Massachusetts Boys High School Basketball: Final Four

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MIAA Tournament Central

The Final Four is held Monday, March 13th and Tuesday, March 14th. Teams will play one game to get to State Championship

Division 1 (4 teams)

  1. #1 Franklin High School vs. #4 Central Catholic
  2. #3 Newton North vs. #7 Springfield Central

Division 2 (4 teams)

  1. #1 Malden Catholic High School vs. #4 Oliver Ames
  2. #6 Somerset Berkley Regional vs. #7 Masconomet Reg.

Division 3 (4 teams)

  1. 19 #20 Old Rochester Reg. defeats #1 St. Mary’s High School 70 – 63
  2. #2 Norwell vs. #6 Taconic

Division 4 (4 teams)

  1. #1 Albert D. Holland School Of Technology vs. #5 Monument Mountain Reg HS
  2. #2 Bourne vs. #6 Georgetown Middle / High School

Division 5 (4 teams)

  1. #1 Pioneer Valley Regional School vs. #4 Drury
  2. #2 Hopedale Jr. / Sr. vs. #11 Westport

State Champions

Well, in case you haven’t noticed, making the Final Four is a pretty big deal. The whole school community is aware of your incredible playoff run so far. More and more supporters will be at the next game. People who have never played or had an interest in basketball will be there too. Enjoy every minute of it.

For nearly all the players and most of the coaches. This will be the biggest game in your life. Each shot each possession will be important. But, even though this will be the most important game of your life, it is just basketball. 

Go out and play your game. Focus on the fundamentals that have led you here. Don’t try to do too much. If you take charges, look for one more opportunity to take a charge. If you are a defensive stopper, give that little bit of effort that will limit their star player to one less possession or take one more contested shot. If you are not a scorer, make the extra pass. If you are a scorer, don’t be afraid to take that shot, but don’t try and do it all. 

Opposing players and coaches know your team very well and so does the crowd. 

Coach K mentioned that making the Final Four is like going on a trip to Mecca. It is an incredible accomplishment, but remember the journey that got you here. Remember your teammates and support them. There will be missed free throws, blown defense assignments, and critical turnovers from both teams. Stay together. Play hard. Compete. And celebrate your teammates. 

Good luck see you in the state championship.


Division I

  1. Boston College High School (1) @BCH_Basketball (@BChighathletics)
  2. Newton North High School (2) (@NNHSTigers) Newtonville, MA.
  3. Andover High School (3) 🙁@AndoverWarriors) Andover MA
  4. Springfield Central High School (4) (@SpringfieldCHS)

Division II

  1. Malden Catholic High School (1): @LancerHoop (@MCathletics1) Malden, MA
  2. Burlington High School (3): (@BHSAthleticDept)
  3. Norwood High School (7): @NorwoodBoysHoop (@NHS_Mustangs) Norwood, MA
  4. Scituate High School (13): @scituatehoops @JenkinsMrP (@ScitAthletics)

Division III

  1. St. Mary’s High School (1) @SMHBoysBball Lynn, MA
  2. Watertown High School (2)  (@WatertownSports) Watertown, MA
  3. Tech Boston Academy (3)  @TechBostonHoops
  4. Norton High School (4) @nortonboyshoops (@NHSLancersports)

Division IV

  1. Randolph High School: (1) @KalonJenkins
  2. Wahconah Reg (4)
  3. Saint Joseph Prep. (6)
  4. Snowden Int’l School @ Copley (23)

Division V

  1. Taconic High School (1): (@PHSTaconicSport)
  2. Baystate Academy Charter Public (2): @baystatehoops11
  3. Maynard (6)
  4. Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter (4): (@PFSJAthletics)


Division I

  1. Andover High School (1) (@AndoverWarriors) Andover MALawrence, Ma
  2. Wachusett Regional High School (2) @Wachubball (@WachusettAD) Holden, MA
  3. Springfield Central High School (3) (@SpringfieldCHS)
  4. Central Catholic High School (4) @CCRaider_Bhoops (@CCRaider_sports)

Division II

  1. Norwood High School (1) @NHS_Mustangs Norwood, MA
  2. Medfield High School: (2) @coachbigblue (@MedfieldAD) Medfield, MA
  3. Oliver Ames High School: (3) (@OAHSTigersports) Easton, Massachusetts.
  4. Whitman-Hanson Regional High School (5)  @WHCoach_Costa (@WHathletics)

Division III

  1. Medway High School(1) @MHSbballbooster (@MedwayAthletics)
  2. St. Mary’s High School (2) @SMHBoysBball Lynn, MA
  3. Rockland High School: (4) @dmitch1500 @Ladydogshoop (@Rocklanddogs)
  4. Bishop Fenwick High School (6) (@fenwicksports) Peabody MA.

Division IV

  1. Lunenburg High School (3) @BlueKnightsAD1
  2. Amesbury High School (4) @amesburybball
  3. South Hadley High School (8) (@SHTIGERS413)
  4. Millbury High School (10) @woolieball (@Woolie_Pride) Millbury, MA

Division V

  1. Hoosac Valley Middle/High School (1) (@acrsd / @HVCanes)
  2. Springfield International Charter School (2)
  3. Hopedale High School (3) (@hopedalesports) Hopedale, MA
  4. Taconic High School (5) (@PHSTaconicSport)