High School Basketball & High School Graduation

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Just like basketball teams and leagues keeps track of top scorers, high schools in America keep track of top academic performers. In the classroom, schools keep track of GPAs, Grade Point Averages. GPAs are one of the most important factors in college selection process. Top athletic performers receive more recognition in the newspapers and on social media, but during a high school graduation, the top students will be recognized by the community.

The most prestigious award is the valedictorian which goes to the #1 student in the school. The #2 student is recognized as the salutatorian. Both of these individuals speak at the graduation. 

What does high school basketball have in common with a valedictorian and salutatorian? What the heck does a valedictorian have to do with high school basketball? High school (and basketball) is preparation for life. What habits are common among top basketball players and top students? 

God-given skills: Not everyone is born the same. Any teacher or coach can tell you that not all students or athletes are created equal. Whether in the classroom or on the court, some things that come easier to one individual, can be incredibly challenging for others. Some student-athletes can just show up and do well while others have to work incredibly hard to keep up.

Some players are born with height. Others are born with quickness, agility and speed. Others are born with the ability to understand the game well and apply skills in a game setting.

Not every player possesses the God-given skills to be a starter on a varsity basketball team and even fewer will have the opportunity to play at the college level. The same is true for academic performance. Not all students have the potential to be a top student.

The first factor in succeeding as student or a basketball player is the physical and mental “potential” to excel.

Work Habits: It is nearly impossible to be the number one student in high school or a starter on a varsity basketball team without developing exceptional work habits. Students need to make time to study and complete homework. Many top students can limit screen time and be completely focused during study sessions. The majority of their peers cannot shut off the noise of social media, streamed shows, or communication with others.

Accepting Challenges: To be a good basketball player on the court, players must seek out the highest level of competition. They must have a difficult individual skills workout. They must put themselves in uncomfortable situations. And they must compete in elite camps and AAU circuits. (Top 10 Reasons to Attend All-Academic Basketball Camp)

Students who excel in the classroom also challenge themselves. They seek the highest academic challenges, such as honors and AP classes. They compete in science fairs and on the math team. They enter speech and writing contests. They are always looking for ways to improve their minds.

Summer Work: Students and athletes that excel, do not take summers off. Elite basketball players travel the country playing several games over a weekend. These players also attend showcase camps where they compete against the top players in the country and receive coaching from college coaches.

AP students, often are required to do summer work for the classes. Depending on the class, this could be several weeks of work. Additionally, they enroll in academic camps, seek opportunities to expand their education. Many may do community service activities, such as mission trips, or Eagle Scout projects. 

Both elite basketball players and top-notch students know that the summer is a time for separation. One of our favorite questions is; “How many hours will it take? How many hours will it take to make a varsity team? To be an all-league player? To win a state championship? The same is true for academics. How many hours will it take to raise an SAT score 100 points? How many hours of extra work will it take to receive a five on an AP exam? How many hours of reading will it take to help develop vocabulary and writing skills?

Success is never easy, but if students work hard enough on the court and in the classroom, they will achieve success beyond their wildest dreams.