Youth Basketball: 3rd Grade Playing Time Rotation

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by gradebooks, teaching tools, basketball jokesguest blogsbasketball quotes, and so much.

Second grade playing playing time. USA Basketball has many great resources, including basket height, which should be 8 feet and ball size. We should be size 5, in terms of playing time, it is recommended that everybody plays.

USA Basketball recommendation: Equal playing time.

USA Basketball, in our biased opinion, is one of the best basketball organizations in the world for youth basketball coaches. Their job is basketball and basketball development. They are not parents. Judgment can be blurred by being a parent. They are basketball experts with combined backgrounds and experience that no youth coach could ever acquire. If you are a youth basketball coach or a parent, we highly recommend that become very familiar with USA website. Become an expert on your child’s age and the ages around your child. USA Basketball has developed a curriculum for each age. The guidelines that they feel our best for individual players and the national program.

(Over the years I have found this 11-man basketball rotation to be very helpful.)

What should the guidelines be for third grade?

3rd grade basketball players are still very, very young. This is their 4th year in school, so most are decent at paying attention and following directions. Some have also participated in youth sports and if you can believe it club sports. (Commentary: WAY too young.), so it should be a year when coaches con introduce more basketball skills and concepts.

It is critical for a coach to be aware of the USA basketball guidelines. They have a fantastic website with so much to offer rookie and veteran youth coaches.