Massachusetts High School Basketball: How Accurate Are MIAA Power Rankings?

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The MIAA has been using the Power Ranking System to determine who will make the post season basketball tournaments. This system using a combinations of the following to determine rankings:

  1. AVG. MARGIN = Average margin of victory, capped at +/- 10 points for any one game
  2. OPP. RATING = Average of a team’s opponents’ Overall Ratings
  3. RATING = Team’s Overall Rating (Avg. Margin + Opp. Rating

The goal of the power rankings to accurately assess the best and worst teams in the state and every team in between.

The best assessment is how many of the top teams make the Boys Final Four and Girls Final Four. It is also important to look at the boys and girls upsets in the State Tournament.

The final assessments is how many #1 seeds are crowned State Champions.

Boys Final Four (12/20 = 60%)

  1. #1 seeds (5/5): #1 Franklin High School, #1 Malden Catholic High School, #1 St. Mary’s High School, #1 Albert D. Holland School Of Technology, #1 Pioneer Valley Regional School
  2. #2 seeds (3/5): #2 Norwell #2 Bourne #2 Hopedale Jr. / Sr.
  3. #3 seeds (1/5): #3 Newton North
  4. #4 seeds (3/5): #4 Central Catholic #4 Oliver Ames #4 Drury

Boys Final Four

  1. Division 1 (3/4 teams) #1 Franklin High School, #3 Newton North #4 Central Catholic #7 Springfield Central
  2. Division 2 (2/4 teams) #1 Malden Catholic High School #4 Oliver Ames #6 Somerset Berkley Regional #7 Masconomet Reg.
  3. Division 3 (2/4 teams) #1 St. Mary’s High School  #2 Norwell #6 Taconic #20 Old Rochester Reg.
  4. Division 4 (4 teams) #1 Albert D. Holland School Of Technology #2 Bourne #5 Monument Mountain Reg HS #6 Georgetown Middle / High School
  5. Division 5 (4 teams) #1 Pioneer Valley Regional School vs.#2 Hopedale Jr. / Sr. #4 Drury #11 Westport