Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much.
- Basketball Guest Blogs
- High School Basketball Year / High School Basketball: One Week at a Time
- What is the Time Commitment of a Varsity High School Basketball Player?
- How to Be a Good High School Basketball Player
- High School “Basketball “Winter Season: December, January
The Holiday Hangover
The Holiday Hangover, as many high schools coaches know, can be taken literally and figuratively. There are high school student athletes who drink and some drink heavily on New Year’s Eve and this can have a lingering effect into the following week and the return to school. For others, it is just a figurative hangover of having free time, being able to relax and watch TV, and perhaps squeeze in a few extra individual workouts. Whatever the case may be, there is a little bit of a letdown upon the return to school.