Author: youthbasketball123

Youth Basketball: 1st Grade Basketball Pre-Season Email

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills, books, teaching tools, guest blogs and so much more for basketball coaches, players, and parents. Top Youth Basketball Twitter Accounts “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” Will Rogers You are a GREAT person to be coaching 1st grade basketball. THANK YOU! We […]

Youth Basketball: USA Basketball Guidelines for 7th Grade

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. 8th Grade / Ages 13 & 14 The USA Basketball guidelines for this age are a little tricky because the guidelines for 11-year-olds are slightly different than 11-year-olds. We feel is better to have a coach should follow the options […]

Youth Basketball: USA Basketball Guidelines for 7th Grade

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. 7th Grade / Ages 12 & 13 The USA Basketball guidelines for this age are a little tricky because the guidelines for 11-year-olds are slightly different than 11-year-olds. We feel is better to have a coach should follow the options […]

Youth Basketball: USA Basketball Guidelines for 6th Grade

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. 6th Grade / Ages 12 & 13 The USA Basketball guidelines for this age are a little tricky because the guidelines for 11-year-olds are slightly different than 11-year-olds. We feel is better to have a coach should follow the options […]

Youth Basketball: USA Basketball Guidelines for 5th Grade

Youthbasketball123 is a website designed to provide ideas, drills by grade, books, teaching tools, basketball jokes, guest blogs, basketball quotes, and so much. 5th grade basketball is start of separation between above-average players and average players. Players also begin to develop a passion and a few learn the value of individual workouts. Players who focus on age-appropriate fundamentals will show incredible […]