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Hudl is one of the most useful tools for high school basketball players and coaches. So many players use it to create highlight reels, but it is important to also looks at areas where play can be improved.
Here are a few tips on how to analyze hudl for high school basketball players.
1. Check in time with score and check out time with score. This is very important for a player to understand. How does the team do when a player is in the game. Basketball is a team game. It’s not how about individual stats, it is about how the TEAM plays when you are on the court. If the team has success, a player will earn more playing time.
It is also good to know the trend of the game when you check into a game so you can mentally prepare and be ready for that opportunity. Many high school coaches have a set rotation and several others might change the rotation from game to game week to week. However, your coach does it you gotta be ready when your number is called.
2. Turnovers This is probably the most critical aspect of the game that can help increase minutes for a player. Hopefully there are games when you do not have to analyze one turnover, but chances are there will be a few turnovers to look at. If a player has to analyze this two or three turnovers in four minutes of playing time enjoy your analysis might not be much more in the future.
To play varsity high school basketball it is critical to minimize turnovers and it is essential to value the ball. Players who value the ball will gain trust to the coach and will gain more playing time. There are many reasons players turn the ball. Understand what you can do wrong so next time you can make the correct decision.
The correction might be as simple as get the ball to a guard..
Catch and Shoot (makes and misses). The majority of high school basketball field goal attempts are catch and shoot. This category is probably the easiest analyze. If you’re a shooter, your shot you look the same every time. If you’re not a shooter, shot selection is very important.
A few things to consider when analyzing a field goal attempt
- Time and score: How much time is left on the shot clock? (two for one possessions)
- Shooting within your range: Is it within your range.
We highly recommend that the speed be set to the slowest speed possible to look at every aspect of your shot. The most important one we believe is the 22 follow through.
We choose to analyze scoring opportunities by category because each categories is different. There may be some categories that you’re not ready to take.
Shot off dribble this is a more advanced skill in shooting. Shooting dribbling to your weak hand is also a challenge for most high school players.
Hudl can break down most types of shots, but a player should be aware of how effective he is shooting going to the strong hand and shooting to the weak hand.
The move that you’re more comfortable executing, is the mover that you should look for.
Scoring moves: A player’s goal is to get to the million dollar move. Each varsity player should have a scoring move that they can feel confident using in a game when the opportunity presents itself. It is a move that should have a high rate of success.
These types of scoring moves are attacking the rim and finishing with a layup. There was a great around the world scoring series that can help you master these moves. Most average high school basketball players do not have a scoring move. It is usually the all league players that have the ability to score in a variety of ways
We hope this provides a player with a good start