Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills, books, teaching tools, guest blogs and so much more for basketball coaches, players, and parents.
Our goal is put youth basketball players in a position to have a fun, enjoyable season where the FUNdamentals of basketball are stressed. We are focusing on the early ages of basketball because although there are many great resources for basketball, few focus on 1st grade.
Some youth basketball programs may start in earlier, but 1st grade seems to be great age to start organized recreation basketball. The majority of the time should focus on instruction for the 1st several weeks. So many of these players are new to basketball and organized sports.
Hopefully the local youth league has provided you with a curriculum and a few clinics to help you get started.
The following schedule is based on 4 teams with 12 players on each. If possible it is best to have between 8 – 10 players on a team. It is recommended that each player have a ball and that several parents help out as assistant coaches to make the instruction more personal.
Week #1 Skills Clinic One or two coaches should lead the instruction and the other coaches will work with the team. Ideally a league director could be the primary instructor to all all the coaches to work closely with his / her players.
This session is based on a 6 basketball gym.
48 players, 4 teams
The 1st week of a basketball season is always a little hectic, so you may have to allow a little more time for the completion of drills.
0:00 – 10:00 Meet team, hand out T-shirts, group explanation (line attendance)
10:00 – 20:00 Dribble laps & stationary ball drills (One coach can lead the instruction)
20:00 – 30:00 stationary partner passing, shuffle passes, dribble partner passing
30:00 – 40:00 AROUND THE WORLD Shooting spots (1:30 each)
40:00 – 45:00 Dribble Tag
45:00 – 60:00 half court games
Below is a more detailed explanation of the drills and organization.
1. Dribbling (Dribble laps): right, left, alternating
Triple Threat Position: 3 – 4 times blow the whistle (single for players to STOP and YELL “TRIPLE THREAT”).
1. “Triple Threat” (starting position) Ball on “shooting hip.”
2. “Ball Fake” Jab and lift “Ball above eyes” at the same time. FREEZE to check ball position
3. QUICK return to the starting triple threat position.
Notes: Triple threat position is a fairly simple idea to introduce, though most players will not be able to execute it during games. Coaches can use the following verbal commands to the players to help them understand the movement of the ball fake. “HIP (starting point), “JAB (step) & LIFT (The basketball above the eyes), (return the ball to the) HIP!”
2. Stationary partner passing, shuffle passes, dribble partner passing
Stationary partner passing: The teams will be lined up in the court area (use cones if necessary). Initial drill we be stationary passing with chest and bounce. Teaching points: Fingertips pointing to target. “TIPS TO TARGET!”, thumbs pointing down. Players may need help with aiming point for the bounce pass, 3/4ths the way to partner.
Shuffle passes: The players shuffle full court and make passes to the partner.
Dribble Partner Passing: Players can work with a partner (or more). 1st player dribbles to half court, turns around, stops at the cone and bounce passes to partner. 2nd player receives the pass and repeats the drills.
3. AROUND THE WORLD: Shooting spots (1:30 each)
Shooting spots: This will be weekly event. Coaches should keep track of progress. The goal is improvement, but team competition can be good. Shoot from 3 spots for 1:30. Record the scores. Check progress each week.
Dribble Lay-ups, right wing, center, left wing. Players rotate the baskets (they like this)
4. Dribble Tag (5 minutes): Use a different ball as the tag ball. One player is it. Other players dribble avoiding being tagged. If a player is tag, the “tag ball” is given to him. The person who WAS it has the other ball and player continues. There can be multiple tag balls if appropriate.
5. Half court games: Discuss with other coaches how the games will be organized.