Youth Basketball Workout: Simple Shooting Workout

This is a very simple shooting workout that will help a player become a more consistent shooter with deeper range. Most players do know the steps to becoming the best shooter on a team. 

  1. Have good form. Use BEEF to develop proper shooting form.
  2. KNOW YOUR RANGE. The spot where you can consistently make 5 in a row. 
  3. Have a quality shooting workout AND shoot more than other players on your team.
  4. Record your makes and percentages.

Timed layups (each set is 30 seconds): The timed layups are drills that help players replicate scoring moves in a game. These drills are all great for reinforcing fundamentals and should always be a part of an individual skills workout. 

  1. Mikan Drill: 2 sets of the Mikan drill. (30 seconds) 
  2. Reverse Mikans: 2 sets of reverse Mikans. (30 seconds)
  3.  X-outs: 2 sets of x-outs (3 seconds)

1-hand form shooting (WITH the guide hand in 2-hand shooting position BUT slightly off the ball): Using good form, make 5 shots in a row. After making 5 in a row, step back and repeat. Shoot until you can maintain good form and make 5 in a row. Once the form breaks down and you cannot make 5 in row STOP. It will take several workouts to move back so be patient and keep working. 

Record the number of shots and makes  (4 spots = 20 shots). To keep it simple, only record the makes as the number of spots X 5. 

Variation: Add an additional spot. Complete the drill from a different spot. (maximum 5 spots) 

2-hand form shooting (ADD the guide hand. It is ONLY a guide and should not move?): Using good 2-hand form, make 5 in a row. After making 5 in a row, step back and repeat. Shoot until you can maintain good form and make 5 in a row. Once the form breaks down and you cannot make 5 in row STOP.

Record the number of shots and makes  (4 spots = 20 shots). To keep it simple, only record the makes as the number of spots X 5. 

Variation: Add an additional spot. Complete the drill from a different spot. (maximum 5 spots)

Around the World Game Shots: The most important part of this drill is selecting the appropriate distance. A player should be able to make 60% – 90% of the shots. A player will make 10 shots from the left corner, left wing, top of key, ring wing, and right corner. Record the number shots needed to make 50. 

Record the number of made shots and misses. Calculate the percentage. If it is less than 60% move in next time.
Variation: Around the World AND BACK Game Shots (2nd set): Start on the opposite corner and repeat the drill.