. (Even the 2024 Olympics with Jason Tatum and Steve Kerr.) No parent is happy with the playing time of a child in the majority of cases.

To make a season easier, it is best for the coach to establish clearly the playing time guidelines, whatever they may be at the start of the season. (Over the years I have found this 11-man basketball rotation to be very helpful.)

It is always better to defer to others in youth basketball in terms of playing time. One town had a minimum playing time of 25%. That is 1 quarter of a game. It is not a lot of playing time specially at younger levels when there is very little separation between the skills of the players. . But up until USA Basketball establish guidelines in 2013, coached had very little guidance and in many cases no guidance at all..

USA Basketball, in our biased opinion, is one of the best basketball organizations in the world for youth basketball coaches. Their job is basketball and basketball development. They are not parents. Judgment can be blurred by being a parent. They are basketball experts with combined backgrounds and experience that no youth coach could ever acquire. If you are a youth basketball coach or a parent, we highly recommend that become very familiar with USA website. Become an expert on your child’s age and the ages around your child. USA Basketball has developed a curriculum for each age. The guidelines that they feel our best for individual players and the national program.

What should the guidelines be for first grade?

For playing time it should be “Even Steven.” in a first grade basketball game teams will be lucky to score 10 points and there will be violations every possessions. But at this level, winning should not be important. At this age, some town leagues don’t even keep score. We see no problem with this.

Kids may end up keeping score on their own, but taking away the pressure of winning and losing, will decrease the amount of tears for the players. Because there WILL BE CRYING IN BASKETBALL once you introduce winning and losing at such a young age. 100% there will be tears. There will be players pointing fingers at each other for missed shots.

USA Basketball understands the 1st grade basketball should be about fun and fundamentals. USA guidelines recommend the players receive equal playing time at this age.

As a youth coach that did not have these guidelines, I agree 100% with equal playing time at this age. The bigger question might be is should games be played at all?

Skill development is very important, however, taving fun at this age is more important than skill development. Playing a game of a basketball is very, very complicated. Shooting, cutting, passing, defending. It is overwhelming at this age. It seems to be way too, way too much for these developing players.

We have created a page completely devoted to Coaching 1st Grade Basketball. We do not claim to have all the answers, but we feel it is a great resource for first grade coaches to check out. One of our favorite modifications for basketball at younger levels it the numbers game. it allows players to understand some of the concepts of 5 vs. 5. It is very manageable.

Good luck and have a great season.

Emirates NBA Cup Standings

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills, books, teaching tools, guest blogs and so much more for basketball coaches, players, and parents.

Bracket Emirates NBA Cup Knockout Rounds Schedule

Semifinals (Las Vegas)

Dec. 14 Bucks (1) vs, Hawks (3)

Dec. 14: Thunder vs, Rockets (2) 91 – Warriors (3) 90

Championship Dec. 17 (Las Vegas)


Tues., Dec. 10 Bucks (1) 114 – Magic 109

Tues., Dec. 10: Thunder (1) 118 – Mavericks (4) 104

Wed., Dec. 11 | Hawks (3) 108 – Knicks 100 (2)

Wed., Dec. 11 Rockets (2) 91 – Warriors (3) 90


East: Group A

Team W – L DIFF

  1. New York Knicks 4 – 0 +30
  2. Orlando Magic 3 – 0 +45
  3. Philadelphia 76ers 2 – 2 -3
  4. Brooklyn Nets. 1 – 3 -30
  5. Charlotte Hornets 0 – 4 -33

East: Group B 

Team W – L DIFF

  1. Milwaukee Bucks 4 – 0 +50
  2. Detroit Pistons 3 – 1 +7
  3. Miami Heat 2 – 2 +20
  4. Toronto Raptors 1 – 3 -17
  5. Indiana Pacers 0 – 4 -60

East: Group C 

Team W – L DIFF

  1. Atlanta Hawks 3 – 1 +15
  2. Boston Celtics 3 – 1 +23
  3. Cleveland Cavaliers 2 – 2 +30
  4. Chicago Bulls 2 – 2 +6
  5. Washington Wizards 0 – 4 -70 

West: Group

Team W – L DIFF 

  1. Houston Rockets 3 – 1 +40
  2. LA Clippers 2 – 2 +16
  3. Minnesota Twolves 2 – 2 -13
  4. Portland Trail Blazers 2 – 2 -17
  5. Sacramento Kings 1 – 3 -16

West: Group B 

Team W – L DIFF 

  1. OKC Thunder 3 – 1 +45
  2. Phoenix Suns 3 – 1 +30
  3. Los Angeles Lakers 2 – 2 -24
  4. San Antonio Spurs 2 – 2 +3
  5. Utah Jazz 0 – 4 -54

West: Group C

Team W – L DIFF 

  1. GS Warriors 3 – 1 +8
  2. Dallas Mavericks 3 – 1 +46
  3. Denver Nuggets 2 – 2 +6
  4. Memphis Grizzlies 1 – 3 -11
  5. New Orleans Pelicans 1 – 3 -49

College Club Basketball Year

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.


October 14th – 20th Tryout Week: It is NOT EASY to make a club basketball team. Depending on the size of the school, there could be some players who would have been able to make a Division I, Division II, Division III or NAIA roster. So be sure to prepare for the tryout seriously. Tryouts will vary from school to school, so there will be a different selection process with each club team. On particular school had one 2-hour tryout, with the two different groups. After each group tryout, there were cuts and call backs. There was one final tryout with additional cuts that were made. the final roster was 30 players. Emails were sent out to the players who made the team. Many of the players were practice players who did not play in the games.

Tryout Week Schedule: Split Tryouts : Monday / Wednesday  8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Callback tryout Friday 3:00 – 5:00. Teams announced Sunday.

October 21st – 27th Week #1 : Monday & Wednesday 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Friday 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM

Scrimmage Sunday 2:00 – 5:00

Harvard classics

Penn state tournament

November Club Basketball Schedule