J.J. Redick Basketball Shooting Drills

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JJ Redick is an amazing shooter..he has great form and shooting mechanics. Since he has achieved shooting success at the high school, college and NBA levels, it makes sense to use some of his drills.

Five from five (25 shots total) A player starts in the right corner, directly in front of the basket. The player will make one shot from the spot, and then take a step back. The player will make a shot from five spots. 

The player will then move onto spot to which is the right wing. The player will repeat the process making five shots from the right wing. And then will move on to straight away, left wing, and finally left baseline.

Know you range: divide by 5

Challenge: make all five shots without missing. When a player misses, he must go back to the 1st spot.

Next level challenge Ray Allen drill

A player will shot from 5 spots. Each spot will have 5 different spots ranging from 2 feet to a players range. Total shots 25

Youth variation have 3 or 4 spots since range is not developing.

This drill is very simple

4 minutes 9 spots

JJ Redick Shooting Drill #1

JJ Redick Shooting Drill #2

The 2nd drill builds on the 1st one. In this drill the player will start at spot #3. The player will make five shots from the spot. After making five shots, the player will advance to spot for. The player will make five shots in advance to the final spot where he will also make five shots. 

Like in the previous drill, the player will shoot from five different spots right baseline, right wing, top of the key, left wing, and left baseline.

Total shots made 225

Challenge: a player must make five shots in a row before moving to the next level.

Point Guard College Video & JJ Redick Shooting Drills Google