High School Basketball: The Final Four Weeks

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The final four is a big event in basketball. For a basketball team to make the final four is something players and coaches dream of at all levels. We are now looking at the final four weeks of the high school basketball season.

It is hard to believe how long ago tryouts were and how much basketball has been played so far this season. But there is still so much more basketball games. Here are a couple thoughts in the final, four weeks of the season.

Quitting: At this point in the season, team identities have been created, starting lineups have been established, and playing time is pretty much set in stone. Sometimes players realize that there is no hope for being a contributing member on the basketball court. These players are faced with a dilemma, to complete the season on the bench or to quit and move on. There will be a few players in each league that decide they no longer want to be a member of the basketball team during the final weeks of the season.

Some players may officially quit, letting the coach know that they no longer want to be part of the team. Some may set up a meeting with the coach to discuss playing time, and based on this discussion will decide either to remain a part of the team or to go in another direction.

We encourage all players to finish strong, regardless of their role.

Quietly Quitting: There are others players who will quietly quit. They will skip practice. They will no longer be an active member on the bench. And they will be a cancer in practice. It is a challenging situation for players to be on team, in a sport they love, yet not able to play in games.

Dealing with Adversity: Players, and coaches will be faced with adversity throughout the season, and during the final four weeks adversity can seem to intensify. With the state tournament and league championships being decided with each game, tension can build.

To have a successful basketball season, so many things have to go well. However, adversity will be part of these weeks. How does the team handle sickness, how does a team handle a poor performance, how does the team handle foul trouble so many different scenarios? How many teams handle in eligibility question

Rising to the occasion: Players will be asked to step up who normally do not play. Some JV players may have developed and are ready to contribute at the varsity. Injuries, illness, vacations, and academics can impact teams.