Basketball Shooting Fundamentals: Eyes Focused on the Target

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BEEF. Below is a SIMPLE explanation of each letter in the word BEEF as it applies to shooting.



E = EYES: The eyes should always be focused on the target.

F = FOLLOW THROUGH: The last part of the shot. BEND AND EXTEND (extend the elbow above the eyebrow), PUT YOUR HAND IN THE BASKET (or HAND IN THE HOOP), FREEZE THE FOLLOW THROUGH, FISH HOOK 

Click here for a more detailed explanation of each part of the shot.

E = EYES: The eyes should always be focused on the target

  1. The eyes should be focused on the target at all times. The eyes should never follow the flight of the ball.
  2. The eyes should focus on the target, the center of the basket.

This is a habit that needs to be emphasized from the 1st time a player picks up. a basketball. It is very easy for a coach or teammate to see an error in this aspect of the shot. Even AWFUL shooters can keep the eyes on the target. The goal is to create above-average shooters who maintain having the eyes on the target.

Some common errors.

Not looking at the basket: Does this really happen? Most definitely. It is an atrocious flaw to a shot, however, it is not uncommon to see a younger player shoot the ball without even looking at the target. It is critical for a coach to stress looking at the target when shooting. Most players will look at the target. To correct this problem, watch the players eyes during shooting drills and remind them of keeping the eyes on the target regularly.

Following the flight of the ball: This is a very common mistake of both good and bad shooters. Players have a tendency once they’ve shot the ball, to follow the flight of the ball to see if the ball will go in. As players become better shooters, the feel of the shot should be a better indication of whether the shot is going to go in or not. It is important for coaches to try and break a player’s habit of following the flight of the ball.

Sneaking a peek at the ball: This problem is a little more difficult to detect. A player will shoot the ball keeping the eyes on the target, then they will give the ball a quick look, before returning the eyes to the target. It often is subconscious and players are not aware they are doing this. Taking a video of the shot is a great way for a player to realize they may have a tendency to sneak a peek at the ball.

Keeping the eye on the target is a fairly basic habit, it should be easily corrected and once established able to be maintained throughout a player’s career. Coaches do not have to worry about form, technique or anything until a player can keep their eyes on the basket. 

Good luck to learn more about correct shooting form, please click here.