Category: Basketball Workouts

High School Basketball Tryouts: It’s All Over But The Crying 

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. Don’t blink! It is basketball cut day. And cuts hurt.  No high school coach enjoys telling a player that they cannot be a part of the team. How a coach informs his team can vary from program to […]

Youth Basketball: USA Basketball Guidelines for 5th Grade

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. 5th grade basketball is start of separation between above-average players and average players. Players also begin to develop a passion and a few learn the value of individual workouts. Players who focus on age-appropriate fundamentals will show incredible […]

Youth Basketball: USA Basketball Guidelines for 4th Grade

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. 4th grade basketball start to be very competitive. Travel teams exist in most towns and the pressure to win seems to increase. The USA Basketball guidelines are often ignored at this age. This will limit the development of […]

High School Basketball: Should I Play a Fall Sport?

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. This is a very important question for a high school basketball. Should I play a fall sport? There are so many benefits for a high school student-athlete to play multiple sports. And there are many different opinions on […]

High School Basketball: When Does the Freshman Basketball Season Start?

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. Freshman year is 25% of a 4-year high school basketball career. (For some players it will 100% of the high school career because they will get cut sophomore year.) We view the basketball year as four separate seasons, […]

Basketball Shooting Fundamentals: Eyes Focused on the Target

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. BEEF. Below is a SIMPLE explanation of each letter in the word BEEF as it applies to shooting. B = BALANCE: BODY BALANCE & HAND BALANCE E = ELBOW: ELBOW FORMS AN “L” & WRIST WRINKLES” E = EYES: The eyes […]

What is the Most Important Relationship in Basketball?

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. There are so many relationships in basketball. The player and his parents, siblings or teammates. A player- coach relationship is critical. So is the relationship of a player with officials. Don’t forget the opponents and the fans. There […]

Youth Basketball Workout: Simple Shooting Workout

This is a very simple shooting workout that will help a player become a more consistent shooter with deeper range. Most players do know the steps to becoming the best shooter on a team.  Timed layups (each set is 30 seconds): The timed layups are drills that help players replicate scoring moves in a game. […]