High School Basketball: Should I Play a Fall Sport?

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This is a very important question for a high school basketball. Should I play a fall sport? There are so many benefits for a high school student-athlete to play multiple sports. And there are many different opinions on this topic. But the big questions is it the right decision for you?

So what are some of the questions that should be asked when making this decision.

What is the fall sport and what is the time commitment? There are many sports available to high school students and the time commitments will vary significantly based on the level and sport. For example varsity football is a full-time commitment with practices, strength training, film sessions, games, and recovery. The season ends on Thanksgiving, just 5 days before the start of the basketball season. Other sports end in early to late October, so a player will have a few weeks to prepare for the season.

Will you play Fall AAU Basketball? Fall AAU is an opportunity many high school basketball players take advantage, even if they are also playing a fall sports. Some players are committed to an AAU team, while others will bounce from team to team. It is important to consider the time, travel, and cost of a fall AAU season.

If you do not play a fall sports, will you REALLY work on your game? So many basketball players do not play a fall sport to “focus” on basketball. Many of these players are not self-motivated. They do not work very hard and they would probably benefit being a member of a team where coaches and players will hold them accountable. If you are committed and passionate about basketball and will complete several individual skills workouts, lift, and condition, then a fall sport might not be the best option for you.

What does your basketball coach think? Three-sport varsity coaching are a dying breed, but “back when I was a kid,” it was not uncommon to have three-sport coaches. These individuals might value multi-sport players more than others. Each player should communicate with his coach to clearly understand the off-season expectations of a player and the program.

Hopefully these questions will help you make the best choice possible. One final reminder, MOST basketball players do not play in college, so playing multiple sports might make your high school experience a little more enjoyable.